Tiny Coffin

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Gabby POV
Ambo 61 arrive back at the firehouse, Brett and I hop out I went at the back and open the door for Lucky. He quietly stepped out at the Ambo and follow me into the firehouse. I walked into Casey's office Lucky stay outside the office.
Gabby, "Matt, We need to help Stella and Kelly."
Matt, "Okay So What they need help with."
Gabby, "Lucky, Full disclosure I don't really know the details but Stella and Kelly are having a hard time with Lucky. On top of the situation with Piper." It the straw that broke the camel's back. I didn't want Stella and Kelly to say that they couldn't take back."
Matt, "Okay, How's Piper."
Gabby, "He is intubated. It's just a waiting game."

At Med- A Few Hours Later
Stella POV
Kelly and I sat in the waiting room, Max had laid his head on my lap I ran my hand through his hair. 
Stella, "I defend him."
Kelly, "What babe."
Stella, "Lucky! I always picked up for him. I made excuses for him."
Kelly, "What do you mean?"
Stella, "Since Lucky came to live with us he has been spiraling out of control."
Kelly, "We were trying to help him."
I got up and began to pace in room. 
Stella, "Help him. Look what that did for us."
Kelly, "But..."
Stella, "But what Kelly our son is fighting his life. Lucky took Max to a party where he could have gotten hurt. Lucky is bad news."
Kelly, "Stella."
Stella, "We rush into being a fostering parent. I wanted to believe that all Lucky need was someone to be there and show how they care. My problem is that I compared my life with Lucky I didn't live a life like Lucky. I had a stable home, I had parents, yes did drugs and I ran away from home. That doesn't make me and Lucky similar."
Kelly, "What do you want us to do Stella."
Stella, "Tiny Coffin can be made. I will not outlive my sons! Open your eyes, Kelly!"
Kelly, " We can't just throw him on the street."|
Stella, "Pay Attention Kelly! You have a soft spot for Lucky."
Kelly, "Calm down and keep your voice down because Max loves Lucky."
Stella, "I don't care I don't want him around the boys."
Jennifer walked into the waiting room.
Jennifer, "I got here as soon I could."
Stella, "I needed to get some air."
I walked out of the waiting room. Going toward the exit I passed by the nurse's station I feel a sharp pain. I leaned against the wall and rubbed my belly. 
Maggie, "Stella are you okay?"
Stella, "I just feel a little pain. I'm fine."
Maggie, "Stella you're having heavy breathing and you are grabbing your side. How far along are you."
Stella, "I'm 29 weeks. Ouch!"
Maggie, "It happens again. I'm getting Dr.Marcel where's Kelly."
Stella, "This can't be happening. Kelly is in the waiting room."

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