Chapter 1

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"Y/n I'm leaving to America with Ikuya" "Why? I want you to stay with me... who else is going to be there for me when I need help with boy problems?" Y/n said while smirking at Natsuya "Haha very funny..." he deadpanned at y/n "No but seriously why are you leaving?" Y/n looked at him waiting for a reply "I want to travel the world I'm going to compete in swimming competitions to get money in order to explore the world." Natsuya then looked at y/n only to see her looking away into the ocean in the dark blue sky. "I going to miss ya y'know?" Y/n looked at Natsuya smiling softly "Just promise me that you'll keep in contact with me?" Y/n said as she held out her pinky "I promise I'll keep in contact with you. If you want I'll try calling after every competition too so that I can tell you on how it went even though we both know I'm going to win no matter what" Natsuya said smiling at y/n as he wraps his pinky around the other Natsuya then said something that would always confuse y/n "After all you're the most important person I have in my life"  Natsuya then hugged y/n and kissed her forehead leaving her in a deep crimson red "you're important to me too Natsuya..."

*Beep beep beep*
Y/n's POV (Italics are thoughts)
"Huh? What the hell that same stupid ass dream"  Y/n rubbed her eyes barely waking up. She looked at the clock only to see that it's 5 in the morning "Well I guess I should start getting ready huh D/N?" Y/n said looking down at her precious dog only to see two black eyes and a wagging tail "Woof woof!" Y/n then got out of her bed to get ready with her day. "Natsuya why the hell do you keep coming into my dreams..."   Y/n said as she rubbed her head before getting into the shower. Hot water hit her back only to soon be engulfed into it. The warmness always brought comfort whenever she thought of him. She raised her hand to the water and started to play with the water as she moves it around her hand "God Natsuya why did you leave... why'd you break your promise idiot I miss you..."  she slid down her shower to sit down and she sat down for the rest of her shower only to have her thoughts full of him. "Does he think of me?" "Am I still important to you?"  "Please call me..."  "I wish I could've told you at that exact moment on how I feel... now I don't know if I'll ever get the chance"  Y/n then ran her hand through her hair only to stare at her shower tile. Y/n always loved Natsuya there's no doubt about that. They were inseparable in high school everybody would always think that they were dating but not like she cared she actually liked to hear that people thought they were a couple. He would always go to y/n's house along with y/n going to Natsuya's. She met Ikuya and instantly hit it off with him. Ikuya reminded her of a little brother she's never had. Y/n then opened her eyes full with tears "Fuck Natsuya I miss you!" She screamed in her shower as she rubs her eyes. "You dumbass!"
Time skip by reader~
Y/n was out of the shower and all ready to head out to meet up with her friends Makoto, Haruka, and Ikuya. She was also going to meet up with her Boyfriend Kaneki later. Now don't get Y/n wrong she likes her relationship with Kaneki but she knows that it's not working for her since she was forced into it by him. Y/n always wanted to break up with him but she was always too scared to hurt his feelings so she kept it going knowing that it was wrong too.
"Bye D/N! I'll see you when I come home cutie!" y/n says as she pets her dog and heads out. She then gets her phone out and calls Makoto "Hello? Hey Makoto! Where are you?" "Hi y/n! I'm about to pull up soon but I hope you don't mind that I brought two other friends" "Nah don't worry about it! The more the merrier y'know? But I'll be waiting for you here next to my apartment okay? "Alright y/n! I'll see you right now I'm entering into your neighborhood bye!!"
"Thank god I made it on time after that long ass shower" y/n says to her self as she smiles "Y/n!!" She looks up only to see Makoto "Hi Mako-Chan!" Y/n says as she runs into his car "Y/n these are my other two friends Asahi and Kissame and of course haru" "Hi guys I'm y/n! It's nice to meet you" The two boys smiled and waved at her. Y/n then looked at Haru "Hey aren't you going to say hi to me?" Y/n says as she pouts. Haru smiles a little and greets her with a hug "Hey" Y/n and Haru were close friends along with her and Makoto. When she wasn't with Natsuya she'd be with them. Who knew that they'd stick together even in college. "Alright you two break it up! Where are we going Makoto?!" Asahi said waiting for a reply "Hmm where do you guys wanna go? Any ideas?" Makoto says as he turns around to the others "We could always go to that seafood restaurant." Haru says as he