Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV
I ran towards the airport as I dialed Rin's phone number.
"Fucking pick up Rin..." I yelled quietly as I got near the airport.

"Rin!! Are you at the airport right now?!" I yelled into the phone as I jumped over a fence to get into the area where the airport is at.

"Yeah? Why what's up?" Rin asked me as he chuckled.
"Take me to Australia with you! This fucking dumbass idiot left without telling me!" I cursed into the phone cussing out a certain brown haired boy.
"Natsuya? The hell is he doing there? But are you sure you wanna come?" Rin asked me curiously.
"Yes! I'll pay the ticket right there and then just let me come with you since you know the area!"
I yelled into the phone as I ran towards the entrance.

"Alright I'll take ya but hurry up I'm boarding soon!" Rin tells me as I ran into the airport.

"I'm here! Let me get the ticket quick! Don't hang up!" I yelled into the phone as I go to a lady that works there.

"Excuse me ma'am! Can I get a ticket to Australia's next airplane!?" I asked the lady as I  was breathing heavily from all the running.

"Let me check.... wow looks like you're lucky! You got the last seat!" The lady tells me as she grabs my card and prints out the ticket.

"Enjoy your flight!" I grabbed my ticket and card and run towards the boarding place:

"Where are you? I just got it!" I scream into the phone as I ran. I then felt someone grab my hand before I could run off. I turned around to see Rin hang up the call.

"I'm right here idiot! Calm down and breathe." Rin chuckled at me as I breathe heavily.
"Sorry for the sudden call and everything. It's just this idiot left without telling me!" I tell Rin as tears prickle at my eyes.

"H-Hey! Don't cry! It's okay you'll see him soon." Rin tried comforting me as he rubbed my back. I start calming down as I hear that we're about to get on the airplane.
"Thank you Rin I mean it. Let me call someone quick before we board." I told Rin as he nodded. I started to dial Ikuya's number as I walked with Rin.

"Hey I can't talk that long! But I'm heading towards Australia right now I need you to tell me some things he planned to do!" I asked Ikuya as I started to panic slightly.

"Are you crazy!? The hell are you doing there?" Ikuya started to ask me worriedly.
"Just answer Ikuya! I'm not alone I'm with Rin! Don't worry!" I asked him before I got on the plane.
"He went to Sydney that's all I know! He didn't tell me anything else. Stay safe y/n!" Ikuya tells me as he panicked over the phone.
"I have to go! Bye I love you!" I then hung up as I sat on my seat next to Rin.

"Hey Rin do you know where Sydney is?" I asked Rin as I ran my hand through my hair.
"Yeah! That's where we're going I'll show you around." I faced palm myself as I realized that I grabbed a ticket without even knowing where I was going.

"I should text that idiot before I turn my phone on airplane mode." I thought to myself.

"You're an idiot! How could you leave me without telling me. Don't do the same stupid shit again Natsuya! I'm heading to Australia right now. I'll find you and when I do don't think you'll get off easily!"

I sent the message as I sighed. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see that it's Rin.
"It'll be okay y/n. We'll find him okay? Until then you're staying with me so don't worry alright?" Rin reassured me as I nodded as thanked him.

"I'm just scared to get hurt again." I thought to myself as I looked out the window. I didn't even realize that we were in the air already. It was a night sky with beautiful stars gleaming. Honestly I was scared that I wouldn't see Natsuya anymore. I was scared to fall into depression again. I couldn't breath I felt like there was a melancholy air that surrounded me.
"Stupid Natsuya. What happened to you not leaving?" I thought to myself as I wiped the tears that fell down onto my cheek. I decided to sleep until we arrived.

Natsuya's POV

I sighed as I read the message y/n sent me. I wouldn't think she'd do something this crazy. I grabbed my clothes and put them on as I dried my hair.
I was here trying to find out what I wanted to do with my life. I went towards the bed in my hotel and laid down thinking about y/n.

"I'm sorry for leaving so sudden y/n... I don't even know if you'll forgive me after this." I thought to myself as I sighed. I felt like everything was just repeating itself. I didn't want to go back how I used to be. I put my phone down after I read y/n's message again.

"I should go to sleep." I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.

————-Timeskip to Australia in the morning—————-

Rin heard that they arrived to Australia already as he stretched from the nap he just took.
"Hey y/n. Wake up we're here!" Rin told y/n as she flutter her eyes open. She grabbed her things and walked out the airplane with Rin.
She was amazed at the beauty of Australia. She loved the ocean view that was right next to the airport.
"C'mon y/n let's show you around." Rin tells y/n as he grabs his duffle bag. Y/n nodded as she walked with Rin.
"Let's get a hotel since we might stay here for awhile." Rin tells y/n as she nodded and looked everywhere around her in amazement.
"Everything is so pretty here Rin." Y/n tells Rin as she smiles at him.
"Yeah I thought the same thing when I first came here. Hey is it okay if we go somewhere after we book our hotel?" Rin asks y/n curiously as she nods.

Y/n and Rin end up in a hotel as they walk up to the front desk.
"Rin I don't have any money on me..." y/n tells Rin worriedly.
"It's alright I'll pay everything okay? Don't worry about it." Y/n thanks Rin as she hugs him.
"Thanks for everything Rin... I promise I'll pay you back! I just waisted all the money on this card with that stupid airplane ticket."  Rin chuckled as he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it y/n! Just have fun since you're here already!" Rin smiled at y/n as he goes up the lady and gets a room.
Y/n and Rin put their things down and walked out the hotel.

"You're going to meet the family I stayed with when I was little!" Rin tells y/n as they get into a taxi.
"W-What?! Really? Are they nice?" Y/n asked Rin nervously.
"Yeah they're nice! Don't worry you'll love them!" Rin laughs as he tells the person who's driving where to go.

Y/n looked out the window as she sees people walking everywhere and buildings passing by.
Y/n then took out her phone and decided to call Natsuya to see if he would pick up.

"Leave a message at the beep!"

Y/n sighed as she got sent straight to voicemail.
"I'm going to kill you Natsuya!" Y/n screamed in her head.
"We're here!" Rin tells y/n as they get out the car and pay.

Wow y/n's at Australia I wonder what's going to happen 🤔 thanks for reading guys I really i appreciate every one of you! I hope you guys know that you're amazing! Love ya ❤️

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