Chapter 28

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! I'm sorry there's no picture of Natsuya my phone is running out of memory :(((


Y/n and Ikuya got out the elevator as she tried processing everything. Y/n was still in shock she didn't know what to feel. Should she be mad? Sad? She had absolutely no idea. Y/n opened her room as she grabbed her suitcase and put her morning essentials back into the suitcase.

"Where are you taking your things y/n?"

Ikuya asked y/n as she zipped her bag. Y/n felt tears starting to form at her eyes as she grabbed her things from the counter. She threw everything into the bag angrily as tears dropped. Ikuya realized that she wasn't sad but pissed off. Ikuya grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug.

"Calm down y/n I don't like to see you like this."

Ikuya told y/n as he rubbed her back. Y/n shook her head as she sobbed. Y/n gripped onto his shirt. Ikuya hugged her tightly as he cursed at Natsuya in his head.

"You fucking idiot Natsuya just why the hell were you here last year but not there with y/n?"

Ikuya thought to himself as y/n broke the hug and grabbed her things angrily. Y/n's phone went off.

"Natsuya posted something!"

Y/n clicked onto the notification. The next thing broke her heart completely. It was a picture of both of them sitting at a table hugging. Natsuya had completely left y/n and went with this girl. Y/n felt like she was in a nightmare. Tears dropped from her eyes as she shook from anger. She threw her phone at the door not caring if it broke. Y/n wobbled as she sat on the bed.

"Ikuya... I waited for him this whole time and he was here with her... He left me to go "catch up" with this stupid bitch!"

Y/n yelled as more tears slipped down her cheek. Ikuya felt his phone vibrate. Makoto was FaceTiming him.

"Makoto right now isn't the best time."

"Ikuya. Natsuya... we saw him do something."

Y/n looked up at Ikuya as they looked at each other. Y/n had a feeling she knew what Makoto was going to say but she didn't want to jump into conclusions. Y/n shook nervously waiting for Makoto to continue.

"We were walking around because we wanted to buy some snacks for later to cheer y/n up and we saw them kissing..."

Y/n stayed still as she heard those words. Her heart had sunk into her stomach. She never thought that Natsuya would cheat on her.
Y/n cried silently as she tried wiping her tears away.

"So much for wanting to marry me huh? Fuck you Natsuya I'm done waiting for you..."

Y/n grabbed her things rapidly and walked out the door slamming it on the way out. Y/n ran down the stairs and walked out the office. As she walked out the entrance she bumped into Natsuya. He was still with the girl.

"Hey y/n! Let me introduce you!"

Y/n walked up to them slowly as she felt her heart beat quickly. She couldn't believe that he had the nerve to introduce them when he cheated behind her back. Y/n walked up to Natsuya and glared at him.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

Natsuya asked y/n as he looked into her bloodshot eyes indicating that she was crying. Y/n looked up at Natsuya and smacked him hard against his cheek.

"Fuck you Natsuya! We're over you cheating bastard! I never want to see you in my life again go be with this bitch if she's so much more important to you! I waited for you this whole time Natsuya! Only to find out you were here a fucking year ago!"

Y/n shook angrily as Natsuya looked at y/n with wide eyes. The girl Natsuya was with launched at y/n.

"Don't hurt Natsuya!"

Y/n punched the girl straight in the face causing the girl to fall to the ground. Her eyes widened at y/n.

"Stay out of this!"

Y/n yelled at the girl as she grabbed her things and looked at Natsuya. Natsuya tried grabbing y/n's hands as she walked away.

"Wait y/n! It's not what it looks like!"

Y/n yanked her hand away from Natsuya as she turned towards him. Tears were falling down her cheek as she glared at Natsuya.

"Shut up Natsuya! There's nothing to fucking explain! We're done! I'm done waiting for you. I see how much I meant to you when you were here last year while I was waiting for you crying myself to sleep everyday. Fuck you Natsuya I hate you!"

Y/n screamed at Natsuya as he stayed looking at y/n. He had to explain to her but she wasn't listening. Y/n turned around and ran towards Gou's house.

"Y/n... I'm sorry but please let me explain."


Y/n wiped her tears away as she walked up to the Matsuoka's door. She knocked as she waited for someone to open the door.
Rin then opened the door.

"Hey y/n- what's wrong?"

Rin asked immediately noticing something was wrong with y/n. Y/n started to sob as she wiped her tears away.

"Natsuya cheated on me..."

Rin felt something snap inside of him as he started to boil with anger. Rin was about to put on his shoes until Y/n hugged him unexpectedly.

"Please don't... I still love him."

Y/n told Rin as she hugged him crying into his chest. Y/n knew he would try to kick his ass. Rin sighed as he picked up y/n and closed the door. He walked towards his room and laid her down on his bed.

"It's okay y/n. I won't beat his ass for you." Rin told y/n as he stroked her hair. Y/n cried softly into his chest as they laid together.

"I'm here for you y/n. It's okay."

Rin whispered sweet things into y/n's ear trying to comfort her. Eventually everything stayed silent after awhile. Rin was still running his hand through her hair.


There was nothing but silence and some soft breathing. Y/n had fallen asleep in Rin's arms. Rin smiled as he pulled a blanket over the both of them and turned the lights off.

"Goodnight y/n"


Woahhhh what happened? Did Natsuya actually cheat? What will happen between the both of them? Will Rin take advantage of the moment? :0 Thanks for reading guys love ya!!! ❤️

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