Chapter 34

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"Alright everybody wake up!!!"

Gou yelled as she shook everybody's tent so that they can get up. Y/n woke up scared as she looked around panicking. She sighed as she realized that today was the day of their intense training. She looked over at Natsuya and pecked him on his lips. He smiled softly as he rubbed his eyes from sleepiness.

"I'm not ready for today..."

Natsuya told y/n as she nodded agreeing with him. She then remembered about someone being scared of the ocean. She grabbed her one piece and walked out the tent. She walked towards Makoto's tent and tapped on it slightly.

"O-Oh hey y/n!"

Makoto greeted y/n as he chuckled nervously. Y/n knew straight off the bat that something was wrong with him. He walked into the tent and saw that Haru was looking at Makoto worried. Haru scooted over so that y/n can sit.

"Mako-chan are you sure you want to do this? You don't have too."

Y/n asked Makoto as she worried about him. Haru nodded along as he looked deep into his eyes. Makoto sighed and nodded.

"Yeah I'm sure! I shouldn't let the past affect me like this."

Makoto told the both of them as they looked at each other and nodded. Y/n hugged Makoto and smiled up at him.

"I'm here if you need anything okay?"

Y/n reassured Makoto as he nodded while smiling softly. Y/n then excused herself and went to go find Natsuya. He was in his swimming gear stretching his muscles. Y/n started to blush as she admired his body. Natsuya then turned around and smirked at y/n.

"Like what you see?"

Y/n blushed furiously as she rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. Natsuya laughed as he walked along with her to a bush.

"Could you cover me so that I can change please?"

Y/n asked Natsuya as he nodded and stood in front of y/n to cover her. After awhile y/n tapped on his shoulder letting him know she was ready. He looked at her and started to blush.

"She looks pretty in everything...!"

Natsuya thought to himself as y/n flicked his forehead to get his attention. Y/n giggled as she ran off with the group. As the group got together Gou started to explain what they were going to do.

"Alright! You guys are going to swim from this island to that island! After that island you're going to the next and then back to here okay?!"

Gou told the group as they nodded determined to get over with the practice. Gou then smirked as she grabbed her timer.

"No breaks! It'll help with your stamina!"

Gou told the group as they all nodded except y/n. Y/n had waterfalls down her eyes as she panicked.

"I'm going to die...! It's been so long since I've swam!!"

Y/n thought to herself as she walked towards the group and started to stretch. She looked at the group and smiled.

"If someone gets left behind just keep going okay? Unless you need absolute help and you're about to drown!"

The group nodded as they dived into the water. Natsuya smiled at her before he dived into the water. Y/n sighed as she dived into the water as well.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

Gou yelled as the team swam faster. Y/n felt the water pass by her as she swam fast. She felt the water help her swim as she cut into the water just as if it were paper. She passed by Nagisa and Rei as she winked at then making them groan. As she swam she realized that she was next to Ikuya and Natsuya.

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