Chapter 56 {Part one}

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Y/n was holding baby Andrew while his sister slept in her crib. They were already 8 months they were growing up so fast! Y/n tickled Andrew making him giggle a bit.

"Can you say mama?"

Y/n asked Andrew as she made mama stand out from her sentence. Andrew only looked at her as he sat in y/n's lap.


Andrew stuttered out as he grabbed y/n's shirt. Her eyes widened as she repeated mama over and over again. She then heard chuckling behind her and realized that it was Natsuya.

"Looks like you're trying to show them how to say their first word."

Natsuya told y/n as he picked up Angel who had just woken up. She looked up at Natsuya with those big baby eyes of her. She grabbed his cheek softly and started to giggle.


Y/n's and Natsuya's eyes widened at Angel's first word. Natsuya began to grin as he nodded with Angel. As for y/n? Welll...

"How could she say your name first!! Andrew say mama!"

Y/n asked Andrew making him chuckle from y/n's voice. Natsuya smirked as he switched Angel with Andrew and held the little boy up.

"Say Dada, Andrew!"

Natsuya asked Andrew as he looked at him happily. Y/n looked at the both of them with an intense stare hoping he wouldn't say it. Andrew just giggled as he looked at Natsuya.


Natsuya started to nod as he heard Andrew start to say 'dada'. Y/n shook her head as she said mama over and over again to get Andrew's attention. Angel giggled in the background as she looked around.


Andrew yelled out as he looked at y/n. Her eyes widened as she nodded happily. Natsuya pouted a bit as he grabbed Andrew's chubby cheek making him giggle. Y/n gave Angel to Natsuya and picked up Andrew.

"Yeah!! I'm mama!"


The babies were finally asleep leaving Natsuya and y/n time for themselves. They laid down on their bed as she hugged each other tightly.

"It feels good having time to ourselves."

Natsuya told y/n making her chuckle a bit as she nodded. She kissed Natsuya on the lips softly as she laid her head on his chest. He immediately started to smirk as he kissed y/n on the neck making her moan a bit.

"Let's make another?"

Y/n immediately shook her head as she pushed Natsuya away and walked towards the bathroom. Natsuya watched y/n walk away as he sat there a bit confuse. She's been acting different lately. He stood up and knocked on the door worriedly.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"


Y/n lied as she stood there in the bathroom. She looked at her body as she frowned a bit. She felt insecure about her body as she grabbed her love handles. She looked at her stretch marks she had when she carried both of the twins in her stomach. She sighed as she grabbed her phone and dialed Gou.


"Hey are you busy? I need someone to talk to."

"No not at all! What's wrong?"

Gou asked y/n making her sigh a bit and sit down in a corner of the bathroom hoping Natsuya won't hear. She held her legs close to her body as she looked down at the ground.

"I'm just feeling insecure about my body..."

"What?! You have the best body I know! And that's coming from a muscle lover! Have you talked to Natsuya about it?"

Gou asked as y/n wiped away a tear that slid down her cheek. She was scared to tell Natsuya because what if he felt the same way? What if he didn't like her anymore? Y/n shook a bit as she held her phone tighter.

"N-No... I'm scared that he won't like my body anymore. What if he loses feelings Gou?"

"Y/n he won't lose feelings! I know for a fact that he loves you more than anything! You need to talk to him about this."

Y/n sighed knowing that Gou was right. Deep down inside she did want to talk to Natsuya about it but of course she never listened to it and had bottled all her feelings up.

"Y-Yeah I'll talk to him about it. Bye Gou."

Y/n hung up the phone as she stood up and looked at the mirror quick. She sighed as she shook her head softly. She hated the way she looked but she couldn't do anything about it. She walked out the bathroom and saw Natsuya on the phone.

"Could you take care of the kids today, Ikuya? Sorry it's such in a short notice!"

Y/n looked at Natsuya curiously as he smiled at her softly and held out some bags that had all the things that the babies needed. Y/n raised her eyebrow a bit as she looked at him with her arms crossed.

"You will?! Thanks man you're the best little brother! I'll drop them off in a little!"

Natsuya hung up the phone and smiled at y/n. He walked up to her and kissed her cheek and squished her cheeks together. Y/n smiled softly as she hugged Natsuya.

"Why are we taking the kids to Ikuya?"

Y/n asked curiously as she kissed Natsuya on the cheek. He smiled softly as he moved her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"I want to take you out and have a special day with you."

Natsuya confessed to y/n as he grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. She smiled as he hugged him tighter. She was stupid to think that he would lose feelings for her. She teared up a bit as Natsuya wiped the tear off.

"I know you've been feeling down and I promise we'll talk about it when we come back home, but for now we have a date to attend."

Natsuya smiled at y/n making her chuckle a bit and nod. She ran towards the closet and grabbed the prettiest dress she had. She slipped it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit she did look good in the dress. She smiled as she felt better about her body a bit. Natsuya whistled as he twirled y/n around.

"You look beautiful, y/n!"

Natsuya complimented y/n as he kissed her lips softly. She chuckled a bit as she looked at Natsuya. She started to blush as she checked out Natsuya over and over again. He was wearing a black button up with some black dress pants. The sleeves of his black button up were rolled up to his elbows which made him look sexier. He smirked as he kissed y/n's neck softly.

"Looks like someone likes the view~ I promise when we come back you can check me out all you want~"

Y/n blushed furiously as she pushed Natsuya off and ran off to grab the kids. He stayed there chuckling a bit and grabbed the bags that had all the baby stuff and walked out of the room. Y/n carried the babies and walked out the house with Natsuya.

I hope you guys enjoyed!! Part two will come soon! I love you guys so much! ❤️

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