Chapter 29

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Y/n eyes flutter open as she squinted from the sunlight hitting her eyes. Y/n sat up only to see that she was only wearing a large t-shirt and her panties. She then turned around to see a shirtless Rin sleeping. Y/n's heart started to raise at what the situation looked like.

"Oh my god did we...?!!?"

Y/n started to panic as she realized the the shirt belonged to Rin. Y/n yelled a high pitch scream as she jumped out the bed.
Rin shot up wide awake as he looked around.

"What happened!!?"

Rin asked y/n as he looked at her. Y/n started to blush as she pointed back and forth between them.

"Uh- R-Rin did we? Y'know?"

Y/n asked Rin as she blushed even harder trying to figure out the situation. Rin started to blush as he shook his head.

"No! I-I just had to change you because you seemed uncomfortable, I'm sorry!"

Y/n then looked down at her self only to remember that she was in panties and Rin's shirt. Y/n squealed as she grabbed Rin's curtain trying to cover herself. Rin's face turned into the color of his hair as he looked away.

"S-Sorry! Uh I had to give you shirt I thought it would be rude if I went into your bag. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!"

Rin told y/n as he stood up and grabbed shorts from his drawer and held it behind his back.


Y/n grabbed them as she slid them on and put the curtain back in place. Y/n sighed as she sat on the floor. She was happy deep down inside that they didn't do anything. Y/n would never want to do anything like that to Natsuya.

Y/n's eyes soften as she remembered what happened. She ran her hand through her hair as she tried holding back tears. Rin noticed immediately something was wrong.

"Hey it's okay I'm here for you. Tell me what's wrong?"

Rin asked y/n as he rubbed circles on her back. Y/n sighed as she rubbed her eyes to stop herself from crying.

"He cheated on me with some bimbo... It hurt a lot but the thing that hurt me the most is that he was with her a year before he saw me. I waited for that idiot and cried myself to sleep everyday because of him only to find out he was with another girl..."

Y/n told Rin as she bit her cheeks causing her to taste blood. Rin hated seeing y/n like this it was unlike her to be sad or mad. Rin couldn't help but think that y/n looked beautiful as she cried.

"God y/n even when you're at the worst you look gorgeous."

Rin thought to himself as he stared at her lips. Rin started to lean in but eventually caught himself before she realized.

"Rin! You shouldn't be doing that especially at a time like this!"

"Rin? Are you okay?"

Y/n asked Rin causing him to snap out of his thoughts. Rin nodded as he looked at her.

"Yeah I'm sorry I'm just pissed off that he would hurt you like that. I'll beat that bastard's ass if I need too."

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