Party of Four

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Hours Earlier 
Stella POV 

"Bye Kelly."
I hop back into bed to snuggle next to Max. I fell back to sleep then I woke up sharp pain in back it was quick then it faded away. I brush it off and carry on with my day. I decided to get take a warm shower then after I got dressed.  Max was now up in the living room watch cartoon. 
"Max come here for breakfast."
Max, "Mama are you okay."
Stella, "Uhm its fine. Hey, Bud before you eat going get dressed and grab my phone."
Max, "Okay Mama."
I got on my phone and call Gabby.
Stella, "Gabby I'm not sure but I think in labor.
Gabby, "Ok how far apart are the contraction."
Stella, "They are 2 minutes apart. I having one hmmmmm."
Gabby, "Stella give the phone to Max."
Stella, "Ok." Come here, Max.
Gabby, "Hey little Man I need you to use your Mama's phone and call 911 tell them that Mama is in labor."
Max, "Ok Auntie Gabby Mama is in water."
Gabby, "Hang up the phone and call 911 now."

Kelly POV
Let's load up.
Tony, "Where are going boss."
Severide, "My apartment Stella is in labor."
We pull the same time as the ambulance. I rush inside with the paramedics. I walk into the apartment Stella was on all fours with her pant off. While Max was rubbing her back while still holding the phone. I got the floor next to her. 
"Stella can you walk."
Then the paramedic said, "Severide she not going anywhere."
Severide, "What."
Paramedic, "I can see the baby head."
Severide, "Stella you hear that."
Stella, "Yep."
Paramedic, "Next contraction, I need you to push."
Push, Push, Push Stop Blow Breath Head Out.
"Severide would you like to catch the baby."
"Next contraction you need to go slow. Push out the shoulder. Come here Severide."
"It burning." Breath Breath
"Next push let's get the baby out push, push."
Baby Born Crying.
"Towel and Blanket."
Stella crying, "I did it I had a baby. Hi Bug. That was so fast."
Severide, "Babe how are you doing."
Paramedic, "Check mom vital and baby vital."
Severide, "Max, bud look the baby."
Max, "Is Mama okay."
Severide, "Yes Bud. You did so good bud."
Paramedic, "Okay let ready to move her."
I step outside holding Max. The paramedics were loading Stella and baby on the Ambo. Cruz took Max strapped him up in the Squad truck. Squad 3 gave the Ambulance an escorted to Med.
Severide, "Dr. Manning, how's Stella and baby."
Dr. Manning. "Everyone is perfectly fine."
Severide, "No postpartum bleeding."
Dr. Manning, "Kelly everything is fine to go be with your family."
I walked into the hospital room Stella was sitting on the bed, Max was next to her. She was holding another beautiful healthy baby boy.

Stella POV
My sweet baby boy Piper Shay Kidd-Severide. Everything I missed with Max I saw with Piper. He weighed 7 pounds 10 oz. I just stared at all his little features. His oval face, jet black curl hair, blue eyes just like Kelly and Max. Max was so sweet and gentle all he wanted to do was hold Piper his little bug. Kelly came inlaid in bed with us. Then a knock on the door Brett and Foster walk into the room. We hear through the radio "Congratulations guys"
Brett, "Aww you guys are a party of four."

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