Chapter 8

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*Knock knock*
"Huh who's that?" Ikuya thought to himself as he got up to go open the door only to see Natsuya with dried tears on his face. "We need to talk Ikuya" Natsuya said as he looked at Ikuya. Ikuya only nodded and moved to the side to let Natsuya in. "What's wrong Natsuya? Where's y/n?" Ikuya asked while looking at Natsuya "We got into an argument... she told me she loved me." Natsuya said as he looked at the ceiling beginning to feel the tears coming again. "What are you doing here then Natsuya? Don't you love her too?" Ikuya asked Natsuya. Natsuya only grabbed his head as he nodded "I do love her but she had liquor in her system so I don't know if she actually meant it." Natsuya gripped his hair at the thought of him wanting to say it back "We got into an argument about me leaving without any contact. I got mad at her because I felt guilty that she stayed all alone waiting for me. She could've forgotten me but she didn't. She believes in me and I'm scared to lose her if I confess my feelings to her" Ikuya went up to Natsuya and grabbed his shoulder so that he could look at him. "Natsuya if she waited this long for you do you really think it's the liquor in her system? Look I wasn't supposed to tell you but she actually loves you Natsuya she's been loving you since high school but she never wanted to tell you because she was scared to lose you" Natsuya look at Ikuya shocked. The girl that he loved more than anything loved him back. "How do you know that Ikuya?" Natsuya asked Ikuya curiously "she told me one day when she came over our house and you were gone doing something else. She was sad that day because it was the day you told her you were leaving" Ikuya told Natsuya as he patted Natsuya's shoulder. Natsuya suddenly clicked everything together. Y/n loved Natsuya and Natsuya loved y/n. "Ikuya I want to stay for y/n." Ikuya looked at Natsuya surprised. Ikuya never thought that Natsuya would finally settle in. "I need you to do something for me though Ikuya" Ikuya only raises his eyebrow in confusion. "I want you to race me in the all- Japan invitational."

Y/n sat in her room taking shot after shot from her tequila bottle she had in her kitchen. "God Natsuya why'd you leave... I really thought you felt the same way back" y/n thought to herself as she took another shot to ease her heartbreak.
*Buzz Buzz*
Y/n looked down at her phone to see that a random number was calling her. Y/n looked at her phone curiously and picked up her phone as she held it to her ear "hello?" Y/n said into the phone "Hey y/n! It's me Rin!" Y/n eyes widened as she finally started to smile. "Sharky! Hey!" Y/n said as she started to chuckle a little. "Miss me?" Y/n heard Rin chuckle on the other side of the phone "Are you free tonight?" Y/n looked at the time and saw that it was 8:30. "The night's still young I need to get out of here" y/n thought "No not really! Why what's up? You in Tokyo?" Y/n asked Rin with a smile "Yeah! I wanted to see you before my big race!" "The All-Japan invitational. Fuck! I'm going to see natsuya when I go support Ikuya! Hopefully he doesn't go..." "Hello?" Y/n zoned back into reality realizing she didn't say anything "Sorry! I started thinking about it! Haru told me about it. You better believe I'm going to come and support you Sharky!" y/n chuckled "Haha thanks y/n it means a lot really." Y/n heard Rin say softly "Can I come pick you up y/n?" Y/n smiled softly "yeah! I'll send my address right now. Just a FYI I'm kinda drunk right now so let me sober up a bit okay?" Y/n told Rin as she rubbed her headache from all the liquor "So you were drinking? I'll bring some things from the store to help you sober up if you want?" Rin said kindly "you don't need to do that Rin! Really" Y/n said softly "Don't worry about it y/n! I want you to feel better. Send me your address and I'll be there in a little okay?" Rin told y/n sweetly "Okay! I'll send it to you right now. Bye Rin!" Y/N hung up her phone and put it to the side as she tried getting up. Y/n felt dizzy from all the liquor she had but she felt herself sobering up. "I should probably eat something and drink a little bit of milk to sober up" y/n walked to her kitchen as she grabbed all the things and started to eat a PB&J. Y/n went back into her room to see that she has some messages on her phone.
Natsuya <3- "Hey y/n..."
Y/n felt tears starting to come back to her eyes looking at the message. "Do you really think you could text me right now? You left me after I confessed to you idiot!" Y/n thought to herself as she wiped the tears that escaped from her eyes with her long sleeve. She walked up to the mirror and saw her mascara all runny and her lipstick smeared around her lips. "I look like a clown." Y/n thought to herself as she sighed and grabbed a makeup wipe and started to clean her face.
*Buzz Buzz*
*Two new notifications*
Y/n looked at her phone as she clicks in the notifications
Natsuya <3- "hello? I'm sorry y/n you have every right to be mad right now."

Sharky boy 🦈- "I'm omw! Wear something pretty! I'm taking you out tonight I'll wait if you have to get ready!"

Y/n had mixed emotions looking at the notifications. She was happy that she was finally going out with a friend she hadn't seen in a while but she was also upset that the boy who didn't say anything about her confession is in her phone. Y/n decided to reply to both of them.

Y/n- "Hey Natsuya... look just let me calm down a bit right now alright? I'll text you tomorrow."

Y/n- "Lmk when you're here so that I can open the door! Haha is this a date or what? 🙈 jk but alright you might have to wait a bit since I look like a mess right now!"

Y/n sighs as she puts her phone down and walks to her vanity to start doing her makeup.
*Woof woof"
Y/n looked at D/n as she sighs "Help me please D/n" y/n said as she chuckled petting her dog.
*Buzz buzz*
2 notifications

Natsuya <3 -"Okay y/n I'll be here if you wanna talk. Take your time. Again I'm really sorry about everything..."

Sharky boy 🦈- I'll be there soon! I just ran into haru so it'll give you time to get ready! Try matching with me me I'm wearing a beige button up with a blazer! And if you want it to be a date it can be a date 😉"
Y/n blushed at the fact that Rin didn't care if it's a date or not. She shook her head as she giggled at him wanting to match but y/n was okay with it .Y/n looked back at the mirror as rubbed her face "Okay y/n let's forget everything about Natsuya right now and enjoy ourselves!"

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm sorry for the kinda late update I've been super busy with all my quarantine homework's and stuff!! But damn does y/n have a date with shark boy? 😱😱 what's going to happen with Natsuya?

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