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Casey POV
Louie go get dress buddy. 
"But dad I want to stay with you and mommy."
"Louie Please."
"It's okay Louie I will still be here went you get back"
"Gabby don't make promises you can't keep."
A knock on the door.
"Uncle Kelly."
" Hey, bud grab your stuff, Dawson"
"Hey, Kelly."
Casey, "Hey man thanks for doing this."
Kelly, "Not a problem Stella, and I love having Louie over, hey where is the other kid."
Casey, "He's still sleeping he had a rough night."
Bye Dad, Bye Mom.

Gabby, "I didn't know Kelly and Stella are together."
Matt, "Yeah,  they have a son together."
Gabby, "I will give her a visit. Why was Kelly so short with me. Did you tell him?"
Matt, "Tell him What that my ex-wife, showed up out of the blue, with some kid that she claims it's mine after she abandoned the first kid. Yep, I told him everything."
Gabby, "Matt, Of course, Ramón Matthew is your he might have my last name, he looks just like you."
Matt, "Gabby what do you want from me."
Gabby, "I want you to accept Ramón as your son. I just need you to love your son. Matt, I tried to leave you behind but Ramón surprised me. He almost 2 years old and he only knows you and Louie from pictures."
Matt, "What do you want me to say. When you left it broke me, but I knew would get over it. But Louie, he would ask for you, he would cry for you. Gabby that kid loves you so much even though you broke his heart. Think about his biological mother died, his biological father left him then you the one person that was supposed love him just abandoned him that kid has suffered thought enough pain. You know I would love Ramón regardless if he isn't mine."
Gabby, "I want to be a family again."
Matt, "I need some time."

Kelly POV
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ready or not here I come.
shh Max be quiet 
Uncle Kelly, you found us.
Trick monster.
Stella, "Boys, lunchtime."
Kelly, "You made lunch?"
Stella, "Yeah Sandwich."
I was holding Max and Louie was right behind. I looked at her and smile. We sat and ate.
Kelly, "Not bad did you make this."
Stella, "Yeah What Kelly I got bread, ham mayo and lettuce then I put it together."
Kelly, "It's good." He teased.
Stella, "Shutup and eat Kelly."
Stella put Max down for his nap. While Louie and I had quiet time coloring at the kitchen table.
Then there was a knock on the door. 
"What the hell you doing here."
I felt Stella's hand on my shoulder then smiled at me then she said.
"Hi, Benny."
"Hello, Stella."
I was shocked Stella lets him in they sat on the couch.
I didn't want to be apart of their conversion so I grab my key I wave goodbye to Louie and I left.
Six Hours Later -9pm 
I open the door the apartment was quiet. I walk into Max's room baby boy was fast asleep. 
Walk into the room I shared with Stella the lights were on she was up waiting for me.
I immediately walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I got dressed.
Stella, "Kelly, Kelly please talk to me."
Kelly, "Stella  I don't want to argue. Where's Louie."
Stella, "Matt came by and pick him up."
Kelly, "Ok did Matt say anything."
Stella, "No Matt seems stressed, but Kelly this thing with your Father."
Kelly, "Stella, my dad is a joke. My whole life I have hearing stories about the Great Benny Severide, how saved lives, and everything he did for the CFD. Being his son was a different story, he would ride me for everything but when things got hard Benny left. Everywhere he went he would leave a trail of misery, broken hearts, and children behind. When I join the fire academy he tried to use me as one of his shiny metal. He had higher expectations of me in CFD. So when he shows up here asking for you and Max it's like a spit in the face."
Stella, "Kelly, I'm sorry I thought I was doing the right thing"
Kelly, "Your heart was in the right place but I just don't want Max to be disappointed."
She wrapped her arm around me whisper in my ear. "Maybe this time will be different."
I look at her while holding her "I hope so."
I leaned over and kissed her.

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