The System

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Back at the 21 District 
Put Lucky's picture on the bullet board. 
Voight, "This is Lucky. He is in critical condition at Med. I first met him when he was 7 years old he was frail and scared. I help remove him from his crazy adoptive family. He has been in and out of foster houses, group homes, and juvenile halls. He is now living with the first responders Captian Kelly Severide and Lieutenant Stella Kidd their kids. Lucky has been beaten and abused. The system failed this kid.  
Ruzek, "What we know that he entered the system at age of 2. We have no file on this kid. His legal name is Adrian Lucky Ned Montgomery III but that's after he was adopted. We have no information about his biological family."
Voight, "Call up Child Protection Services. Let's get a social worker down here to fill in the gaps of Lucky's history."
Upton, "Voight we got an issue." 
Voight, "Let's go into my office."
Close the door behind.
Upton, "The drugs that Lucky had. They had several fingerprints over the bottle. Between Lucky, Stella, Piper we lift a fingerprint and ran through the system. Javier Luis came up."
Voight, "So you tell me that Lucky had Javier Luis head lieutenant of Latin Kings drugs."
Upton, " Javier has been moving his drugs from Mexico to Chicago for years, but he is in Chicago." 
Voight, "Put his picture on the board."
Walking out of the office, Rojas and Burgess walked upstairs.
Rojas, "We got surveillance from street camera to give us a timeline of Lucky's movement."
Burgess, "So at 10:51 pm Lucky is walked on Fulton he disappeared behind this building then 11:20 pm he is running down the block. These four guys are running behind him."
Voight, "Can we identify them."
Rojas, "Yes Manny Garcia affiliated with the Latin Kings. We can't identify."
Voight, "Pick him up."
In the Interrogation Room
Rojas, "You know why we pick you up."
Manny, "Nah Puta."
Rojas, "See this kid. You were caught of surveillance chase him."
Manny, "Somewhat I chase a lot of people."
Burgess, "Well this kid was found beaten up with three gun wounds you are being held responsible."
Manny, "Nah I didn't shot that kid."
Rojas, "Well Puta. Unless you tell us who are other men chase this kid. You will be charged with aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder. That maximum of 15 to 25 years in prison."
Manny, "Nah I wanted a deal."
Voight walked into the interrogation room. 
Voight, "Regardless if you give names you are still going to prison for 15 to 25 years. I can make your life easier in prison if you give me Javier Luis."
Manny, "Wait. I need guaranteed protection from Javier Luis. I need it in writing."
Voight, "Names."
Walked back into my officer Halstead and Ruzek in the office. We found out information about Lucky. 
Halstead, "The reason why we couldn't find any information, was because he is not from Chicago."
Voight, "So where is he from."
Ruzek, "Milwaukee."
Voight, "How he ended up in Chicago."
Halstead, "It a series of unfortunate events."
Halstead, Ruzek, and Voight discussed Lucky's biological family. By this time everyone who was involved with Lucky's shooting was on their way Cook County Penitentiary. Even Lucky's friend Jose Ramos was booked and charged sentenced to 5 years at Cook County Juvenile Hall. 
Halstead, "I guess it's time to take information to Med."

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