Chaper 6

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Y/n and natsuya went to a convenience store looking for some drinks and some snacks for later. "Hey what type of drinks do you like y/n?" Y/n started to think as she looked at the drinks "I'm kinda in the mood for Coke and Hennessy" y/n said as she grabs the Coke. Natsuya looked at y/n smiling "I bet you're a light weight y/n" y/n only looked at Natsuya and smirked "Alright then let's see who drinks the other one out!" Y/n said as she dared Natsuya. Natsuya only smirked as he swung an arm over y/n's shoulders and pulled her in "You don't know what you're asking for y/n" Natsuya and y/n walked up to the cashier "I'll pay!" Y/n said as she took her money out. Natsuya then push her hand away and paid for everything "No it's okay! Whenever you're with me you never have to pay." Natsuya said as he smiled at y/n. Y/n felt herself blush as she grabbed the bags and walked out the store with Natsuya "T-Thank you Natsuya you didn't have to pay though! At least let me cook for you when we get home!" Y/n said as she looked at him in a pleading way. Natsuya only chuckled and nodded "alright then I'll look forward to it!"

Timeskip by Haru's freestyle~
Y/n and Natsuya walked up the neighborhood near y/n's apartment "So this is where you live y/n? Y/n nodded as she pulled her keys out "It's a bit messy right now since I haven't been back into my apartment since I went out with Ikuya and the incident happened" y/n chuckled nervously "It's alright I don't judge! If you want I'll help you!" Natsuya said "No! It's okay I hardly have things laying around so it's not that bad it's just the clothes from that day and stuff!" Both of them eventually arrived at y/n's apartment. Y/n started to open the door as she read a note on her door "I figured you haven't fed your dog since I haven't seen you so I fed him for you! -Makoto" y/n smiled at the note and kept it with her as she walks in with Natsuya
*Woof woof*
Y/n's dog ran up to Natsuya smelling him everywhere while wagging his tail in excitement. Natsuya crouched down and started to pet y/n's dog. "What's his name?" Natsuya asked he played with the dog "His name is D/n! Isn't he the cutest! I found him in a ally so I took him in with me!" Natsuya smiled at the kind thought of y/n "She was always kind with everyone even with people that disliked her. She never treated anyone different and that's one of the reasons why I fell in love with her." Natsuya thought to himself he turned to see that y/n already picked up everything from her apartment so it was all clean. "Hey I was going to help you!" Y/n giggled as she rolled her eyes. Natsuya started to look around her apartment. It was filled with paintings and pictures. He stood up and walked around to look at each one of them. He started off with the paintings. There was one of a naked body surrounded with flowers, another one with a Greek statue crying blood from its eyes, and lastly two people close together looking at the ocean at night. It reminded him of the last time they saw each other. He rubbed his hand at the details of the painting "She's really good" natsuya thought to himself as he smiled. He turned to look at the pictures on her wall his eyes widened at the pictures. His lips parted at the sight of the pictures. One was a picture of Natsuya, Ikuya and y/n at a swim meet together. They all had their arms wrapped around each other and a smile on all theirs faces. The second picture was a picture of y/n on Natsuya shoulders while looking at the fireworks together with big smiles on their faces. Natsuya smiled at the memory together he remembered that day more than anything.

Y/n and Natsuya where at a fair together enjoying the games that were at the fair. "Natsuya it's time let's go look at the fireworks!" Y/n said as she grabbed Natsuya's hand and ran to a bridge. Sadly there was a lot of people and y/n being the short person she is couldn't see the fireworks from all the people around her. "Natsuya I can't see" y/n pouted as she pulled his sleeve. Natsuya smiled "Wanna get on my shoulders so that you can see?" Natsuya asked. Y/n started to blush as she nodded. "Alright then get on my shoulders" Natsuya said as he crouched down low so that she can hop on. She got on his shoulders as Natsuya grabbed her hands so that she wouldn't fall. He stood up and balanced her so that she could be comfortable. "Better?" Natsuya asked as he looked up at her "Way better!" Natsuya smiled happily as he walked to a better place so that they can enjoy the fireworks even more.

Flashback over
Natsuya smiled at the memory as he took his phone out and took a picture of the picture in front of him. "Y'know I had a lot of fun that day. We should go to a fair again!" Y/n said as she walked up to him. "Yeah let's do it! We could go back to Iwatobi for it's spring fair if you want?" Natsuya asked waiting for y/n's answer "yeah I'd love to go with you again!" Y/n said as she smiled at him. Natsuya looked at Y/n and smirked "you ready to drink?"  Y/b smirked and took the drinks out and put it on the counter "You're just all talk I bet you're a light weight" natsuya only chuckled a bit as he shook his head "Whatever you say y/n"

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Next chapter is going to be emotional so I hope you look forward to it ehehe. Thanks for reading guys!! ❤️

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