Five Weeks and 10 days

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Kelly POV
Four days later, I wore my dress blues and headed out the door. 
The bagpipes had stopped, the drums got quiet. The funeral was about to begin a  firetruck rolled to a stop in front of Holy Name Cathedral. The coffin was mounted high and shrouded in the flag of the Chicago Fire Department. Standing in the street among the thousand firefighters from different companies, fire academy cadets, city leaders, family members, friends, and strangers here to pay their respect for a fallen hero. 
I stand with other members of the firehouse 51. Then a command was shouted, a sea of white-gloved hand flew to hat brim in salute. The coffin was lowered I was one of the pallbearers, Mills, Cruz, Casey, Capp and Hermann step up to grab the of the casket. The silent party greeted at the cathedral door Cardinal Patrick James bless the casket as we pass through the door. We walked through a packed cathedral, we grab our seat. As the Cardinal finishes his prayer. 
I stood up, walk to the pulpit to give my eulogy. 
Good Morning we here to Celebrate the life of Julian Jerome Holloway. The job of a firefighter is not something everyone could do. This job is truly a calling, it takes a special kind of person, someone with a huge heart, a person of character and person with compassion and Julian Jerome Holloway, was all those things. He was a selfless man. I  remember the first time I met him, he was 16 years old he loved to listen to old stories of firefighters rescuing victims. I remember when I drove him to fire academy all he wanted to be was a firefighter at 51. I was there with him went he got the call that he would be joining the rants at firehouse 51. I was so elated to have him there. JJ was the smallest guy in the company but he was eager to learn. Always tell me that he could lift my body weight with just one hand. Today we are all here to celebrate the life of fallen hero Julian Jerome Holloway.

I went back to my seat everything was going in slow motion, JJ was dead. 
The funeral was over.
I don't how it happen but I found myself at MED.
I sat at the end of the bed and watching her sleep.
After Casey open water cannon I ran into the factory, other firefighters from 51 ran in with me. We searched for Kidd and Holloway who struck somewhere on the second floor. 
I walk upstairs there was a beam in the middle hallway, I looked further down the hallway and there I saw.
Severide said," JJ! JJ!. 
I pull JJ off of Kidd I check his pulse nothing. JJ lay his body on top of Kidd. She was bleeding from the head and her mask was broken. I carry her body outside. JJ was dead on the scene. Kidd was transported to MED. 
For Four days I would come to the hospital and sit at her bedside, waiting for her to wake up. I felt in the chair. 
Kelly Kelly 
I heard a soft voice calling my name I opened my eyes there she was her eyes were finally open.
Kelly said, "I'm so glad you're back"
Stella said, "Of course remember you are taking me for dinner strictly professional."
I looked at her and laugh and said "Yeah I did. Stella do you remember what happened."
Stella said," Yeah just in a little flash, the beam fell on me JJ dragged my body. Where's JJ Kelly?"
I look at her with tears running down my face.
Kelly said, "JJ died he lay on top if you shielding your body. Something went wrong JJ is dead."
Stella said, "Kelly I'm so sorry."
Kelly said, " It broke my heart when I heard your voice on the radio, I could hear JJ in the background calling your name you probably lost consciousness."
Stella said, "I only knew him for a short time but JJ was amazed."
Kellly said, Yes he was. He was a hero in Chicago for 5 weeks and 10 days."

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