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Stella POV
An entire year had passed since the Gala. I was still working at firehouse 27 under Chief Walker. The chief had become a mentor to me in this past year. I was finally divorced from Grant, I was looking for a clean break. At firehouse 27 I was given the opportunity to have on more of a leadership role on truck 27. I was the driver and also an engineer. I was doing very well for myself. I thought about how different my life was. When I was 16 I ran away from home. My parent Kimberly and James Kidd never like the company I kept. My parents hated Tyler, he was my best friend. Tyler Smith wasn't a really bad kid. Trouble just always found him. It seems like he was always in trouble. He was the first person I ever did drugs with. We would go to these parties I would be high out if mind. When I ran away from my parents' home I live with Tyler and his roommate Grant. Tyler and Grant were two years older than me. I was immediately attracted to Grant, he had long brown hair with green eyes, and a short beard. We were the magic trio we would do everything together go to parties and do drugs. Grant and I would spend a lot of time together just the two of us. I was falling in love which made Tyler jealous. Grant, Tyler, and I got into a car wreck. In the hospital, I decided I want more for my life, and Grant agreed that we both would get clean together. I left my life of drugs and Tyler behind, Grant and I were clean for a few years. I joined the Chicago Fire Department while Grant started a band. Things were going well but Grant had some setbacks in the band and it overwhelmed him and he started using again. I put that side of life behind me so divorce was that only option for me. I cleared my mind and walked into Chief Walker's office.
Morning Chief
Coming in Kidd close the door behind you and sit.
Kidd this is Chief Boden
Hello Chief Boden
Kidd, Chief Walker has been singing your praise. I told him I would come and see after you have completed your leadership evaluation with Chief Mayo at the Springfield Fire Academy. I called Chief Mayo to give me his opinion about you. Chief Mayo gives me grief that Chief Walker send the only non-officer to a leadership program but he said: "you were engaging and you're able to stay calm in a scene and give instruction to other firefighters to help protect victims." Chief Mayo is requesting for you to get special accommodation for you to a to be Lieutenant.
Thank you, Chief, but firehouse 27 already has a Lieutenant on truck 27.
Chief Walker said, "Yes Kidd I know that I think your leadership skills and new promotion will be best used under supervision at a different house."
Chief Boden said, "Here is where I come in. Firehouse 51 going under some new management. A rearrangement of officers and an open spot for Lieutenant on truck 81. You will under the new Battalion Chief Matthew Casey, Engine Lieutenant Christopher Hermann, PIC Sylvie Brett, and Rescue Squad 3 Captian Kelly Severide." 
Kidd said, "Captian  Kelly Severide."
Chief Boden said, "Yes Kelly Severide will that be a problem."
Kidd said, "No Chief, not a problem. When do I start?
Chief Boden said, "You start tomorrow's second shift."

Next Day
I arrived at firehouse 51 there was a lot of mixed emotion walking into this firehouse. I was walking as a first-time officer, then feeling toward Severide came flooding back to me. I thought to myself maybe Severide doesn't ever remember me. This is something that over a year ago we kiss then my crazy ex-husband try to fight him, yeah he probably doesn't remember that. I cleared my mind and walked into the Chief office.  
Morning Chief Casey I'm Lieutenant  Stella Kidd. 
Lieutenant Kidd nice to meet Chief Boden and Chief Walker told me a lot about you,  welcome to firehouse 51. Let's go into the common room so you can meet everyone on shift. 
Casey said, "Announcement Everyone this Stella Kidd the new lieutenant for truck 81.
Hi, there I'm Peter Mills, that Mouch, Blake Gallo, and new candidate J.J Holloway we are on truck. Over there that's Capp, Tony Cruz, and  Captian Severide
Squad 3 Truck 81 Ambo 61 Structure Fire 

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