Ruptured Organs

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EDITED// 12-21-21

I rudely got dragged out of the party by Elena and Stefan because we couldn't find Jeremy or Vicki anywhere. Why do little brothers always have to be an inconvenience to your life?

Elena and I hurried around the school trying to find where the two love birds ran off too. Stefan was trying to hear them with his vampire hearing but it was difficult for him because there was so much noise.

As we were running like headless chickens I heard a familiar voice shout from outside by the where the buses were parked and pointed it out to Elena.

We ran through the door and I recognized the voice to be Jeremy's. Elena, with her quick thinking, grabbed a wooden plank and ran towards Vicki.

We saw that she had pushed Jeremy against the side of one of the buses.

"Vicki, no!" Elena shouted, capturing Vicki's attention as she looked up at us, the grey veins pulsing under her eyes.

She pushed Jeremy to the floor and advanced on Elena. She hit Vicki with the wood but it seemed to have no effect on her whatsoever. Vicki picked up my sister and threw her in the air and into the pile of garbage behind me.

"That's it." I seethed through gritted teeth. I bent down and picked up a piece of wood that had snapped off the one that Elena used and ran towards Vicki with the pointy end towards her. Damon told me that you can kill a vampire by stabbing it in the heart with wood - so that's what I was planning on doing.

I tackled her to the floor and tried to stab her but she used her vampire speed to reverse our rolls. She picked me up and pinned me against a bus by my red sailors vest. Her teeth were beared as she moved her head towards my neck.

I still had the wood in my hand so before she could bite me I stabbed it into her side and pushed her off of me.

"Jeremy, run!" I demanded at my brother who was still on the floor in shock.

"Watch out!" He yelled back at me causing me to turn around quickly. Vicki was there, looking extremely pissed. I managed to punch her in the nose and kick her in the chest which made her stumble back a bit. As she was keeled over I ran over to the broken pieces of wood and picked up the sharpest one.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed to myself and walked up to the rabid vampire.

Unexpectedly, in her hand was the wood that I had used to stab her with. She lifted it up but while she was being dramatic I jabbed the wood into her chest. I must've missed her heart because she only growled out in pain.

Oh fuck.

She seemed to be really pissed off now. All I could do was stand my ground - but who was I kidding? I was definitely going to lose this fight.

She pushed me once again into the side of a bus, but this time with a bit more force, making me groan.

I saw Stefan from the corner of my eye but he was too late. She had already stabbed me in the side with the wood. I fell to the floor instantly with a muffled screech of pain as Stefan had Vicki pinned to the bus opposite.

As I lay there in pain, all I could do was listen to everyone's conversation. I heard a lot of yelling. I used my energy to focus on where the noise was coming from and I witnessed Stefan stake Vicki.

There were no words I could use to describe the pain I was going through. It wouldn't have been bad if she would have stabbed me on my right side. But, in my luck, she stabbed my left side. I knew it was bad when I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Vicki had punctured my spleen and I was bleeding internally.

When she stabbed me it felt like my insides had exploded. My spleen was already enlarged due to my hereditary blood disorder so that didn't help. My breathing became jaggered and my sight began to turn blurry.


As I regained consciousness again, Damon and a crying Elena were standing in front of me.

"You need to leave. Your wounds are bleeding and you need to leave. I'll take care of your sister." Damon ordered and she obeyed.

"M-my sple.." I stuttered weakly. I winced as I started to cough up blood. "My spleen."

He looked at me with concern and worry. He bit into his wrist and put it in front of my mouth. The disgusting taste of blood trickled down my throat but I was in to much pain to complain about it.

He removed his hand and gently picked me up. The last thing I saw before everything went black was the beautiful blue eyes of my savior.

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