Chapter 11

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"Hey Natsuya..." y/n said as she looked at Natsuya shyly. "What are you doing here all alone?" Natsuya asked trying to ease the tension in between them. Y/n started to play with the straw from her drink. "Uh I came with a friend but I kinda got left behind." Y/n told Natsuya as she pointed at Rin grinding against a girl. "I don't know why he would leave you? You look gorgeous." Natsuya told y/n not realizing the words he just let out. Y/n then started to blush. "T-Thank you Natsuya." Natsuya started to blush realizing what he had said. "Did you eat anything?" Natsuya asked y/n curiously. Y/n shook her head no as she chuckled nervously. "Do you want to head out of here and grab something to eat? The food here looks flavorless." Natsuya asked y/n curiously hoping that she would say yes. "I don't have enough money Natsuya. I kinda wasted my money on our drinks." Y/n told Natsuya as she pointed at herself then at Rin. This caused Natsuya to get irritated at Rin. "Seriously? What guy let's the girl pay and then leaves her?" Natsuya said as he shook his head. He then looked at y/n again and smiled. "I was going to pay for you y/n." Y/n started to blush at Natsuya as she shook her head no. "It's okay! Really!" Y/n told Natsuya as she looked away from him. Y/n  didn't want to make eye contact with him because she knew that she'd break down. Natsuya noticed that y/n kept looking away. "H-Hey look at me. Let me make it up to you for earlier. I shouldn't have left like that." Natsuya told y/n trying to get her attention. Y/n felt like crying from his words. She didn't want him to pity her for not having the same feelings back. Y/n stood up and grabbed her purse and started to walk away. Natsuya grabbed her wrist before she could get far away. "Please let me take you out on a date y/n." Natsuya told y/n. This is the only way he could show y/n that he was serious about her for now. He didn't want to talk about the situation the happened earlier at a night club he wanted it to be just the two of them. "Please y/n." Y/n turned back around at Natsuya as she had tears gathering up at the corner of her eyes. "You don't have to do that for me Natsuya. Don't pity me." Y/n said as she glared at Natsuya. Natsuya started to pull y/n outside. He wanted to let y/n know that he actually loved her back and that he didn't pity her. "Hey! Where are you taking me?" Y/n asked Natsuya trying to get out of his grip. "We're going somewhere private we need to talk about this." Natsuya told y/n as he turned around the corner finally being far away from the nightclub. "No we don't! Look Natsuya you don't have to pity me! You know I hate that shit! Just tell me that you don't love me!" Y/n said as she pushed Natsuya's hand off of her. Y/n started to cry as she looked at Natsuya's back. Natsuya turned around and pushed y/n against the wall and grabbed her face. "I'm don't pity you y/n. I'm sorry for running out like that I just thought you said that from the alcohol in your system." Natsuya told y/n trying to let her know his side of the situation. Y/n tried to get out of his grip from him holding her face. "Natsuya why would it be the fucking alcohol in my system? I've been loving you since I met you god dammit!" Y/n yelled at Natsuya as she finally pushed him off of her. Y/n started to run away. Natsuya chased after her. "Y/n stop! Let me talk!" Natsuya yelled at y/n as he tried to catch up her. The both ended up running towards a beach without realizing. Y/n started to sink from her high heels digging into the soft sand. "Crap!" Y/n thought to herself as she still tried to run away. Y/n eventually ended up falling to the ground from losing balance. Natsuya ended up falling onto y/n. "Y/n please let me talk." Natsuya asked as he begged her. "What Natsuya?" Y/n asked Natsuya as she looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry for running away y/n... It's just I got shocked from your words and I ran away like a coward. I just wasn't expecting the person that I love confess to me." Natsuya said as he looked at y/n. Y/n's eyes widened in shock. "I was so scared to lose you y/n that's why I never confessed to you. I've been loving you since the beginning and I always have been since then. When I left I was always thinking about you." Natsuya said as he put his forehead against y/n's. "I'm sorry for not staying in contact with you and I'm sorry for running away from you y/n. I made a lot of mistakes and I understand if you don't forgive me but I just want to let you know that no matter the distance and no matter the situation I'm always going to love you. You have my heart y/n it's always been you. I love you Y/n." Natsuya confessed to y/n. Y/n felt so warm inside from hearing Natsuya's words. She felt tears fall from the corner of her eyes. Natsuya loved her just how she loved him. She felt her sadness go away. All the years that they were apart was made up at that very moment. "I love you too Natsuya." Y/n confessed back to Natsuya. Natsuya grabbed her face as he rubbed his thumb against y/n's cheeks wiping the tears away. Natsuya looked into her eyes softly as he leaned down and kissed y/n softly.  The both of them felt all the tension leave as they connected. They felt extremely happy knowing that they were each other's and no one else's. The sound of their hearts beating together next to the sound of waves made them feel as if they were alone in the world together. Natsuya leaned out of the kiss and rested his forehead against y/n's. "I'll never leave you again y/n I promise." Natsuya told y/n as he rubbed her cheek. "Thank you for always being there for me Natsuya." Y/n said as she raised her hand and rubbed his cheek. The both of them then sat up and smiled at each other softly. "So how about that date?" Natsuya asked y/n as he smirked. "Way to ruin the moment idiot." Y/n said as she laughed softly. "But I'd love to go on a date with you." Y/n said as she leaned against Natsuya's shoulder. "How does Saturday at 5 sound?" Natsuya asked y/n smiling softly at her. "Eh" y/n teased Natsuya as she laughed "And you tell me that I ruin the moment." Natsuya said as he dead panned at y/n. "I'm kidding I'm kidding! Saturday at 5 sounds perfect." Y/n told Natsuya as she chuckled at him. Natsuya smiled at her as he started to chuckle along with her. Y/n grabbed her purse as she pulled her phone out.  "Say cheese!" Y/n said as she held it in front of the both of them and took a picture. "What's that for?" Natsuya asked curiously as he smiled at the picture. "I have to send it to Ikuya and this other friend of mine they'll know as soon as I send it to them." "Who's the other friend?" Natsuya asked y/n  curiously "It's a guy I met at the night club! His name's Sting! I was alone so he sat with me and talked. I told him about you so when we saw you he motivated me to sit at the bar so that we can see each other." Y/n told Natsuya as she smiled. Natsuya smiled back "I guess we should thank him then huh?" Y/n only chuckled as she nodded. Natsuya stood up as he dusted the sand off of him. He then picked y/n up bridal style. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Y/n asked Natsuya surprised. "We're going back to your house it's been a long day so I'll take you home and I'll go back to Ikuya's in a cab."  Natsuya told y/n as he walked with her in his arms. "Stay with me Natsuya. Please?" Y/n asked Natsuya as she smiled at him. Natsuya smiled softly at Y/n and nodded. "Alright then I'll stay with you y/n."

YAAAAYYY THEY CONFESSED FINALLY!  They have a date on Saturday hehe >:) I wonder what happened to Rin and the rest after they left though lolllll but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Love ya guys! ❤️ xoxo

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