Chapter 52

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Y/n and Natsuya were finally at home from their honeymoon. The both of them relaxed as they sat on the sofa hugging each other lovingly.

"I had so much fun Natsuya. We should go again."

Natsuya smiled as he ran his hand through her hair. He leaned down and kissed the temple of her head and nodded.

"Of course angel. Now let's go to sleep."

————Timeskip to one week!————

Y/n ran towards the bathroom at 3 AM and started to throw up into the toilet. Natsuya woke up confused as she ran towards the bathroom and grabbed y/n's hair as he rubbed her back.

"Angel? Are you okay?"

Y/n nodded a bit as she looked back at Natsuya with a small smile. She then felt another rush of nausea as she whipped her head around and started to vomit. As soon as she finished the both of them went to sleep in each other's arms.

————-Timeskip to morning!!————-

Y/n kissed Natsuya on the lips as she grabbed her bag.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come to the store with you?"

Natsuya asked y/n worried as he started to put a shirt on. Y/n chuckled a bit as she pushed him down to sit down. She started to shake her head as she grabbed the door handle.

"Yeah I'm positive. It'll be quick okay? I just need to pick up somethings."

Y/n told Natsuya as she waved and walked out. As soon as she walked out Makoto and Haru were there waiting for her. She ran towards the car and jumped in freaking out a bit.

"Calm down y/n..! This is good news!"

Makoto tried to cheer y/n up as she smiled a bit. She was going to the store to buy a pregnancy test because she's been having symptoms. Constant mood swings, Nausea, and bloating. She sighed as she remembered a small memory of her crying because Natsuya got the wrong type of chocolate for her.

"Yeah I know I'm freaking out because it'll be my first kid!"

Y/n told Makoto as she chuckled a bit. He chuckled as he parked in front of the store. The three of them walked out and bought a pregnancy test for y/n. She stared at the package as she smiled a bit thinking about her future with Natsuya and kids.

"If you are pregnant that means we'll be one of their uncle's!"

Makoto told y/n as he pointed at themselves. Haru smiled a little as he nodded along. He then started to think as he looked back up at y/n.

"How are babies made?"

Y/n and Makoto started to cough on their saliva as they whipped their heads back at Haru. He sat there with a curious face as he looked back and forth between them. As Makoto drove back to y/n's house he explained to Haru making him nod a bit and then look at him.

"We should have a kid Makoto."

Makoto started to blush as she shook his head a bit. Y/n giggled as she hugged the both of them and ran towards her apartment. She waved them off as she walked into the apartment and saw Natsuya sleeping on the couch waiting for her. She smiled a bit as she took her shoes off and tried to sneakily tip toe towards the bathroom until a voice caught her attention.

"You suck at sneaking around y'know that?"

Natsuya chuckled as he sat up and walked towards y/n. He looked through the bags for his chips until his eyes widened as they landed on something.

"Y-Y/n are you..?"

Y/n started to freak out and she shrugged her shoulders. She grabbed the test and grabbed Natsuya's hand and made her way towards the bathroom. After she took the test she waited at least 30 minutes so that the test can give back an accurate response.

"What if I'm pregnant, Natsuya?"

Natsuy chuckled as he grabbed y/n and sat her down on the counter. He started to rub her cheek and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Then we'll immediately start buying things for the baby."

Y/n giggled a bit as she relaxed knowing that Natsuya truly did want a family with her. She grabbed Natsuya and pulled him in for a hug. He rubbed y/n's back lovingly as he kissed her cheek. They pulled apart as they smiled at each other and nodded. Y/n grabbed the test and turned it around. Her eyes widened as she started to grin.

"I'm pregnant Natsuya..!!"

Natsuya started to grin as he picked up y/n and started to twirl her around. The both of them laughed in happiness as he put her down and looked down at the test. He smiled softly as he looked back up at y/n.

"I'm going to be a dad."

Natsuya told y/n making her nod and smile a bit. He grabbed y/n's stomach and kissed it a bit making her giggle a bit.

"Hey there uhhh no gender yet..? I can't wait to meet you."

Natsuya talked to her stomach as he rubbed it a bit. Y/n laughed softly as he rubbed Natsuya's head and pulled it into a hug.

"When should we tell everybody?"

"Let's do it tomorrow! Everyone's here!"

Y/n nodded as she kissed Natsuya softly and smiled at him.

—————Timeskip to tomorrow!————

Everybody had arrived to y/n's apartment as they greeted her with a smile. They all began to eat together from y/n's amazing cooking skills. Nagisa smiled with a mouthful of food and asked y/n a question.

"What's the big news y/n? You called us all for something?"

Y/n chuckled a bit as she nodded at Natsuya and handed him a little box. Natsuya grabbed it and handed it to Ikuya.

"Open it, Ikuya."

Ikuya raised his eyebrow as he grabbed the box suspiciously. He started to untie the bow and open the box. He took all the gift paper out of the box until his eyes landed on something. He picked it up and looked at it. His eyes widened immediately as he looked at y/n and Natsuya.

"You're pregnant..?!!"

Y/n laughed as she nodded her head and hugged Natsuya's arm. Ikuya grinned as he stood up and hugged the both of them. Everybody cheered as they ran up to the couple and hugged them happily.

"Congrats you guys!!!"

————Timeskip to the next day!————

Y/n looked at Natsuya as she held the gift bag for her parents. He smiled softly as he grabbed her hand and knocked on her parents door. The both of them opened the door surprised to see the couple.

"Hey guys!? What are you guys doing here?"

Y/n's mom asked as she let them in. Y/n's dad walked up to the both of them and greeted them with a hug. Y/n started to chuckle as she sat on the sofa in front of her parents.

"Well we're kinda here to give you guys something."

Y/n told the both of them as she handed them the gift back. The both of them looked at the bag curiously as they started to open it. It was baby shirts saying that they'll be grandparents. The both of them immediately started to cry as they saw the shirts.

"You're pregnant??!!"

Y/n laughed as she nodded the both of them ran up towards them and started to hug them. Y/n and Natsuya felt proud showing everyone that they were going to have a baby. Now the real question is what is it? A boy or a girl?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Thanks so much for reading you guys love ya! ❤️

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