Chapter 50

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Place of your honeymoon!! What it kinda looks like lol ^


Y/n and Natsuya sat at their assigned seats on the airplane as they both sighed. It was 5 in the morning but they had to wake up even earlier to get on their flight for their honeymoon. The both of them smiled at each other as Natsuya leaned into y/n to give her a peck on the lips.

"Are you ready for our honeymoon?"

Natsuya smirked as y/n grinned and nodded. They were going to go to Greece where the beautiful clear waters were at. Y/n had to admit she was excited to get there and enjoy the view with her husband. Y/n smiled as she looked at Natsuya. He was finally her husband and she was his wife. She grabbed Natsuya's cheek and kiss his lips softly then parted away.

"Yeah I'm super excited! Our view is going to be nice! Especially the indoor pool! Aghhh I can't wait!!"


They eventually arrived at Greece as they stretched their arms and legs from sitting down for so long. The both of them looked around to look around for a person who had a board up with their last names. Their eyes eventually got caught as a lady ran up to them with a smile.

"Hi I'm Juvia! I'll be your tour guide for your trip!"

The both of them nodded as they got into a car they rented. Y/n opened the window as she looked around to see the beautiful water that surrounded Greece. Natsuya grabbed y/n's hand as they pulled into their rented apartment. Juvia smiled as she handed them the key.

"This is your apartment! If you guys need anything give me a call! Enjoy your honeymoon guys!"

Juvia told the both of them as she left the apartment and left the both of them alone. She put their luggage down and looked around the apartment. It was beautiful it had a homey type of feeling as the colors of the apartment were a soft brown with beige and white. It was pretty to the both of them. Natsuya picked up y/n and span her around in circles. Y/n laughed as she hugged onto Natsuya.

"I'm so happy to be here with you! Now c'mon we should go jump into the pool!"

Natsuya told y/n as he took his pants off and immediately put his swimming shorts on. Y/n smiled as she grabbed her white bikini and walked towards the bathroom. Before she could walk away Natsuya grabbed her and smirked down at her.

"I can't see you change?"

Y/n laughed as she pushed Natsuya off of her. She stuck her tongue out at Natsuya as she took her shirt off to tease Natsuya.

"Not now but maybe later you could."

Y/n teased Natsuya as she winked at him and walked off to the bathroom. As y/n changed she felt her stomach rumble. She realized that she hasn't eaten anything since the trip over here.

"Can you order some food please?! I'm starving!"

Y/n yelled as she heard Natsuya say yeah from the other room. Y/n looked into the mirror to look at the bikini. She had to admit she looked sexy in it. She walked out the bathroom and hugged Natsuya. He couldn't stop looking at her as his eyes wandered every inch of her body.

"Y-You look good in that bikini."

Y/n blushed a bit as she thanked Natsuya and sat on his lap to tease him a bit. He smirked as he grabbed onto her waist and started to kiss her neck softly. Y/n felt herself moan as he hit her sweet spot on her neck. He smiled against her neck as he bit down on it and sucked on it.
Before their naughtiness could escalate they heard a knock at the door. Natsuya got up and opened the door.

"Your food is here! I hope you guys enjoy!"

The waiter smiled as Natsuya tipped him and closed the door. The both of them looked down at the food as their mouth watered from the delicious smell of it. It all looked pretty as berries decorated every plate along with the orange juice glistening from the sun hitting through the pool. They both of them sat at the table near the pool and began to eat.

"One minute we're doing that and the next we're eating."

Y/n chuckled as she took a bite of her scrambled eggs. Natsuya chuckled as he gave y/n a peck on the cheek. They eventually finished their food and began to make their way towards the pool. The water felt fresh against their skin as they got deeper into the water. They walked all the way towards the edge of the pool as they watched the view from outside. It led to a balcony with a view of all of Greece and the buildings under them. The most prettiest thing though was that the sunset was a pretty red and pink. It was a beautiful sight to the both of them. Y/n took her phone out and held it up in the air.

"Say cheese!!"

The both of them held up a peace signe as she snapped the picture. The both of them looked at the picture and smiled. They were both glowing from the sun with a nice smile on their face and their two little peace signs. Y/n smiled as she put her phone down on the rail. She looked at Natsuya and jumped up to wrap her legs around his waist.

"Thank you for our honeymoon baby. I love it."

Y/n told Natsuya as she pecked him on the lips. He smiled and nodded a bit he couldn't stop looking at y/n and admire how beautiful she looked. Her E/C eyes glowed in the sun as her hair perfectly cupped her face to show off her beautiful features. Natsuya was deeply in love with y/n. He was happy that she belonged to him and that he belonged to her. He pulled y/n into a soft and gentle kiss. The both of them smiled into the kiss before they pulled apart.

"I'm glad you love it angel. Now let's make some memories and take a lot of pictures!"

Natsuya told y/n as he smirked at her she giggled a bit as she nodded and kissed his forehead. The both of them swam multiple laps and played around in the pool before they got out. They dried themselves with a towel before they stepped onto the fluffy carpet. Natsuya pulled y/n into a kiss as she jumped so that he could carry her. The kiss started to get heated as they threw their towels onto the floor and walked towards the bathroom........

Annddddd the lemon will be in the next chapter muahahahaha 😈 I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys! Thanks for reading I love you all so much! ❤️

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