Chapter 13

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Y/n walked into the class to see Ikuya. "Ikuya!!" Y/n yelled as she ran to him to hug him. "Hey what's up?" Ikuya said chuckling as he hugged y/n back. Y/n remembered the plans Natsuya made after the class ended. "Hey Ikuya are you free after this class?" Y/n asked Ikuya as she tilted her head a little. "Yeah I don't have practice today but why?" Ikuya asked. "It's because after this class Natsuya wanted to go out to eat with everyone like you,mako,haru, and the rest!" Y/n said as she was counting her fingers. "Yeah we can go but where are we going?" Ikuya asked curiously. "We're most likely going to the mall since there's a food court of everything so everybody can get what they want." Y/n explained to Ikuya. "Alright then yeah that sounds good! Can I bring hiyori?" Ikuya asked. "Yeah! Speaking of him where is he at?" Y/n asked as she looked around. "He had to skip this class because the coach needed him for something." Y/n only nodded as she sat down next to Ikuya to start the class.

~Timeskip by haru in a tankkkkk~

"Thank god that class ended fast" Ikuya said as he sighed. Y/n started to chuckle as she grabbed her backpack and her books. "It wasn't that bad! I actually enjoyed it a lot!" Y/n said as she smiled at him. Ikuya then rubbed y/n's  head. "It's because you're a nerd." Ikuya said teasing y/n. "Hey! Shut it!" Y/n said as she pouted at Ikuya. Y/n looked down at her phone to see that Natsuya was calling her. "Hold up Ikuya! Natsuya's calling me!" Y/n said as she picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Hey! I'm outside cutie" Natsuya said in a teasing way. "you're such a flirt I swear but you called just in time class just ended we'll be outside right now!"
Y/n said as she blushed a little from his compliment. "Alright! Well I'm outside of your class right now so I'll see my beautiful girlfriend right now." Natsuya said trying to flirt with y/n. Y/n started to blush a lot so she hung up the phone before Natsuya could hear her squeal. "He's such a idiot!" Y/n said as she hid her face in her arms. Ikuya looked at y/n confused. "What happened?" Ikuya asked y/n curiously. "It's your idiot brother he started flirting with me ." Y/n said as she looked up at Ikuya still blushing. "Wow he made you red as fuck." Ikuya said as he chuckled. Ikuya was happy that y/n and Natsuya finally had a thing.  Ikuya noticed what y/n was wearing. An olive long sleeve. It didn't look like it belonged to her he then realized that it was Natsuya's. Dirty thoughts started to rush to his head as he started to choke on his saliva. "Hey you okay? Are you sick?" Y/n asked worried. "Uhh y/n did you and Natsuya uhh y'know do it?" Y/n started to blush madly. "You idiot! No!" Y/n said as she hit Ikuya softly still blushing madly. "Why do you think that!" Y/n asked Ikuya. Ikuya laughed "Sorry! It's just Natsuya never gives his clothes away so when I saw you with his long sleeve I don't know why that popped up" Ikuya said as he chuckled more. "Well you idiot no we didn't do 'it' it was just cold and I didn't have laundry so he gave it to me!" Y/n told Ikuya as she smiled. "Well let's get out of here Natsuya's probably waiting for us" Ikuya said as he grabbed his things and stood up. Y/n and Ikuya started to make their way out of the door. Y/n saw Natsuya looking around for y/n. "

Hey I'm right here!"

Y/n called out to Natsuya. Natsuya noticed y/n and walked towards her as y/n walked towards him. Y/n then felt someone grab her wrist and pull her back. "Huh?" Y/n saw that one of her fellow classmates was trying to talk to her. "Uh can I help you with something?" Y/n asked the boy politely.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go maybe on a date with me? You're really pretty."
The boy said as he started to chuckle nervously. Before y/n could say anything someone else said something. Natsuya wrapped his arm around y/n as smiled at the boy.

"Is this guy bothering you babe?"

Natsuya said as he kissed y/n's cheek. Y/n started to blush as she started to stutter. "I-uh no he's not bothering me! Thank you for the offer but I have a boyfriend!" Y/n said as she was still blushing madly and walked away with Natsuya. Y/n's classmate just looked surprised about everything that just happened.

"You were jealous weren't you" y/n asked Natsuya as she started to giggle. Natsuya eyes widened as he started to choke on his saliva.
"What? No I wasn't!" Natsuya said as he chuckled nervously. Ikuya then walked up to Natsuya and flicked his head. "It's obvious that you were don't try to deny it idiot."
Ikuya said as he shook his head at Natsuya.
Y/n then grabbed Natsuya's hand and started to chuckle. "How did it go with your friend?" Y/n asked.

"It went good! I haven't seen Nao in a while so I was glad to see him again."

Natsuya said as he smiled. Y/n then realized something. "What!!? He lives here? Like our Nao right?" Y/n asked Natsuya curiously. "Yeah you didn't know that?" Natsuya asked Y/n. "No! I lost contact with him! I tried getting his number before I left Iwatobi but I never saw him again." Y/n said as she ran her hand through her hair. "I'll ask him to come to the mall if you want?" Natsuya asked Y/n as he pulled his phone out. "Yes please! It's been so long since I've seen him!" Y/n confessed as she jumped up and down. "Alright then I'll call him!" Natsuya then clicked on his contact and started to talk to him. Y/n looked over at Ikuya and saw that he was on his phone. "Who are you texting? A girl?" Y/n teased Ikuya. Ikuya got startled from y/n's presence all of the sudden. "No idiot I'm texting the group chat check your phone." Y/n looked down at her phone as saw that the rest were agreeing with something. "What are they agreeing about?" Y/n asked Ikuya curiously. "I told them to come to the mall so that we could all meet up." Y/n then nodded as she smiled happily. "Can we walk to my house quick? I want to drop off my stuff and get some extra money." Y/n asked the boys. "Yeah sure." Ikuya agreed.

"Yeah I need to grab my wallet from my bag too."
Natsuya said as he chuckled at y/n.
Y/n smiled at the both of them as they talked about other random things.
I'm sorry for not updating guys! I've been working on my other book with Kaneki and stuff! But I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I promise I'll work on it more often! Thank you so much! Love ya xoxo ❤️

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