Chapter 57 {Part two}

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Y/n and Natsuya had already dropped off the kids at their uncle Ikuya's house, now they were alone together. Natsuya grabbed y/n's thigh as he drove to the restaurant they had a reservation for. Y/n held his hand as she looked at him.

"He looks handsome."

Y/n thought to herself as she tighten her grip on his hand. He chuckled and held it back tighter. Y/n began to chuckle as she shook her head a bit.

"This kinda reminds me when you took me to prom on your senior year."

Y/n chuckled as she remembered the both of them all dressed up in the car. Natsuya chuckled a bit as he shook his head slightly.

"We should've never went. Such a waste of money for such a shitty school dance. The only good thing about it is that you were my date."

Natsuya chuckled as he looked at y/n at a red light. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips making her feel butterflies. As they pulled apart and started to drive again y/n began to laugh again.

"I like how that night ended though! I still can't believe we went skinny dipping at the ocean..!"

Y/n said as she started to laugh harder making Natsuya snort as he remembered about the memory. As they arrived at the restaurant the both of them stayed in the car, laughing and wiping tears away. Natsuya eventually regained himself and grabbed y/n's cheek and kissed her softly. Her eyes widened a bit not expecting the kiss but immediately melted into it. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, just like their first one.

"Y/n, you know I love you right? You're perfect to me in every way."

Natsuya told Y/n making her heart melt from the sweet words that came out of his mouth. Y/n started to tear up as she wiped them away. She needed to hear those words from him. He knew that y/n had been acting different lately so he tried his best to make her feel better. Y/n smiled as she nodded her head and rubbed his cheek.

"Y-Yeah, I love you too Natsuya. I'm lucky to have a guy like you."

Y/n told Natsuya as he smiled softly and held y/n's hand on his cheek. He then kissed it lightly and wiped all the tears that were on her cheek. He  got out the car and immediately opened the car door for y/n.

"My lady!"

Natsuya joked around with y/n as he held his hand out for her. She started to giggle at Natsuya's silliness and grabbed his hand. The both of them walked into the restaurant and got escorted to a booth. Y/n looked around in awe as she held Natsuya's hand. Everything was so aesthetically fancy.  The both of them sat down and ordered their food. She looked up at Natsuya and immediately shook her head.

"Y-You didn't have to do all this for me..!!"

Y/n stuttered out making Natsuya chuckle and shake his head. He leaned over and kissed y/n's forehead slightly.

"I wanted to though. I'd do anything for you, angel."

Y/n began to blush softly as she smiled at Natsuya and thanked him. Their food eventually got there and they immediately began to eat their delicious food.


Y/n and Natsuya sat in the car as they drove around the streets. Y/n didn't want the date to end and honestly Natsuya didn't either. An idea immediately popped into his head as a smirk creeped onto his face.

"Wanna go skinny dipping like back then? The beach isn't too far."

Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at him and chuckled a bit. She thought for a moment and smirked back at Natsuya.

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