Chapter 23

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Y/n and natsuya arrived to Tokyo finally.
Y/n yawned as her jet lag kicked in.
"I'm so tried Natsuya." Y/n told Natsuya as she yawned once more.
Natsuya chuckled as he nodded.
"Yeah me too. We have to go see Ikuya first though."
Natsuya reminded y/n as she nodded
"Yeah of course! Let's just leave our things in my apartment and we'll head over there."
Y/n said as she grabbed Natsuya's hand.
The both ended up arriving to y/n's apartment as they walked near the stairs.

Y/n heard her name be called as she turned around only to see Makoto.
"Hey Mako-chan!"!
Y/n smiled as she hugged him.
"Where have you been? You left out of nowhere!" Makoto scolded y/n as she scratched her cheek nervously.
"I was in Australia..."
Makoto eyes widened as y/n explained to Makoto. Y/n then looked down as her mood changed completely.

"Hey Mako-chan? Do you know what's wrong with Ikuya?" Y/n asked Makoto changing the subject completely. Makoto looked away and looked back at the two.
"H-He's over working himself again."
Makoto admitted as he sighed. Y/n and Natsuya showed a face full of worry as Makoto continued to speak.

"He saw Haru's time on his lap and he started to feel a bit disappointed at himself." Makoto started off as he looked away trying to avoid explaining the whole story.
Natsuya looked at Makoto curiously as he walked forward.
"And then what? I know that's not the only reason." Natsuya told Makoto as he avoided eye contact. He then looked back focusing his eye contact with Y/n.

"We didn't know that he felt disappointed in himself. We invited him to swim with us and I showed him the video of you y/n... That's when he snapped and stormed off. I didn't mean to do anything! I thought he would be proud of you y/n!"

Makoto explained to y/n as he looked at the ground. Y/n eyes widened at what Makoto have told her.

"It's my fault that he's overworking himself?" Y/n thought to herself as her lip trembled indicating she's going to cry. Natsuya looked at y/n as he tried to calm her down. Y/n dropped all her things and started to run towards Ikuya's dorm.

"Y/n wait!!"
Both of the boys yelled as they tried to catch up to y/n.

"Ikuya... I'm sorry if I hurt you somehow." Y/n  started to cry as thoughts ran through her head. Luckily the university was near by so y/n could get there soon. Y/n saw that the gate to the building entrance was locked.

"It's probably reserved for students right now." Y/n thought to herself as she tried looking inside the building. Y/n jumped over the fence as she landed onto the ground and ran towards the building's door.
Y/n looked everywhere for Ikuya as she saw that his bag was there.

"Y/n! It's nice to see you!" Y/n turned around to see Hiyori.
Y/n clicked her tongue as she saw him.
"Where's Ikuya?"
Y/n asked Hiyori as she glared at him.
"He's busy right now! Sorry."
Hiyori smiled at y/n as she glared harder at him.
"Cut your bullshit Hiyori. I know he's here somewhere!"
Y/n snapped as she looked around for Ikuya.
"Y/n leave him alone. It's your fault this all happened." Hiyori explained to y/n as his face turned serious.
"It's your fault y/n. After he saw that stupid video of you swimming he felt like all his years of training went down the drain."

Y/n felt hurt from what Hiyori has told her.
"H-How?" Y/n asked curiously.
"How would you feel y/n? You train most of your life only to have someone beat your time like nothing after not training for years." Hiyori asked y/n as she heard a noise come from behind her. She turned around to see Ikuya with a face full of annoyance.

"Shut up Hiyori. Don't go around telling my business." Ikuya said as he held no emotion on his face.
"Sorry Ikuya." Hiyori smiled at Ikuya as he grabbed his things and walked off to the exit of the building.
"Ikuya..." y/n started off as she looked at the ground.
Ikuya stared at y/n with his cold eyes.
Y/n started to feel tears prickle on the side of her eyes from Ikuya's attitude towards her.
"I-I didn't know you felt this way... I'm sorry. Don't let time get in the way Ikuya!" Y/n told Ikuya as tears slipped down her cheek.
Ikuya sighed as he grabbed his things.

"Don't apologize. None of this is your fault." Ikuya told y/n as he sat down on the benches. Y/n sat next to him.
"Still I'm sorry... But seriously don't let it discourage you please. I know you could do it in the all Japan-invitational."
Y/n looked at Ikuya as he looked at her with tears in his eyes.
"It's just I've trained so much and I haven't gotten nothing out of it. I feel like I'm losing motivation y/n."

Ikuya confessed to y/n as he laid his head on her shoulder leaving a damp spot on her shirt from his wet hair.
"Why have you lost motivation all of the sudden Ikuya?" Y/n asked worried as she ran her hand through his hair.
"I don't know? I just feel like after Haru there's nothing that can make me as excited." Ikuya sighed as he wiped his tears away. Y/n looked at Ikuya sadly as she hugged him. Y/n knew she had to do something. Y/n pulled away from the hug as she looked at him.

"Ikuya. I've been thinking about joining the all japan-invitational." Ikuya looked up at y/n surprised.
"H-Huh? Really?" Ikuya asked y/n curiously.
Y/n nodded as she smiled at him.
"Yeah! I've been thinking about it since the day I went to Australia. Everybody told me I should do it but I didn't see a reason on why I should  do it. Now I have a reason!"
Y/n chuckled as she looked at Ikuya smiling a bit.

"We could swim together one more time!" Y/n smiled at Ikuya as his eyes widened. Ikuya felt adrenaline rush through his whole body. He felt like he had a meaning to swim again. Ikuya lifted y/n up as he hugged her.
"Do it y/n!"
Y/n started to chuckle as he placed her back down.
Y/n thought of Natsuya for a moment as she grinned a bit.
"Hey Ikuya?"
Ikuya looked at y/n curiously as he nodded to let y/n continue.
"Don't tell Natsuya please. I want it to be a surprise!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!!! I feel like it wasn't that good but I promise I'll make better ones and I'll update more!

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