New friendship

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EDITED// 11-26-21

Nothing really happened over the next few days, the Comet was alright but it wasn't anything special. Most of the night the boys were out looking for Vicki. I also hadn't seen Damon which kind of sucked but it's not like I'd have a chance with him anyways.

Today was football tryouts and that's where all my attention needed to be; not on some boy who I talked to for like 10 minutes.

Tyler, Matt and I were throwing the ball between ourselves to get in some practice after first period when we caught a glimpse of Elena and Stefan walking together.

"Look... there's Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing? Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. Yep. Right into the sunset." Tyler joked, trying to piss off Matt.

"You're a dick." Matt growled, throwing the ball harder at Tyler.

"While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls." Tyler went on.

"Gnomes." Matt corrected.

"Tyler cut it out." I said, sick and tired of their focus on my sister and her new boyfriend.

"Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice."

"Let her know she made the wrong one." Tyler smirked. I threw the ball to Tyler expecting him to pass it back to either me or Matt but instead he turned his body in the direction of Elena and Stefan.

"What are you doing? Ty, don't. Ty, don't! Ty!" But of course Tyler didn't listen and threw it, aiming it right at Stefan's head.

"Heads!" I shouted to try and get the attention of Stefan before it hit him in the back of the head.

Before I could finish, Stefan swiftly turned around and caught the ball before it hit him. To say that me and the boys were shocked was an understatement.

Stefan then threw the ball back at Tyler who caught it and stumbled back a bit with the force from Stefan's throw.

Matt and Tyler stood there in shock, while I on the other hand couldn't stop laughing.

"Good one, Stefan!" I managed to shout through my laughter.

Tyler looked at me angrily but that only made me laugh more.

"Looks like you've got some competition." I joked to Matt, the school QB. He just shook his head and grabbed the ball from Tyler's hand before he could throw it at anyone else's head.


During history I made sure to try and convince Stefan to join the football team, we needed someone new to help us kick other team's asses because our team was really bad.

"Psst. Stefan." I whispered while Mr. Tanner was writing on his blackboard. He turned around and looked at me.

"Yeah?" Stefan whispered back with his eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"You should join the football team, we really need someone like you."

"Elena's already tried to get me to join." Stefan answered back.

"Preciously! That goes to show how good you are." I said, astonished he wasn't jumping at the idea of being on the football team. I remember how happy I was when Tanner eventually let me on the team after a lot of arguing, persuasion and campaigning.

"I'll think about it." He smiled and turned back around.

I tapped him on the shoulder aggressively. "I'm not taking no for an answer so there is nothing to think about."

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