Chapter 7

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Y/n and natsuya started to make drinks before they sat down and talked. "Hey Natsuya how much do I mix the Hennessy with the coke?" Y/n asked as she held the coke bottle up. Natsuya chuckled as he grabbed the coke and poured some in the glass with Hennessy already in it "That should be about the right amount just keep mixing it until you like it" y/n nodded as she thanked Natsuya "Oh by the way I ordered pizza since I didn't have any groceries from not going to the store... sorry haha" y/n said as she scratched her head awkwardly. Natsuya smiles and nodded at her "I guess you have to make it up to me next time huh?" He teased y/n to play with her. Y/n grabbed Natsuya's hand and dragged him to the floor where they set up a blanket and some drinks. The best thing about it all was that it was next to a window where you can see everything. It was currently a cloudy day it seemed like it was going to rain soon. "C'mon let's drink already! We have a lot to catch up on." Y/n said as she smiled at Natsuya. Natsuya only nodded as he sat down next to y/n with his back against the window. "So how was your trip when you left? What did you do the whole time?" Y/n asked Natsuya "I went to places to go compete in competitions and get some money and travel more" Natsuya said as he looked at the ceiling. The truth was that Natsuya was scared to talk about what he did. He felt that he did nothing and he felt even worse because he left y/n just for that. "Is that it? Tell me about the competitions! I bet you won all of them huh?" Y/n teased Natsuya knowing he won everyone one of them. Natsuya looked at y/n and smirked "Of course I did! I'm the best y'know? No one can beat me" Natsuya said as he winked at y/n. Y/n smiled softly at Natsuya she always knew that Natsuya would win no matter what. She was proud of him and she always would be no matter the situation. She was his number 1 fan. Natsuya looked at y/n he noticed that she was looking out the window and could see some houses along with the cloudy sky. "Why'd you move to Tokyo now that I think about it?" Natsuya asked y/n as he looked out the window himself . "I moved here because I wanted to be in the art industry but I also didn't want to be by far from Ikuya and the rest." Y/n started to chuckle "I'm glad I came with everybody though. I've grown more as a person thanks to everybody. I was so confused on what I wanted to be a couple of years ago and I fell into depression." Y/n looked at the sky as she realized that it started to rain. "Ikuya always came to help me and be there for me he would always check up on me and show me new things everyday so that it could bring a little joy into my day." Y/n chuckled at the memories of Ikuya coming and shaking her to wake up "Haru and Makoto would also come and cheer me up by having movie nights or play video games. Makoto would make me some meals here and there. It's all because of them that I moved on from my depression." Y/n said as she looked at her hands and played with her fingers. Y/n didn't want to let Natsuya know the reason why she fell into depression. "How are you feeling about it now?" Natsuya asked y/n "I'm good now! I'm way more happy but that time period wasn't easy for me. I was thinking about doing things to myself..." Y/n said as she felt tears prick her eyes. Natsuya looked at her sadly he wanted to comfort her but he felt wrong to do it because he felt that her depression was mostly his fault. He swallowed before asking y/n something he didn't want to ruin anything they had between them. "If you don't mind me asking why did you fall into depression?" Y/n grabbed the bottle of Hennessy as she left her glass empty from her old drink. She started to drink straight from the Hennessy bottle. She looked at Natsuya with her cheeks all rosy as she was already getting drunk from her previous drink "I fell into depression because of you." Y/n states bluntly. Natsuya felt a pang at his chest when y/n said that. "I'm so sorry y/n" Natsuya thought to himself as he looked at y/n "I missed you so much I felt that it was all my fault on why you left... I was so confused that you left out of nowhere. I know you told me you were leaving but I wasn't ready for it at all." Y/n said as she took another drink from the bottle that's already half empty. "I'm sorry for leaving out of nowhere y/n but I have my reasons." Natsuya stated as he looked at y/n who was on the brink of tears. "What were your reasons for you to leave me? I wouldn't care if you stayed in contact with me! How could you leave me like that Natsuya!" Y/n yelled angrily. she felt tears slid down her cheek and down next to her lip. She hated that salty flavor whenever she would be up late at night thinking about him. "Why did you have to lose contact with me? What did I do? Did I do something wrong?" Y/n asked Natsuya sadly as she looked down. Natsuya couldn't handle the sight in front of him. Y/n the girl he loved deeply was breaking right in front of him and it was all because of him. "You didn't do anything wrong y/n... I was just confused on what I had for my life. I had nothing. I didn't apply for any colleges after graduation I left immediately I just felt so lost..." Natsuya said as he felt his own tears building up. "Bullshit!" Y/n yelled angrily "you could've come to me! You never let me help you! Maybe if you came to me we could've figured something out Natsuya..." y/n grabbed Natsuya's jacket and pulled him to her. Y/n couldn't stop herself from crying into Natsuya's chest. "Why do you care so much y/n? You could've just left me all alone. I'm a failure y/n can't you see that?" Natsuya said as he pushed y/n's face out of his chest so he can look at her. He was crying. Natsuya Kirishima was crying. Y/n has never seen Natsuya upset he would always be strong to her that's why she looked up to him so much. Of course though everybody breaks once Natsuya was a human . Y/n noticed that Natsuya had his own demons too and she felt guilty for not being there for him and not being considerate with all the rash words she said to him. "Are you stupid? You're not a failure Natsuya! You have so much going for you! You just need to put in the effort in one thing than multiple things at once! You're the best fucking swimmer I know! You could get into that global competition thing easily if you put effort into it! I'm not going to leave you and I never will!" Y/n yelled angrily at Natsuya as she hit his chest with her hands all balled up. Natsuya was starting to get angry he felt so guilty that y/n had to comfort him he felt guilty because y/n was right but above all he felt guilty because even though he left y/n she stayed and waited for him. "Why?! Why y/n!! Why'd you stay?! Why didn't you leave! I left you waiting you should hate me! I just left like that and yet you waited for me!" Natsuya yelled as he grabbed y/n's shirt "I stayed because I love you Natsuya!! I fucking love you! Even if I wanted to forget you I can't! You're always on my mind no matter what! It's you Natsuya! I fucking love you!" Y/n yelled at Natsuya not thinking before she said something. Natsuya's eyes widened at her confession. He never thought that she would feel that same. Y/n realized what she had said and started to cry harder. She started to run towards her room "Y/n wait!!!" Natsuya ran towards her and grabbed her wrist. "What?! I just said what I felt! If you don't feel the same way I understand but I can't hold my feelings back. I fucking love you Natsuya! I've always loved you! Ever since the beginning..." y/n said crying softly. She was scared that she ruined her friendship and that Natsuya would leave her again. She yanked herself out of his grip and ran towards her room and locked herself in. Natsuya stayed there shocked not knowing what to say. He loved her more than anything but he didn't know if it was actually her words or the liquor in her system. He decided to leave and catch a cab to go to Ikuya's dorm. "I'm so sorry y/n..."

Y/n FINALLY CONFESSED! Ugh I love Natsuya lol but do you think he'll like reader Chan back? 🙈 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Love ya! ❤️

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