Chapter 3

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Y/n'a POV
Y/n opened her eyes and started to look around "huh where am I?"  "Finally you're up took you long enough" "Ikuya? How did I get here?"  Ikuya smiled you at "I brought you here since I didn't want you to be alone" y/n smiled at Ikuya "thank you I really appreciate it" y/n looked down she then felt a pat on her head "I have to go practice so stay here. Make yourself at home sis" y/n smiled at Ikuya she stood up and walked over to him and hugged him "Thank you Ikuya I really appreciate it" she sniffled a little. Ikuya then turned around and pat her head "Of course y/n now stay alright? I ordered something for you it's really special so stay for it okay?" "Huh? Something special?" "Uhhh what did you order? You didn't have to Ikuya" "Just stay for it and wait alright? I made some food for you it's in the pot" y/n nodded "I'll see you later! Bye y/n"  "Bye!!" Y/n then closed the door. She looked around to see that he had some dirty dishes and his bed was unmade so she decided to clean for him to make it up to Ikuya just by a little. "We have to play some music of course! Music always helps a broken heart!" Y/n then went to Ikuya's speaker and put her favorite song on "Alright let's clean" y/n smiled

Natsuya's POV (didn't see that huh ʕʔ)
"We are now landing in Tokyo! Please be seated till the plane lands please and thank you."  "I'm finally here. I'm coming y/n I hope you forgive me"  "We have now landed. Welcome to Tokyo please get out of your seats and pick up your luggage in the luggage area" I got out of the plane and walked into the airport. I started to look around looking for someone "Hey! Natsuya!" I turned around to see Ikuya "Hey! It's been awhile!" Natsuya put his arm around Ikuya and walked off  "So how's y/n" natsuya got serious quickly "She seemed way better today actually but I know that she still needs you. I'm pretty sure she misses you. She never stopped thinking about you." I looked down then looked back up "yeah I have a lot to explain to y/n I have to apologize to her" Ikuya then yanked my ear "Dumbass you have to do more than that y'know you don't know what you've put her through"  I sighed "yeah I know I know and I'll make it up to her I promise" we eventually got to Ikuya's car and got in "So do you mind filling me in on what happened?" I asked curiously "yeah... so basically she had a boyfriend" I started to choke on my spit "She had a what??!!" Ikuya then hit my head "Dumbass let me finish" I rubbed my head in pain "alright alright just tell me" Ikuya sighed "As I was saying she had a boyfriend but she didn't want to be with him from the beginning he kinda forced her into the relationship by saying crazy things like "I can't do anything without you" "I love you though please stay" "I don't have a will to live without you" I looked at Ikuya to so his face full of annoyance "What the fuck? I'm pretty sure y/n stayed because she didn't want to hurt him" natsuya said "Yeah that's what she did she was scared he would hurt himself so she stayed." Ikuya sighs then continues "Y/n told me that she loves someone else so she didn't want to stay with him because she knew it wasn't right"   Natsuya then felt his heart shatter a little "Y/n loves somebody... was I too late?"  Natsuya looks out the window to avoid any eye contact "Do you know who's the person she loves? Ikuya?" Ikuya then looked at Natsuya and sighs but then smiles "Yeah I have someone in mind" ikuya says eyeing natsuya without him noticing Natsuya's breath then hitches "U-uh who is it?" Natsuya says trying to calm down his anxiety "Figure it out I can't tell you yet" natsuya then looked at Ikuya "The hell? How are you gonna tell me she loves someone and then not tell me? You're lucky you're driving or I would've punched your ass" Ikuya then laughs "Yeah Yeah whatever as I was saying so anyways I convinced her to go break up with him telling her I'd wait for her outside so she agreed. When we got there she seemed like she heard something so she went to the window. After that she found a key to his house and caught him cheating on y/n with this girl" Natsuya clenched his jaw in madness "What did you do about it?" He said while eyeing Ikuya with a sharp glare "I tried beating his ass but y/n was sobbing when she got back into the car and he told me to not do it so we left" "once I find out who this guy is I'm beating his ass" Natsuya says "I won't let anyone hurt you y/n"
"Alright we're here so go on up by yourself I gotta go to practice" I gulped and then looked at Ikuya "Are you crazy?? I haven't seen her in a while and you want me to show up like that?" Ikuya then nodded "Yeah that's like the whole point why I called dumbass" I sighed and nodded "Alright let me grab the things I brought for her" Ikuya then looked at Natsuya curiously "What did you bring?" I smiled "I brought her some things I've gotten from some places I've went to I've been waiting to give it to her next time I saw her" Ikuya smiled at the sight of Natsuya looking at the things he's collected for y/n "Alright go to my dorm I gotta go" Natsuta nodded he then waved as he saw Ikuya leave to his practice and started to head up to his dorm

Y/n's POV
Y/n was all done cleaning Ikuya's house. She felt relaxed after finishing but she still felt a little hurt. Y/n walked towards the window and sat down looking out. It was cloudy but the clouds were dark. It seemed like it was going to rain soon. Y/n felt tears prickle at the side of her eyes "Am I not enough?" She asked herself as she laid herself down on the floor and looked at the ceiling "Was I really not enough for his time?... why Kaneki" Y/n felt confused on the reason why Kaneki would cheat on her "I'm not sad that we ended Im sad that I wasted my time. The time I could've gotten over Natsuya... what am I kidding I'm utterly in love with Natsuya."  Y/n then started to cry. She felt warm tear drops slide down the side of her eyes and land onto the carpet. "Natsuya do you care about me still?... did you ever care about me" Y/n then sat up "Please give me a sign right now. Should I have hope still and stay and wait for Natsuya or should I just leave everything behind and forget about him. Give me a sign if I should stay please God" Y/n said to herself as she sat there in the living room.

*Knock knock*

This is the end of this chapter guys!!! Sorry for the cliffhanger guys but what'll happen when they finally see each other | (• •)| Was it a sign for Y/n to stay? Find out in the next Chapter hehe bye guys!!!

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