Kelly Donovan.

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EDITED// 01-05-22

I really didn't want to go to school.

The early mornings, the cold weather, the long hours of being trapped in a prison with people you don't like really did not appeal to me.

But, legally I had to turn up.

And also the fact that if I missed any more days the school would call Jenna and I couldn't exactly tell her the truth about the reason for my absences. So, when my obnoxious alarm rang and disturbed my peaceful slumber I forced myself out of bed but not before muttering a few profanities under my breath.

The weather was dull from what I could see from the very limited light outside my window.

Once I had a shower, ate breakfast, threw on black jeans and a red jumper along with a black beanie, I made my way out of the house and into my new car.

I think Jenna felt bad that I had been feeling down so she decided to buy me a new car for Christmas. I definitely wasn't expecting it but I was hugely grateful. It was a sleek black Ford Ranger. I loved it. It was so beautiful and was definitely one of the best gifts I had ever received.

I was told that Damon had chipped in a bit so Jenna didn't have to pay all of the sum. When I was told this by Jenna when I sat in the drivers seat for the first time my heart warmed up and a smile fluttered onto my face.

But it soon vanished when I thought about Damon.

I stopped thinking back to Christmas Day when I got to school. I parked in the nearest free space closest to the school - so I didn't have to walk far - and trudged over to my locker.

I faked gaged when I looked to my right to see Elena and Stefan kissing in the middle of the hallway - like get a room.

Actually, scrap that. We all know what would happen if they got a room...


Just when I thought today couldn't get any worse, Stefan, Elena and Caroline all bribed me into being their 'designated sober driver' for their double date.

I tried to get out of it - very hard might I add - but I eventually caved in.

They bribed me with Stefan agreeing to compel the bar tender at the Grill to serve me free drinks whenever I wanted - just not tonight.

"Come on kids, let's get this over with." I sighed as I entered the kitchen where Elena and Stefan were chatting.

We got to the Grill and I departed from the double date gang.

I was not going to be a fifth-wheel as well as be reminded that I was the only one still single.

I headed towards the bar until I saw a man with a black leather jacket and raven black hair sitting at one of the seats - I should've known.

I huffed and instead sat at an empty table.

I spent most of the evening on my phone, messaging Tyler, playing Candy Crush and listening to music.

Once I finally completed level 265 I looked up to see that Stefan, Elena, Caroline and Matt had moved to the pool table.

I wasn't an expert on dates or double dates but from what I could see, it wasn't going so well.

"Lily! Lily!" I heard someone shout my name.

I looked up in the direction it came from and saw a very drunk Jenna calling me over from the bar.

"Come over here." She used her free hand - the one not holding the alcohol - to motion me over.

"Nah, I'm good thanks." I declined politely.

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