Chapter 2

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"Hey where are you taking me?" Y/n looked at Ikuya "I want to talk to you out here because I know you don't want to talk about this with other people around" Ikuya was right and y/n was happy that he thought about her first more than anything especially in situations like this "Y/n I told you if you don't want to be with him anymore don't stay you're not forced to. He forced you into the relationship I knew you didn't like him that much" y/n looked down then looked at Ikuya "Yeah I've been trying to it's just hard I don't want to hurt his feelings y'know? I don't want to be like "Hey yeah it's not working anymore I've never loved you I love another dude" Y/n says looking at Ikuya then facepalms "You know if my brother ever heard you say that he'd beat that dude's ass" "yeah I know he would always be there for my boy problems. Now look he's one of them!" Y/n said grabbing chunks of her hair. Ikuya was the only one who knew that Y/n loved Natsuya. He never told Natsuya out of the respect for y/n. "If you want I'll drop you at his house and I'll wait for you outside" y/n looked at Ikuya "You're the best you know that" y/n said smiling softly  "I only do it because I care now let's go tell the others we're heading out they'll understand" Y/n nodded and went inside to grab her things "Hey guys we need to go there's something important we need to do! I promise next time I'll stay!" Y/n smiled at all of them. They all bid their farewells and the two "siblings" were off.

Timeskip into the car (I'm in me mom's car vroom vroom ( )

"Say it again I'll see if it's the perfect thing to say to him" Ikuya was helping y/n practice on how to finish things with Kaneki "Okay! Okay this is the last time I'll say this" y/n said mumbling "Kaneki I don't think things are working out between us I feel like I'm being forced into liking you in this relationship. I love another guy and I feel that I needed to tell you this and end things here" Ikuya laughed "that's perfect!" " It makes me sound like an asshole!" Y/n then sighs "We're here y/n" y/n looks up to see his apartment in front of her "you promise you'll be here right? You're not gonna drive off?"  She asks Ikuya "Idiot why would I do that? Yes I promise now go" Y/n then breathes in and out and nods "Alright I'll be back" she gets out and closes the car door she then starts walking to his front door. "Why is this so hard?..." y/n sweats drop. She looks back at Ikuya only to see him holding two thumbs up." "Alright fuck it!" As soon as y/n was about to knock she heard moaning. "Huh? What the hell is that?" She looks around and walks to his window quietly and sees two shadows. "Kaneki more!" Y/n hears another girls voice! "Is he cheating?" Y/n then goes to his front door and looks under his carpet only to see a key "I going to find out if he's cheating or not" Y/n unlocks the door quietly and walks in. "Fuck Kaneki!" Y/n walks towards his room and sees Kaneki having sex with a girl.  Y/n's heart shatters at the sight right before her. "K-kaneki?" Y/n calls out. He then turns around to see y/n "Y-Y/n what are you doing here?" anger started to fill y/n "I'm going to kill this motherfucker"  "What do you mean what am I doing here?!! What are you doing!!! You're fucking this girl I've never seen!" "Y/n it's not what it looks like!" Y/n started to feel her blood boil "What do you mean?!! You're fucking a girl Kaneki!! You're the one who forced me into this relationship why would you cheat?" Y/n says as she looks at him. Y/n then hears another voice "Maybe I was better" y/n turns to look at the girl next to Kaneki "This bitch is about to die" y/n can't help but feel her heart shatter more by more "I'd shut up if I was you" y/n says to the girl in a serious tone next to Kaneki. She then shuts up and gets up to get her clothes and runs out "Y/n I'm sorry!" Y/n looks at Kaneki "I don't care Kaneki I don't care that you fucking cheated I came here to break up with you I love another guy" Kaneki then looked at y/n with sadness "W-What?" Y/n then smacks her tongue "Tch don't act like you're sad! In case you forgot you fucked a girl right now!!!" Y/n then started to tear up "I'm not sad that you cheated... I'm sad that you wasted my time. Was I not enough for your time?" Y/n looked at Kaneki with tears in her eyes "Why would you force me into this relationship if you were just going to waste my time!!! I hate you kaneki!!!" Y/n then tried to run out but Kaneki caught her wrist "Don't go Y/n!!" Y/n then yanked her arm away from Kaneki and then smacked him

"I don't matter to you so why would you want me to stay." Y/n looked at Kaneki with tears falling down her cheek. Y/n the ran to the car with Ikuya in it.  "Hey what happened?" Ikuya asked y/n "P-please drive off I'll tell you on the way home" y/n said in between her sobs. It pained Ikuya to see her like this "I'm going to beat his ass stay here" Ikuya was about to get out of the car but y/n grabbed his wrist "Let's go home please!" Ikuya then got back into the car and drove off. "God fucking dammit!! Ikuya was I not enough?" Ikuya then looked at y/n and knew he had to make a decision he never thought he would do. He had to call Natsuya. "Y/n you're more than enough alright? That guy is nothing but dirt. You're coming to my house I don't want you to be alone. Y/n then sniffled "o-okay"

Time skip by Kaneki (I love you kaneki you're just gonna be the bad guy for this book sorry (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Ikuya's POV
"Alright y/n we're here" I turned to look at her only to see that she fell asleep "Natsuya you better be here for her" I got out of the car and took my phone out only to see Natsuya's contact name. I clicked onto his name and called him
"Hello?" "Hey it's me" "Hey! I never thought you'd call me! How's things?" I sighed "that doesn't matter can you book a flight to Tokyo please? "Why what's up?" "It's about y/n" Natsuya then stayed silent then eventually he said something "I'll be there in an hour or two I'll book the next flight over there." Ikuya smiled "meet me at my dorm she's sleeping with me. She had a bad night so try bringing her things that you know she likes" "What happened Ikuya? Is she hurt?" Ikuya sighs "Yeah but not in the way you think she is so calm down. She's okay but she's just sad right now. I haven't seen her cry this much" "I'll be there soon I'm already at the airport" "Alright bye" Ikuya then hung up. He looked up into the sky to see the shining stars "So you still care about her... Natsuya you idiot you better make it up to y/n when you're here" I went to go wake up y/n only to see her drooling on her shoulder. "You're lucky you're like sister to me y/n" Ikuya says as he picks her up and takes her to his dorm.
"I'll see you soon Natsuya"

Woah Kaneki cheated on y/n but it's okay because Natsuya is coming back!!! What do you think will happen when they see each other??! (•̀•́)و Thanks for reading guys!!!

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