Adrenaline Junkie

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Kelly POV
I had a lot my mind waling into the shift. Stella and Tyler's kid which for some reason just rubs me the wrong way. I want her to tell me that the baby she was carrying was mine. God, she looked so beautiful pregnant. I want to tell her right there that I was in love with her. The morning was slow it was winter in Chicago. I spend the morning in my quarter fill out paperwork. It was night time at the firehouse. The firehouse so different at night, the place was dark the only light that came through was from a window that would shine on the metals that were hanging on the wall. It was I spent the time staring at the ceiling thinking about her. The firehouse was quiet but you still hear Capp snored in the background then...

Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51, Battalion 25, Ambo 61 Car Crash 
On Scene
Over the Radio 1:00 am
Multi-car pile-up on solid ice inbound on Kennedy Expressway North Avenue we have a 54 car pile-up multiply injuries. May need an Air Evac response at Kennedy Expressway. Send other companies to the location. 
Severide, "Whaley we can use the truck to pull these away. I need more access to the road." 
Whaley, "Cordova, Mills you hear the man, tie the rig it up. Mouch and Gallo help Severide."
Mouch, "Copy!"
Severide, "Madam can you move."
"No, but my daughter! Please help my daughter!"
Severide, "Madam I'm going to help you my guys will help your daughter"
"Her name is Julia she so quiet, I can't see her."
Severide, "Cruz check on Julia she sitting in the backseat. Foster, I need a c-collar."
Foster, "Severide can she move her legs."
I look at her and said "NO Feeling."
Cruz, "Hey Julia, are you hurt sweetheart. Ok, I'm going to come to get you. Severide she out."
Severide, "Tony get the jaws. I'm put my jacket over you, we got your daughter out now let's get you out."

Ritter! Clarence!Joly! Grab the extinguisher Let's put out these cars.
Casey, "It's 5:30 am 61 took the last the victims to Med. So let do overhaul and get back to 51"
I got back to 51 took the shower I could wait for this shift to finally over. I need to sleep and rest my mind. I got to my apartment immediately went to my room to hop into bed. Then my phone rang.
Stella POV
Stella, "Ritter your home."
Ritter, "Someone is excited to see me."
Stella, "Of course, I spend my day in press conferences. I want to hear about the firehouse and fires don't leave out any detail."
Ritter laughs, "You are an adrenaline junkie."
I sat at the kitchen counter and watch Ritter make a cup of tea. While he started to talk about all events that happen at the firehouse. I felt a sharp pain I took a deep breath and rubbed my belly. 
Ritter, "Stella are you, okay you look like you are in pain."
Stella, "I think it's nothing, continue with the story. It happened again okay Ritter it's something I'm having contractions."
I got up from the chair and my water broke. I was freaking out but I didn't want to panic. Ritter grabbed the bags and help me to the car and drove to MED. 
At Med
Dr. Manning, "Stella you are 4 centimeters dilated and baby look great. Just rest up the get comfortable you're having a baby today."
Dr. Manning left the room. 
Stella, "Ritter you look nervous like you are having a baby."
Ritter, "No I'm excited, is there anyone you want me to call."
I look at my phone, my mind immediately thought about Kelly. I put my phone down. I told Ritter no there is none I need to call.
Hours went by all I ate was ice chips and saltine. I had a high pain tolerance but my back was killings me. 
I was at Med for 4 hours now, Dr.Manning came back into the room to check.
Manning, "Ok Stella you are 6 centimeters but it seems like your baby flip. I'm going to check the baby heart rate spike."
Ritter, "Doctor is everything okay."
Manning, "Baby looks fine but the heart rate is fluctuating. Stella, I think it best to schedule at C-section just in case."
Stella, "Okay how long can we wait."
Manning, "I'm  going to check you every 10 minutes to check baby heart rate." 
I look over and saw Ritter face, he kissed my forehead and said everything will be okay. I watch him step out of the room.
In the hallway-On the Phone:
Ritter, "Hey There Severide it's Ritter."
Severide, "Hey Ritter."
Ritter," Severide listen to tell me you to come to MED. Stella is too stubborn to call you but she needs you. Your baby needs you."
Severide, "My Baby! Ritter."
Ritter, "Severide Yes. Baby come to MED see your child being born."
Severide, "I'm on my way."
Dr.Manning and Ritter walk into the back into the room. 
Manning, "Okay Stella, the baby's heart rate is still dropping. I'm going prep you for a c-section."
I panic over me as the other nurse enter the room. As Doctor Manning turned to Ritter to give him an outfit to come surgery room. Kelly walks into the room. My turn my panic to confusion.
Stella, "What are you doing here."
Kelly, "I here for you and our baby."
Stella, "But Kelly."
Kelly, "No But's I'm staying."
I watch him suit up then the nurse wheel me out of the room to the operating room. I was given an epidural they lay on the bed. I couldn't feel anything the waist down, I couldn't stop shaking it was a side effect from the epidural. I was excited but nervous then felt him take my hand. Kelly sat on a stroll next to me I look into his blue snd somehow I knew that everything was going to be okay. There was pull then a tug then crying in the room. The Baby was born.

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