Chapter 12

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Y/n eyes flutter opened looking around. She looked at the clock and realized that it was 5:30 AM. Y/n sighed as she ran her hand through her hair "I need to go to class soon ugh" y/n thought to herself. She then remembered Natsuya and what happened last night. Y/n smiled to herself finally happy that the person she loves feels the same way back. "Where's Natsuya now that I think about it?" Y/n asked herself. She pulled the covers off and took a step. Only to trip over a sleepy Natsuya on the floor. "Hey that hurt a lot!" Natsuya said as he rubbed his side where y/n fell. "Sorry! I kinda forgot you spent the night!" Y/n said as she chuckled nervously. "Why are you on the floor by the way?" Y/n asked Natsuya. Natsuya started to blush as he looked away "I didn't know if you felt comfortable with me sleeping in the bed with you so I slept on the floor." Natsuya said as he ruffled his hair. Y/n smiled at his sweetness. She then leaned down and hugged Natsuya. "Thanks for being sweet but you know that we've had sleepovers before in high school right?" Y/n told Natsuya as she teased him. Natsuya only chuckled as he pushed y/n's hair behind her ear "yeah I know but it's different now! I confessed to you finally!" Natsuya said as he chuckled. "You're cute." Y/n said as she stood up and started to stretch. "Where are you going?" Natsuya asked y/n curiously. "I have classes today! I have to get ready since my class starts in an hour or two!" Y/n said as she walked to her closet. She then looked at the window only to see that it's a bit windy and it looks like it's going to rain soon. Y/n then sighed realizing she didn't do her laundry. "I have nothing to wear! It's cold out and I didn't clean my clothes ugh" y/n said as she ran her hand through her hair. Natsuya got up and walked to his bag that he left a couple days ago at y/n's house. Natsuya then grabbed a long sleeve that belonged to him. "Here! You could wear this." Natsuya said as he smiled softly at y/n. "No it's okay! It's yours!" Y/n said as she waved her hands in a no way. "Just take it idiot I don't want you catching a cold." Natsuya said as he smiled at y/n. "Thank you I'll give it back to you." Y/n said smiling as she grabbed a pair of ripped jeans to match with the olive green long sleeve Natsuya gave her. "Keep it it'll look cute on my girl." Natsuya said trying to flirt with y/n. Y/n started to blush madly as she pushed him to the side and ran to her bathroom. "For your information I'm not anybody's girl! You haven't asked me out yet idiot!." Y/n screamed through the bathroom door. Natsuya smiled at her comment "I'm waiting for that special day y/n" Natsuya thought to himself. "Hey grab some food in the kitchen you must be starving! I have cereal I also have some sandwiches!" Y/n yelled through the door. "How about we wait until your class ends and we'll go out to eat with Ikuya!" Natsuya said as he put a different shirt on. "That sounds good! Where at though?" Y/n replied to Natsuya. "What about the mall? We can go to the food court!" Natsuya said as he put pants on. Y/n walked out with her hair done and some natural make up done and of course with Natsuya's olive green long sleeve and some black ripped jeans. "How do I look?" Y/n asked Natsuya as she twirled around. Natsuya started to blush while looking at y/n. His long sleeve definitely defined all of y/n's curves but the shirt was also big on her but not too big. Just enough to tell that it belonged to him. "You look cute in my shirt you should definitely keep it." Natsuya said as he blushed even more. Y/n only giggled as she hugged Natsuya. "Thank you!" Y/n then grabbed her bag and phone. "Huh? I have missed calls from Ikuya let me call him quick." Y/n told Natsuya. "Hello? Yeah I'm about to head over there right now but why what's up? Yeah Natsuya's with me! Uhhh I don't know I'll ask." Y/n said she then looked at Natsuya "Hey what are you going to do when I'm in school along with Ikuya?" Y/n asked Natsuya. "I'm going to visit a friend from high school." Y/n nodded as she told Ikuya. "Alright I'll see you in a bit! Love ya!" Y/n then hung up. "Let me walk you to school y/n! After that I can go to my friend's place he lives close by." Natsuya told y/n. "Alright then let's go before I'm late!" Natsuya and y/n grabbed their things and walked out of the apartment.

.~Time skip~
Y/n and Natsuya were walking to y/n's school. "So what are you studying y/n?" Natsuya asked y/n curiously. "I'm studying in the medical area!" Y/n said as she looked at Natsuya smiling. "So you're going to be mrs.kirishima if you work in a hospital?" Natsuya asked y/n trying to flirt with her. Y/n started to blush as she pushed Natsuya. "Again! You haven't even asked me out yet! So it's l/n to you!" Y/n told Natsuya as she laughed. Natsuya then grabbed y/n's hand and intertwined their fingers. "I'll ask you soon y/n I want to make it special though. Even though I haven't asked you out we both know that you're my girl and I'm yours." Natsuya said as he held y/n's hand a little tighter and smiled softly at y/n. Y/n started to blush a lot but she was happy that she finally had someone who felt the same way about her. Y/n truly did love Natsuya she didn't mind being 'Mrs. Kirishima' but for now she wanted to wait for him to finally ask her to be his. Y/n smiled at Natsuya softly as she grabbed his hand back. "I'll wait for you then but shut it we both know that it's true you don't have to go making me blush!" Y/n said while chuckling. Y/n looked up only to see that she's at school. "We're here! Let me call Ikuya quick!" Y/n told Natsuya.
"Hey where are you? I'm here!"
"I'll meet up with you in class I'm running a bit late since I had breakfast with Hiyori."
"Alright! I'll see you in class."

Y/n hung up as she sighed. "I have to go to class Ikuya said he'll meet me there." Y/n said as she smiled at Natsuya. "I'll walk you to class if you want!" Natsuya said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Alright then! Thank you!" Natsuya then grabbed y/n's hand and walked y/n to her class. "Alright this is it I'll see you after class Natsuya." Y/n smiled at Natsuya. "Yeah I'll pick you up after class!"  Y/n nodded as she hugged Natsuya. Natsuya then grabbed her chin and gave y/n a small peck on the lips. Y/n started to blush as she pushed Natsuya away a little. "I'll see you after class idiot!" Y/n said as she started to blush more. "Alright then I'll be waiting for you y/n" Natsuya said as he smirked knowing the effects he can do to y/n.

IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN AWHILE I've been super busy with homework and family but I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! Love ya xoxo ❤️

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