Chapter 43

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I decided to put this picture because Natsuya and Rin made up! Aren't they cute ^_^


Y/n was running around her apartment in a rush as she threw things into her purse. Natsuya was brushing his teeth rapidly as he grabbed his wallet.

"Natsuya! Hurry up we're going to be late for the team's competition!"

Y/n yelled as she grabbed her phone and started to grab a bag to put water bottles in. Today was the day where the Iwatobi team was going to compete. Y/n was excited deep down inside to see her friends swim so that she can cheer them on. Y/n felt buzzing in her back pocket as she took her phone out.

"Hello? Y/n! Where are you you're going to be late!"

Makoto asked y/n as she started to freak out even more. Y/n grabbed the bag and ran to grab Natsuya's hand.

"We'll be there soon Mako! I'll see you there bye!"

Y/n yelled into the phone as she hung up immediately. She grabbed Natsuya's hand tighter as she ran out the apartment with him. They looked around only to see that the train will take awhile to get there soon.

"Y/n I think we should run it's not that far away. Besides if we don't run we won't make it."

Natsuya told y/n making her sigh. She didn't want to run but she had to. Y/n nodded as Natsuya grabbed her hand and started to run to the location. Y/n was to busy trying to grab the bag full of water bottles that she ran into someone.

"I-I'm sorry...!!"

Y/n yelled out as she looked up only to see that she had ran into Rin. Her eyes widened as she remembered all the memories the day Natsuya and her made up. It was awkward...

"Y/n?! You're late too huh?"

Rin asked y/n as he laughed a bit. Y/n shook all her thoughts away as she heard Rin laugh. Maybe it wasn't so awkward besides they were friends from the beginning. Y/n nodded as she laughed and ran next to Rin. Natsuya looked back at the both of them and felt a pang of jealousy run through his body. He grabbed y/n's hand and started to run faster.

"S-Slow down Natsuya..!! I'm going to eat it...!"

Y/n laughed as she realized that Natsuya got jealous. She felt happy that everything was okay between them. She shook her head as she passed Natsuya and looked back at him.

"I have to get there a bit earlier because I promised Nagisa I would give him pep talk!"

Y/n yelled as she ran towards the entrance. Natsuya stopped at the entrance as he was breathing a bit heavy. Rin stopped next to Natsuya and panted a bit.

"Looks like someone's tired already!"

Rin smirked at Natsuya cockily trying to show off. Natsuya smirked a bit as he looked at him in the eyes.

"I wouldn't be talking because when we swam last time I almost kicked your ass. It was the rain that stopped me from winning."

Natsuya smirked as he saw Rin roll his eyes. Rin then scratched his head a bit as he looked away.

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened at Iwatobi... I'm not after y/n anymore I just want her to be happy."

Rin told Natsuya as he dropped his hand. Natsuya smiled a bit as he nodded. He took his phone out and showed Rin a picture of the ring.

"I'm planning on proposing to her tomorrow after the competition."

Natsuya confessed to Rin making his eyes widened a bit. Even though Rin felt a bit sad that he couldn't have y/n he was happy that she would end up with a good guy. Rin grinned at Natsuya and pulled him into a hug.

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