looks at the window "Hell no! I don't want fish for breakfast" Y/n says as she points her finger towards her mouth indicating a throwing up motion. "How about my sister's Cafe then? It's next to a mall so we can go there after we're done?" Asahi says while looking at everyone for their opinions "Yeah let's go there! I'm kinda hungry for sandwiches hehe" y/n says as she rubs her growling stomach "Alright then we'll go there" Makoto says as he drives towards the Cafe "I still think the seafood restaurant was a good option" Haru says as he looks away pouting "I'll make it up to you Haru" Y/n says as he pats his head. The car eventually started getting full with conversations but y/n didn't want to join in and only listen but she started to remember a certain little brother "Hey guys where's Ikuya?" "He said he'll meet us when we get to the cafe. He's running a little late since he had practice today" Makoto says  "He better not be pushing himself or I'll yank his ear" y/n says in a concern voice "How'd you meet Ikuya y/n?" Asahi asked only to make Haru, Makoto and y/n tense up "I-I meet him in high school he's the brother of a close friend I had in high school" "Oh! Natsuya- Senpai? I didn't know you went to our school y/n!" Y/n tensed up hearing his name. Makoto and Haru noticed it too so they both put a hand on each of her shoulder "Yeah! I went to your school but I wasn't really that much into swimming since I had piano stuff happening at the time" y/n said as she smiles softly at Asahi hoping to end the conversation there and smiling to Makoto and Haru to thank them "You play piano? That's sweet I bet you're like the next Beethoven!" Asahi said as he put his hands out as if he was playing a piano. Y/n then started to laugh "Shut up monkey" Kissame says to Asahi "Hey! That's messed up at least my name isn't "kiss me" like what type of pervert are you!" Y/n then started to die with laughter as she held her stomach from it hurting "Alright both of you calm down we're here already" Makoto says as he parks his car. Everybody enters only to see Ikuya sitting alone in his phone. "Watch this guys" y/n said as she sneakily walked behind him and hugged him from the back "BOO!" "Y'know I could hear you when you were like *cough cough high female pitch voice* "watch this guys!" Ikuya says as he smiles at y/n and hugs her "Hey my voice doesn't sound like that! You meanie" she then nuzzles herself in Ikuya'a chest as she wraps her arms around his waist "Yeah yeah whatever you say dummy" Ikuya says laughing at her "Hey Makoto are they dating?" Asahi whispers loudly to Makoto "No we're not dating Asahi he's like a brother to me and by the way if you're gonna whisper do it quieter" y/n says as she looks at Asahi giggling "Haha stupid monkey doesn't know how to whisper"  "Shut it "kiss me!" You're a pervert" Asahi says to kissami and they started rambling  "Let's just leave them alone c'mon guys sit down" y/n said as she sighs "Now Ikuya you better not be pushing yourself! You need to be careful please" Y/n says as she looks at Ikuya and hugs his arm "I promise I'm not pushing myself. I'll be okay y/n Chan"  Ikuya only called y/n "y/n Chan" to calm her down or to let her know that he's sincere with her so this let y/n know that he meant it "Alright I don't want anything happening to you if I have to I'll call your stupid brother" y/n said smiling sadly. Ikuya then rubbed her head "Thanks for caring about me sis I'll be okay I promise you don't have to call that idiot" Ikuya says as he smiles at you sincerely whenever Ikuya would call y/n "sis" it would make her happy knowing that they had a close bond" "What do you guys want to eat? Asahi' s sister is here guys" Makoto says smiling "Oh hi! I'm y/n it's nice to meet you!" y/n smiles at Asahi's sister "It's nice to meet you too y/n! Now what would you guys want?" "I would like F/N" and to drink I would like D/N" "I'll grab the same thing like her" Ikuya says "Okay it'll come soon shortly!" She walked off leaving them alone "Asahi your sister's cafe is really nice!" Y/n says to Asahi "Thanks! She put a lot of work into it"
*Buzz Buzz*
Y/n looked down at her phone to see who texted her
Kaneki: Hey when do you wanna meet?
Y/n sighed looking at her phone "Was it your boyfriend?" Ikuya says looking at y/n "Yeah... I don't really wanna talk to him right now" Ikuya got up and grabbed her hand "We'll be back I need to talk to y/n guys" Ikuya says to the others "Oooo they're gonna kiss!" kissime says "Shut it pervert!" y/n says glaring at kissime "Not you too!" Kissime says
"We'll be back idiots" Ikuya says

What do you think they're going to be talking about 🙈 don't worry guys Natsuya will show up pretty soon but I hope you guys like this chapter!! I tried my best!

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