Chapter 20

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Y/n and the boys walked towards the doors as they saw Mikhail with a man that looked like a swimmer. Mikhail eyes lit up as he saw y/n.
"Y/n! Meet Rin's teammate!" Mikhail told y/n as she walked towards the boy.
Y/n smiled at the man in front of her as she shook his hand.
"It's nice to meet you I'm y/n." Y/n introduced herself in English. Natsuya looked at y/n surprised. He knew that she knew English but he's never heard her speak it.
"It's nice to meet you too! I should go though I have a long day!" The man then said goodbye as he walked off.
Mikhail then looked at everybody as he smiled.
"Where should we go?" He asked the group as he called for a taxi.
Rin then spoke up. "Let's go to a bar?" The rest agreed as they got into the Taxi.

—Timeskip when they eat their food already—

"That was delicious!" Mikhail sighed as he ate his heart out. Y/n nodded as she chuckled a bit. "Yeah it really was!" Natsuya looked at y/n as he picked at the food he had left. He didn't feel like eating. He felt horrible about the situation he put y/n through. Mikhail then looked at Natsuya.
"What's wrong with you?" Mikhail asked Natsuya curiously. Natsuya looked up at him as he faked a smile.
"Nothing! I just got full." Natsuya smiled at Mikhail. Mikhail nodded at Natsuya and stood up.
"Well I hope you enjoyed Australia Natsuya! I'm sorry I couldn't coach you. You didn't have the muscles I liked." Mikhail sighed as he thought about muscles. Y/n was confused at the comment Mikhail had said.
"I hope you enjoyed Australia." Y/n thought about the words over and over again that she didn't realize that Rin left with Mikhail. It was just the two of them.
Natsuya and Y/n.
Natsuya placed his hand on top of y/n's to snap her out her daydream.

"Are you okay?" Natsuya asked her. Y/n yanked her hand away as she sipped her drink.
"I should go. I have to go find Rin to get into the hotel." Y/n stood up but before she could walk away Natsuya grabbed her and yanked her to sit down next to him.
"Stay with me please." Natsuya pleaded
Y/n as she glared at him.
"You want me to stay? You really want me to stay when you fucking left me again Natsuya! You promised you wouldn't leave me..." y/n looked down onto the floor as she shook her head and grabbed her things and walked towards the door.

Before y/n could walk off a man came up to
her. "What's a girl like you doing here?"
The man said as he looked at y/n in a flirty way. He reached his hand out and tucked a strand of hair behind y/n's ear.

"You're a beautiful girl. Wanna go to my place?" The man asked y/n as she stood there glaring at him. Y/n then smacked the man's hand away.
"I'm not interested, sorry." Y/n told the man as he clicked his tongue. The man then wrapped his arm around y/n.
"Playing hard to get huh? I like that in a girl!" The man smirked at y/n. Natsuya saw what was happening and he stood up.
He glared at the man. He had enough. Natsuya knew a bit of English from his traveling so he figured he'd use it right now.

Natsuya went up to the man and took his arm off and wrapped his arm around y/n.
"She has a boyfriend. Those marks were made by me so back off before I make you." Natsuya warned the man as he brought y/n close to him. The man then rolled his eyes and walked off.

"I don't need you to help me! I could've handled it myself." Y/n pushed Natsuya off as she walked out. Natsuya walked up to y/n and threw her over his shoulder.

"Let go of me you idiot!! Let me down!! I'll kick you in the balls if you don't put me down!" Y/n yelled at Natsuya as she cussed him out.
"You're funny if you think you're going back to the hotel you're staying at with Rin." Natsuya threatened y/n as he walked toward the hotel.
"Why do you care? I wouldn't be in a hotel with him if you didn't come here!" Y/n then push herself off of Natsuya and landed on the floor.

"Why'd you come here Natsuya? Why did you leave me again? Am I not enough for you to stay? Don't pull some stupid shit just how Kaneki did! Just tell me straight up!" Y/n yelled at Natsuya as tears spilled from her eyes.
Y/n balled up her fist in anger as she dug her nails into her palm.
Natsuya eyes widened at the sight of her crying. He didn't want to make her cry. He never meant to make her cry.
"I'll explain it to you y/n. Can we come to my hotel to talk it out though? Please?" Natsuya begged y/n as he wiped her tears away. Y/n hesitated a bit until she nodded in agreement.

—-Timeskip to hotel room————-
Y/n sat on the bed as Natsuya sat down next to her. It was silent in the room. Y/n felt as if everything was her fault. She felt as if she wasn't enough for anybody. Y/n couldn't help but feel that same empty feeling Natsuya made her feel the last time he left. Y/n sighed as she stood up.

"Why'd you being me here if you're not going to talk? I'm tired of always being behind Natsuya. I'm tired of not being as important as you say that I am!" Y/n yelled at Natsuya as she grabbed the door handle.
"I-I thought you loved me... I thought that I was special to someone for once." Y/n told Natsuya as she let go of the door handle and slid down the door sobbing.
Natsuya was surprised at the sight in front of him. He's never seen y/n breakdown.
He stood up and carried her to the bed as she tried pushing him away softly.

"I'm sorry y/n. I-I just don't know how to start off. I do love you! I love you more than anything. You're everything to me I'm just scared that I'm not enough for you..." Natsuya confessed to
y/n as he laid his head on her shoulder. Natsuya started to cry softly which surprised Y/n.
"I-I'm scared y/n. There's nothing for me in life. I feel like I'm a fucking failure! I see everybody else achieving something and I can't even get a fucking coach to train me..." Natsuya told y/n as he started to cry harder.
Y/n wanted to cry she's never seen Natsuya like this. He was always strong whenever sad situations happened. He would always be there for her. Y/n looked up to him because he'd always be so strong for others.
Y/n hugged Natsuya's head as he laid on top of her. All anger leaving her body.

"Natsuya... Why didn't you tell me? I don't like seeing you like this. I know you can accomplish many things! I believe in you! You're someone I look up to. I've never admitted it but I guess right now is the perfect time. You would always be that perfect person everybody wanted to be. You had good grades and you had talent. Everybody looked up to you. I admired that about you."

Y/n explained to Natsuya as she played with his hair to calm him down.
"Everyone takes their time to accomplish something in life Natsuya. Some may have it immediately and others take years even decades. You've traveled many places! And you've won many competitions on your way! That's something you've accomplished!"

Y/n shook Natsuya as she smiled at him. Natsuya started at y/n with his cheeks wet from tears.
"I'm proud of you Natsuya! I know you could do so much with your talent! Who cares if that coach wasn't into you it's his lost." Y/n chuckled as Natsuya started to form a smile.
Y/n then grabbed his cheeks and put her forehead against his.

"You're not alone Natsuya. You have me. Even if I have to fly my ass to Australia I'll be there for you no matter what." Y/n smiled softly as she kissed Natsuya. Natsuya felt happy that y/n was there for him. He felt lucky that y/n understood where he was coming from. He knew that in that moment he fell deeper in love with y/n. Natsuya looked up at y/n and pulled her into a hug.

"I've accomplished something I've been wanting to accomplish" Natsuya told y/n as he rubbed her head.
"What was it ?" Y/n asked Natsuya curiously as she pulled away to look at him.

"I got you to be mine."


AGH THE FEELS honestly when I wrote this I started to cry lol I get emotional easily! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!! Thanks for reading! I love you all! ❤️

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