Part 7 - Galaxy?!

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Leo looked up at me with watery eyes, unsure what to do about the purple-haired girl's threat.

"Uh!! Grr!!!" Echo grunted in tremendous frustration, feet edging forward by instinct.

"Hehe. See, Comet? Aim for the weak to getcha self a hostage, and the rest all just plays out!" the girl giggled as a wolf suddenly alerted the others.

The wolf ran past Echo, Yurika and Yurio and sat beside the purple-haired girl.

Leo gasped, meeting the wolf's gaze with fear.

"P-please! Don't hurt us! What did we ever do, huh?!" I whimpered, tears miserably leaking out.

The girl didn't reply but suddenly sniffed my neck!

"Um!!!" I turned away, terrified of any sudden movement.

"That scent... it couldn't be..." she muttered.

She licked my neck!!!!!

"EEEKK!!!" I squealed.

"Ooohhh!!! You're that kid Akira was on about!!! Comet, look, I found it! I found it!" she swiftly started bouncing excitedly, releasing me from her grasp.

The wolf tilted its head in confusion.

"Did you just say... Akira...?!" I gasped.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I should probably introduce myself! The name's Galaxy Nova! A demon like you and Echo," Galaxy grinned.

"Uh! How the hell do you know my name?!" Echo grunted.

"DEMON?!!!" Yurio snapped out of it.

"How do you know what we are?!" I gasped.

"IT'S TRUE?!!" Yurio panicked.

"Hehe. Pink hair," Galaxy pointed to her hair.

"Cute smile," she formed an L with her fingers and rested it in front of her chin.

"Small beannnnn," Galaxy continued, squishing her elbows into her... assets....

"Fits his description perfectly. Akira gave me a heads-up about you. Said you'd be here building like an army or something? Haha! What with those stupid ambitions of yours!" Galaxy laughed mockingly.

"Ah-... Akira said that...?" I mumbled with a frown.

"Hahaha!!" she continued laughing.

Echo suddenly pointed her sword at Galaxy's throat. She didn't so much as flinch at the blade.

"What's your connection to Akira?!" Echo demanded to know.

"Hm," Galaxy grinned, directing her attention to Echo without a flinch from her attack.

"Connection, you say? Hehe... why, it's quite the intimate one~" she smirked with a blush, her voice echoing as almost a whisper.

"WHAT?!!" I cried out in horror.

"What?!" Echo's pupils shrunk dramatically with a straight face and sinister tone.

"What...?" Yurio added with great confusion.

"Pff!!! Ah hahahahahahaha!!! Oh, you shoulda seen your faces!!! Hahahhaha hahah!!! As if!!!! Ahhh hahahhaha haha! Ya think my standards are that low?! Hahaha!!!" Galaxy let out tears in her eyes from all the laughter.

"Tst!! Answer us seriously!!" Echo ordered.

"Serious isn't my thing, darling~" Galaxy smirked in reply, teleporting next to her, leaning on her shoulder.

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