Chapter 26

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"That didn't go as planned huh?"
Natsuya told y/n as he chuckled a bit. Y/n shook her head as she smiled.

"I guess not but it doesn't matter. I rather be with someone that actually makes me happy."

Y/n told Natsuya as she held his hand softly. Both of their hands intertwined as if they were meant for each other.

"Sooooo marrying me huh?"

Y/n brought up as she looked away blushing.  Y/n felt her cheeks heat up as she remembered the words Natsuya said to her father.

"I meant it you know? I really do want to marry you in the future!"

Natsuya told y/n as he faced her and grabbed her shoulders so that she can look at him. He then smiled and leaned his forehead on hers.

"I can't imagine life without you y/n. I know for a fact that you're my soulmate."

Natsuya told y/n as he blushed a little at the words he told her. Y/n hugged Natsuya tightly as she felt happy inside from the words Natsuya had told her.

"I love you Natsuya."
Y/n then pulled away and started to pout as she rest her hand on her hip in a sassy way.

"Hey wait a minute! You haven't even popped the question yet! Not even a promise ring!"

Y/n told Natsuya as she laughed a bit. Natsuya then smirked at y/n as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah I know but I have something I'm planning! But that's for me to know and for you to find out."

Natsuya told y/n as she blushed furiously and looked away embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say."

Y/n told Natsuya as she smiled at him. Natsuya leaned down and kissed y/n softly on the lips.
Y/n smiled in the kiss as she hugged Natsuya softly.

*Ring Ring*

Y/n broke away from the kiss as she looked down at her phone. Makoto was calling her.


"Hey y/n! You ready to go?"

"We can finally visit them Mako-Chan?"

"Yeah! They just got out!"

"Okay I'll meet you at the school mako! Bye!"

Y/n then hung up as she danced happily.
Natsuya raised his eyebrow at y/n as he chuckled at the sight of her little dance.

"What happened?" Natsuya asked y/n as he wrapped and arm around her waist.

"We could go to Iwatobi!! Let's go! I wanna see Nagisa and Rei!!"

Y/n told Natsuya excitedly as she grabbed his hand and started running to the school that was luckily close by.

"Hey! Slow down y/n! You're going to make me eat it!"

Natsuya told y/n tripping a bit as he chuckled at her excitement.

"Than hurry up slow poke!!!"


Y/n and Natsuya eventually arrived at Iwatobi high school.

"Where are they at?" Natsuya asked y/n as she shrugged and looked around.
Y/n grabbed Natsuya's hand and started to walk to the pool.

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