Kelly Severide

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Kelly POV
I walked into the office.
"Come in Severide locked the door behind."
Severide, "Commissioner Grissom, Deputy District Chief Boden, Chief Casey."
Grissom, "Severide today I received a call from Chief Ripley. Reporting you for insubordination and failure to lead."
Severide, "Commissioner, I was just doing my job."
Grissom, "Severide this is your fourth infraction. And now your file is under review by the department."
Then there was a knock on the door. "Come In."
Chief Ripley walked into.
Chief Ripley, "Commissioner, Chief Boden, Chief Casey, I requesting that a new command at 51."
Chief Casey, "Excuse me."
Grissom, " Ok Chief Ripley. What do you have in mind."
Chief Ripley, "There's too much nepotism happening here 51. Captain Severide is involved with the truck lieutenant and chief Casey has been covering for Severide. I suggest that Chief Casey transferred to a different house."
Severide, What the hell. Chief Ripley has a thumb up his ass and he doesn't know how to manage firehouse."
Chief Ripley, "You feel you can speak to anyone anyway you want but that's not how this goes."
Grissom, "Enough Chief Ripley you are dismissed we will speak later."
Chief Ripley leaves the office.
Grissom, "Chief Casey do you have any to say for yourself."
Chief Casey, "I stand with Severide he is a capable fire captain."
Grissom, "Chief Casey, Chief Boden has told a lot you. Casey, you are an asset for the CFD but your loyalty will be your downfall.  I think it's best that you be transferred out to a different house. Take the rest of the shift off and you will receive a phone call about the house you're going to."
Casey, "Okay."
Grissom, "You're dismissed." 
Casey left the room. I was now in the room with Commissioner Grissom, Chief Boden.
Grissom, "Severide you dig yourself into a hole."
Severide, " Commissioner it was a simple extraction. Chief Ripley is on a crusade."
Grissom, "Kelly, Kelly between this incident with Ripley and the lawsuit against you which also has your command in question and other dings on your record. It's bad for the CFD Kelly you left me no option."
Severide, "What."  
Grissom, "We're stripping you of your rank. Turn in your bugles."
Severide, "Are you kidding me."
Boden, "I'm really sorry Kelly."
Grissom, "Captain Patterson will be taking over Command of squad 3 effective immediately. Chief Boden will be stationed at 51 until further notice."
Grissom came over and gave me a hug and left the office.
Boden, "Kelly, you will remain with the squad 3. Captian Patterson and I will write your review for headquarter."
I nodded my head.
Chief Boden, "Kelly your reputation as a firefighter is not in question."
Severide, "No, just my ability to follow the chain of command and my leadership."
Chief Boden, "Kelly you're dismissed."

I walked into the locker room to change my captain shirt and pull on a regular uniform shirt. I exit went to Squad Truck then I saw Patterson introduced himself to Cruz, Capp, and Tony. He walked over to me tried to make small talk. I shook his hand then I dismissed myself.

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