Chapter 48

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Wedding dress is above!! If you don't like it you could change it! :)


Y/n was waking around the streets in Tokyo as she talked to Gou on the phone.

"Yeah! I'll pick you up right now! I'm almost close to your hotel!!"

Y/n told Gou as she looked up to see that the hotel was a couple of streets down. Y/n smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. Y/n sighed as she walked.

"I should really get a car."

Y/n told herself as she started to chuckle. As she walked closer to the hotel she saw that Gou was at the front waiting for her. Y/n waved to catch Gou's attention. She smiled brightly as she threw herself on y/n.

"I missed you so much!!"

"I missed you too!"

Y/n chuckled as she hugged Gou back. As they separated they started to talk about dresses. Luckily all the wedding dresses shops were close by.

"So what type of dress do you want? A long dress? A small and tight one? Ooo! Maybe even a revealing one..!!"

Gou yelled as y/n chuckled and sweat dropped. Maybe she shouldn't have chose Gou to help her...

"She's going to make me wear revealing ones..!!"

Y/n cried in her mind as Gou kept rambling. As the both of them arrived at a store a lady greeted them at the front.

"Hi I'm Lucy! How could I help you two today!?"

Lucy asked the both of them. Gou pushed y/n in front slightly as she smirked. Y/n smiled nervously as she waved a bit.

"This girl is getting married soon! She needs a dress!"

Lucy clapped her hands together as she nodded with a big grin. She grabbed y/n and pulled her towards the wedding dresses. Y/n looked at all the dresses in awe as she walked around the store.

"Do you have anything in mind? Like what type of dress you want?"

Lucy asked y/n as she smiled at her. Y/n chuckled a bit as she shook her head a bit.
She sighed as she sat down on one of the stools next to Gou.

"Honestly I don't have any clue on what the dress should look like. Should I just go with the average one?"

Lucy immediately shook her head no as she sat in front of y/n and grabbed her hands. Y/n eyes widened a bit from the sudden contact.
Lucy began to smile making y/n smile.

"Don't ever go with an average dress on your big day! That's the day you show off what everyone lost! It's your big day so go all out!"

Y/n processed the words that Lucy had told her. She smiled as she nodded. Lucy was right that is a big day! She should go all out and make Natsuya surprised by her beauty!

"Okay! I'll definitely go all out then!"

Gou cheered in the background as she ran to get a handful of dresses along with Lucy. Y/n began to walk towards the fitting room as she took her clothes off. Gou passed her a dress that seemed a bit...tacky?

"Well you never know till you try it out!"

Y/n told herself as she put on the dress. As y/n looked at the mirror she panicked and opened the curtain. Gou's eyes sparkled as Lucy held a thumbs down. It had multiple ruffles that made her seem weird. Not only that but it wasn't even white..!!

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