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Kelly POV
I sat at the Squad table going thought the bag. I found a bunch of medication then I saw one of the medicine bottles had his name on it Lucky, his last name was starch off. Such a cool name I thought to myself. Ambo returned 51 I called Dawson over. 
Severide, "Can you tell me what these are for. Are they narcotics. Can someone use this to get high."
Dawson, "Kelly, Hold Down. Let me check. No, this medication for diabetes, this person is diabetic."
Severide, "Oh Okay."
Dawson, "Where did you get these from."
Severide, "It from the kid, that last call from the Boy's Home. The kid went back for this bag then he just disappeared without it. I can't understand that."
Dawson, "Maybe got spooky, Kelly."
Severide, "Yeah Maybe."
Dawson, "Severide I will to my contact DCFS maybe they can help you find the kid."
Severide, "Thanks, Dawson."
The rest of the shift I keep thinking about the boy. Dawson let me that next shift someone will contact me from DCFS but DCFS was busy trying to find homes for the other boys. I barely saw Stella that shift she was working from headquarters, Mills was an acting lieutenant on 81. Off shifted I would hang out with the boys I decided to help Stella out by drop off the boys. We arrive at Gabby's house Max and I knock on the door while I held Piper she opened the door she looked so surprised to see me. Her hair was down and curlies covered some of her faces. She had on a black oversize T-shirt with sweat pants. Before I could say a word I heard someone called Max's name.  

Stella POV
I open the door Kelly was there I standing with the boys. I was so excited to see him. It like I had butterfly all of again. I thought to myself did he notice my belly was I showing. Then suddenly his facial expression change went he heard Tyler called Max's name. He looked at Tyler and then he looked me, he kissed Max and Piper and gave me Piper. He left didn't say anything. After I told Tyler I wasn't in the mood for the company anymore. I told I wanted to hang out with my kids, I laid in bed with boys but I kept thinking about what I did Kelly think. His mind must be racing right now. I should have said something. 
It was shift day, Cheif Boden was giving the morning briefing and  I sitting in the corner Kelly was across the room I could feel him staring at me. After the briefing over Kelly approach me.
"Okay, Stella I don't want to fight about."
"Okay, Kelly."
"I don't want Tyler around the boys."
"Stella I'm their father I'm tried to protect please let me. I don't trust Tyler. Okay"
Without waiting for my answer he walked away.

Kelly POV
Walking back to my quarter then the bells went off.
Squad 3 Ambo 61
ON Scene
"My Son! Help my son!"
"Sir Where is he?"
"He fell in! He fell in the water!"
"Ok, I will get your son out. Dawson, Please Check him out."
"Come with me. Sir"
"Capp and Tony get the boat in the water."
"Cruz lets suit up we are in the water. "
We got into the water it was dark and murky it took so long for us to find him. We got him out of the water he was blue. CPR was immediately administered.
"Here towels to dry him for so with can put the paddles."
"Help Him!"
"Charging to 200 Shocking Clear!"
"No Rhythm. Charging to 250 Shocking Clear!"
We watched as Dawson and Brett work on the lifeless boy for 20 minutes. While the Dad yelled in the background. "HELP HIM! DON'T STOP PLEASE."
Dawson check for a pulse, nothing his pupils were fixed. 
Dawson turned to Dad "I'm sorry your son has no pulse we have been shocking him over 20 minutes. Your Son has no heartbeat. Your son has died."
Then I heard an earth-shattering scream a woman ran up on the scene crying uncontrollably calling the little boy name there was no answer.
After that Squad 3 packed up and head back to 51. I was in my quarter then there was a knock on the door.
"Hello there, I'm looking for Kelly Severide."
"Yes, I'm him."
"I'm Tina McCarty from DCFS. I'm here about Henry Jax Boy's Home."
"Okay, So I have this bag."
Before I could finish my sentence she said
"That Lucky's bag I know that bag anywhere."
"OK does Lucky have a last name."
"Lucky Adrian Montgomery. Do you know where he is."
"No, but I want to find him. I found these medications in his bag. I want to give him in back."
"Yes, he was diagnosed with diabetes after an incident. I will try anyway I can but Lucky is runner he has been a runner since been in the system."
"How long been in the system."
"Since he was 2 and now he is 13."
"His Parents."
"His file doesn't say much about his parents, but parents died went he was two. His Casefile is so backlogged it's hard to get information about who is his family and where he came from. He couldn't tell us because he was so young. I just received his casefile a few months ago."
The conversion went on after she left I took the guys to go looking for Lucky but nothing I left the shift defeated. A week passed still no sign of Lucky but I would leave my information at different locations my name Kelly and 51 address. Stella and my relationship was good standing but still, everything had changed. Gabby and the boys move back with Casey. So Stella had the apartment all to herself she made her and boys more comfortable I decided to move back into the old apartment so the boys had some kind of familiarity. It was my weekend with the boys I arrive at the apartment I knock on the door. Then I realize it was open I open the door and I saw..

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