Chapter 30

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This chapter is going to be JUICY 🙈 I hope you enjoy guys!


Y/n tried running away from Natsuya as he ran after her yelling her name out. Y/n didn't want to hear his explanation her heart was completely shattered by him. As y/n ran she got soaked by the rain causing her to slip.

"Y/n please just listen to me I didn't cheat!"

Natsuya told y/n as he tried to help her get up from her fall. She yanked her arm away as she stood up by herself. Y/n looked at Natsuya with tears in her eyes.

"Natsuya what is there to explain? Mako saw you two kissing. You cheated! That's not the only thing you were here last year! Where were you when I needed you? Why were you with her?!"

Y/n yelled at Natsuya angrily as she picked up her things from the ground. Natsuya grabbed y/n's hand tightly as he stared deeply into her eyes.

"Let me explain to you in the hotel please? I promise I'll explain everything. I don't want you getting sick out here you were just swimming."

Natsuya told y/n as he looked at her softly. Natsuya cared about y/n more than anything he couldn't help but cry as he noticed how much he hurt her. Her eyes were red as the bags under her eyes were dark. Y/n eyes softened slightly as Natsuya cried in front of her. Y/n sighed as she grabbed his hand and started walking.

"You have some explaining to do Natsuya. You don't cry for nothing."

Y/n told Natsuya as she walked with him.
Natsuya looked at y/n confused as he walked next to her.

"Where are we going?"

"Didn't you say we should go to the hotel?"

Y/n asked Natsuya as he nodded realizing what they're going to do. Y/n looked at the ground as she walked in silence. Y/n knew that Natsuya cared about her but she still couldn't wrap her mind about what had happened and why it had happened. Y/n sniffled as she wiped her tears away with her sleeve. The both of them we're completely soaked from the rain. Natsuya grabbed y/n's hand and started jogging slightly to the entrance of the hotel not wanting y/n to get sick.
He walked up to the room with y/n and closed the door.

"Before we talk change into these you'll get sick if you stay in those y/n."

Natsuya told y/n as he handed her his shirt and a pair of his shorts. Y/n looked at Natsuya before she grabbed the clothes. Natsuya turned around so that she could change without him looking at her. After she changed she told Natsuya that he could turn around again. Natsuya looked at y/n and grabbed her hands. She pulled then back slightly as she looked away.

"Y/n look it's really not what it seems like."

Natsuya started off as he rubbed her hand with his thumb. He took a deep breath before he continued.

"I'll start with me being here last year. I came here to visit my parents I never came to see her. She was a friend I had in high school that you didn't know."

Natsuya told y/n as she looked at him and nodded indicating for him to continue. Natsuya licked his chapped lips as he looked into y/n's eyes.

"When I went to the festival that we went together in high school she appeared out of nowhere. I walked with her and she started being all touchy."

Natsuya told y/n as she raised her eyebrow slightly. Natsuya smiled lightly at the face she made. Y/n looked away letting him know that she still wasn't okay with him. Natsuya sighed before he continued.

"It felt wrong being there with her y/n. I watched the fireworks and I felt lost. When I watched them with you I felt like that's the place that I exactly needed to be.  I felt happy as we watched the fireworks together with you on my shoulders. It felt like heaven on earth being there with you.

Natsuya told y/n as he grabbed her chin making her look at him. Y/n had tears prickling on the corner of her eyes as her lip quivered slightly. Y/n couldn't take the loving words he told her. It broke her yet it was something she needed. Natsuya rubbed her cheek before he continued.

"After that moment with her I realized on how much I really loved you. I didn't want to go back to you yet when I haven't achieved anything so I waited and went to more competitions."

Natsuya told y/n as a tear slipped from his eye. It pained Natsuya remembering how lost he felt before he was with y/n.  He cleared his throat and began to speak again.

"Y/n please look at me?"

Natsuya asked as he looked at y/n deeply into her eyes. Y/n moved her eyes to make eye contact with him.

"I never cheated on you y/n. What Makoto saw was bad timing. She was confessing to me and kissed me out of nowhere. I pushed her away and told her that it was wrong of her to do that when she knew I had a girlfriend. She realized that it was wrong too so she wanted to apologize to you and that's why you saw us together when you walked out."

Natsuya told y/n as he finished explaining on what had happened. Y/n began to cry lightly as she hugged Natsuya tightly. Natsuya hugged her back and ran his hand through her hair to calm her down.

"I would never cheat on you y/n. You're the only one who has my heart."

Natsuya let y/n know as she nodded slightly into his arms. She then pulled away and  looked at Natsuya.

"I'm sorry for slapping you. I was so heartbroken Natsuya... I felt like I was waiting for someone when they were off with another girl. It made me feel like the second option."

Y/n explained to Natsuya as he shook his head letting y/n know that she would never be the second option. Natsuya started to chuckle a bit as he remembered y/n punching the girl.

"Sheesh y/n you really pack a punch huh? I bet you gave her a black eye!"

Natsuya laughed as y/n started to blush from being embarrassed at the memory. Y/n hit Natsuya's shoulder lightly as she started to smile a bit.

"Shut up idiot! She tried saying shit about me not slapping you so I had to do something! And you can't say anything you punched Rin! You would've killed him if I didn't push you off!"

Y/n reminded Natsuya as she laughed lightly. It was Natsuya's turn to blush as he rubbed his neck and looked away.

"He shouldn't have gotten close to you like that! It was between us not him!"

Natsuya cussed Rin out in his head as y/n chuckled a bit. She was happy how they could laugh off a serious moment and make up. But of course her happiness didn't last long as she remembered about what happened last night and Rin laying next to her. She needed to let Natsuya know. She shook a bit as she was scared on what Natsuya would think. Natsuya noticed y/n's change of mood.

"Hey? You okay, what's wrong?"


How do you think Natsuya will react when Y/n tells him?  Find out next chapter! But thanks for reading guys I appreciate it so much! ❤️

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