Up in the Air

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Stella POV
It's been four days since I wake up from my coma. I was tired of being stuck in this cold beige room. The only exciting part of my day went Kelly would bring Max to see me. It seems like every time I saw him, he learned something new and he grew an inch. My physical therapy was going well but it was slow I had feeling in my arms, I had feeling in my legs but I wasn't able to walk. I was just ready to be discharged from this hospital.
Manning, "Okay Stella I know you are ready to get out of this hospital. I have been talking to your doctors and physical therapists we all agree it's time for you to go home."
Stella, "Okay."
Manning, "I called Kelly he is on his way. Stella because you are not able to move your lower extremities yet your physical therapy will make  house calls and I also recommend a home care nurse to help you. Went you are alone."

"Um Ouch!"
"Don't push yourself so hard Stella."
"I'm just ready to walk again."
"Rome wasn't built in a day. How are you managing your pain."
"I'm good."
"I spoke to your doctor you are overexerting yourself and your body is in pain, you are sore. Just take it slow."
Stella, "Take it slow, what the hell. I can't be alone with my son. I have someone come to help me take a shower. I don't even if I will every a firefighter again and you want me to take things slow everything is already slow."

Kelly POV
"Hey, Marissa how is she."
"Well, she has been quiet all day but she perky up went Cindy came over with Max. She has not eaten all day I think she in pain. I'm sorry Kelly this isn't the news that you wanted to hear it when you come home from work."
"Thank you Marrisa you can leave."
"Are you sure Kelly."
"Yeah Max and I will take care of Momma."

I Knock on the door, then I slowly walk in. 
"Max, Look Momma, is she sleeping."
Stella. Stella, I said quietly.
she rolled over 
"Hey beautiful someone wanted to say hi."
I leaned Max over to Stella he snuggled to her. I left the room to make dinner for the two of us. Ritter was out with friends, so it was just the three of us. I walk back into the room with two plates of Lemon Pepper Chicken put it on a tray. I look over on the bed Max was pass out sleeping so carry him to his room and lay his in his crib. 
Stella and I sat down and ate.
Kelly, "Stella how are you doing."
Stella, "My recover is going slow and everything is just up in the air."
Kelly, "I understand, everything is up in the air what do you mean?"
Stella, "Well, walking, working, and You."
Kelly, "Everything is up the air with me?"
Stella, " Yeah Kelly what are we doing, we are living together playing house but you and I barely speak to each other we don't even sleep in the same room."
Kelly, "I was giving you space, I thought it would be better your recovery."
I look at him.
Kelly, "I thought you knew my true intentions."
Stella, "Which are?"
Kelly leaned into close to me and kiss me. It was so gentle and passionate I felt his hand grab my face.
Stella, "Stop Kelly."
Kelly, "I'm sorry."
Stella, "We can't, I wanted too. You understand."
Kelly, "I do, well is there anything I could help you with."
Stella, "Well you could help get a bath."
Kelly, "Stella I could you ask no sex."
Stella, "Kelly, It's a bath we could do other things."

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