Chapter 37

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Y/n and Makoto sat in silence as they thought about the past. They snapped out of their thoughts as they heard Nagisa and the rest of the group come into the room.

"I'm surprised it's not cold in here!"

Nagisa said as he sat down next to Rei. The group nodded as they sat in a circle. Natsuya sat next to y/n as Haru sat next to Makoto.

"Let's play charades to lighten the mood! How does that sound you guys?"

Nagisa asked the group as they nodded softly. Natsuya chuckled a bit as he grabbed y/n's hand.

"It can't hurt to spend a little time by playing games."

Natsuya told y/n as she smiled softly at his attempt to cheer her up. Y/n was grateful that she had Natsuya by her side. She kissed his arm to thank him as he smiled softly at her.

"Okay! I'll go first! What am I?"

Nagisa asked as he started to waddle around. Everybody looked at Nagisa confused as he started to get annoyed. Makoto chuckled a bit as Nagisa yelled at everybody to pay attention.
Nagisa's eyes widened as he saw Makoto smile.

"It's your first time smiling since we've been here! You've been down since then!"

Nagisa told Makoto making him look down. He felt bad that he made the rest worry about him. Rei looked at Makoto as he got curious.

"Hey Makoto, if you don't mind me asking why did you freeze up when you tried to save me? You too y/n?"

Rei asked Makoto and y/n making them tense up a bit. Haru gritted his teeth as he yelled at Rei to drop the subject.

"B-But I-"

"Drop the subject!"

Haru yelled harshly making Rei stay quite. Y/n and Makoto grabbed Haru's shoulders as they shook their head slightly.

"It's okay Haru... thank you for sticking up for us though."

Y/n told Haru as she smiled softly at him. Makoto nodded as he sighed.

"Yeah besides I think it's time I let them know... We were afraid."

Makoto told the group as they looked at him. Nagisa tilted his head curiously as he held Rei.

"Because Rei was drowning?"

Y/n and Makoto shook their head a bit as they sighed.

"We were scared about that too but the main reason we froze up is because of the ocean. You see we're very scared of the ocean because of our past. The only difference is that I try to push myself into the ocean as Makoto tries to avoid it."

Y/n told the group as they got even more confused. Haru and Natsuya sighed as they knew about the story. They didn't want the both of them to feel uncomfortable. Makoto then decided to tell the story.

"You see... when I was younger I would go to the harbor a lot when I was younger. I met this sweet old man who would always play with me and tell me stories."

Makoto started off as he sighed a bit. Y/n looked up and decided to tell a bit of her story as well.

"That man was my grandpa... I met Makoto one day when I went to go visit him. Makoto and I instantly hit it off when we met. One day we went to the festival as we were walking around we saw goldfishes but we couldn't get any because we didn't have any money."

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