Chapter 54

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Natsuya picked up boxes and started to put it in a moving truck. Today was the day where they would move to their new house. After countless nights of searching for the perfect home they finally found it and are moving into it.

"Was that the last box? Are you sure you don't want me to help, baby?"

Y/n asked Natsuya multiple times making him laugh and shake his head. He walked up to y/n and kissed her on the lips softly making the both of them feel butterflies.

"Yes angel I'm sure, besides you can't pick anything up it'll hurt the baby."

Natsuya told y/n as he chuckled a bit. Y/n sighed and nodded as she sat down on a stool. She had to admit she was super excited and wanted to get out of her apartment already. After half an hour Natsuya sighed and wiped the sweat off his head.

"You ready to say goodbye to this place, angel?"

Natsuya asked y/n as he looked around the apartment remembering memories between the both of them. Y/n chuckled as she hugged Natsuya and looked around.

"Yeah I'm ready, I'm going to miss this place because of memories but we have a new chapter to start."

Y/n told Natsuya as she put his hand on her stomach. The both of them looked at each other and smiled as they leaned into a loving kiss. Natsuya pulled away and started to smirk.

"Want to make one last memory here?"

Y/n immediately bonked him on the head as she started to blush furiously. Natsuya laughed a bit as he rubbed the pain on his head.

"You idiot..! I'm pregnant already!"

Y/n laughed as she hugged Natsuya. The both of them laughed for awhile as it echoed around the empty apartment. The both of them started to quite down as they looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go, angel."

Natsuya told y/n as he grabbed her hand and helped her down the stairs and jump into the car.

———————Timeskip to house!!—————

Natsuya helped y/n down the truck before he started to thank things off the truck. The both of them looked at the house in front of them with a big smile on their face. (House from the house chapter lol)

The both of them smiled as they started getting to work. Natsuya started to set down some light things and y/n would put it in the spot she would want it in the house. As time passed every box was finally out of the truck and they laid on the ground together.

"Thank god we're finally done."

"You could say that again."

"Thank god we're finally done."

Y/n chuckled at Natsuya silliness and pushed him softly. Natsuya smiled at y/n as he immediately remembered about something. He stood up and grabbed y/n's hand.

"Where are we going, baby?"

Y/n asked as she followed Natsuya. He smiled as he turned back around and covered y/n's eyes. She started to chuckle as she grabbed onto his wrist making sure he's there.

"I have a surprise for you, I hope you love it."

Natsuya told y/n as he continued to walk towards the surprise. He turned around a corner and entered into a room. Y/n chuckled as Natsuya kissed y/n randomly and took his hands off her eyes.

"You could open your eyes, angel"

Y/n opened her eyes as she looked around in shock. They were in a beautiful nursery. It was painted in a beautiful color of green and had white clouds with cute little birds and butterflies. Y/n walked around the room as she touched every little detail. To the gray cribs to the pretty stained glass windows. She felt tears prickle at the side of her eyes as she turned back around at Natsuya and gave him a huge hug.

"I love it so much! You went all out!"

Natsuya chuckled as he kissed y/n's forehead softly. He was glad that she liked it he spent countless hours working on this nursery for the little twins that will come soon. Natsuya walked towards the closet and opened the door to reveal a closet full of baby clothes and towels. Basically everything that you needed for a future little one. He bent down and grabbed a small backpack.

"I made you your bag so that you're ready when you give birth. I put extra clothes in here and everything that you would need."

Y/n started to cry as she hugged Natsuya putting the backpack down. She felt so happy and lucky to have someone like him in her life. He basically did everything for her! Hell he even packed her backpack!

"I love you so much, Natsuya. Thank you for thinking about me."

Y/n told him as she looked up smiling at him sweetly. He smiled as he grabbed her face and pulled her into a soft and gentle kiss. The both of them felt happy that they had officially started their new chapter together. It was a nice feeling knowing that you had someone to have your back for life. The both of them parted and laid their foreheads on each other.

"I love you more, angel. I'm glad you liked it! I worked my ass off for these little ones."

Natsuya told y/n as he looked down at her stomach and kissed it. Y/n giggled from the ticklish feeling as she ran her hand through his hair.

"Have you thought about any names?"

Natsuya immediately perked up from the question and nodded his head. Y/n giggled as she sat down next to Natsuya.

"What is it?"

"I want to name our girl, angel."

Y/n eyes widened a bit as he saw Natsuya smile. She loved the name for their baby especially because that name had such a cute meaning between the both of them.

"That's such a cute name! Then it's settled I know what to call the boy!"

Natsuya tilted his head a bit waiting for the name. Y/n chuckled as she grabbed his hand and placed it on her kicking tummy.

"Since I want them to have the same first letter I'm going to name our son, Andrew."

Natsuya smiled as he felt a strong kick from y/n's tummy making her out a breath a bit from the hard kick. The both of them laughed as he nodded.

"That sounds like a good name! I mean he likes it."

Natsuya told y/n as he chuckled a bit. The both of them leaned into another kiss and laid down on the carpet floor not caring about the boxes in the living room.

"I'm so happy to be with you, y/n."

"I'm happy I'm with you too, Natsuya."

The both of them hugged each other as their eyes started to droop. The both of them ended up falling asleep for the first time in their new home. That was the beginning of their new chapter of their life.

I hope you guys enjoyed!! I hope you like the baby names lol if you don't you could change it to whatever you want! Love ya guys thanks for reading! ❤️

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