Chapter 41

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open as she heard knocking at her door. Natsuya rolled around next to her and woke up from the sudden noise. He ran his hand through his hair as he shook y/n to wake her up completely.

"Angel there's someone at the door for you. Do you want me to get it?"

Natsuya asked y/n as she shook her head and kissed Natsuya on the cheek. Y/n stood up as she stretched a bit. Natsuya decided that he'd go with y/n as he walked with her to the door.

"I'm coming!"

Y/n yelled as she ran slightly to the door. She tried looking through the peephole but she couldn't see anything. She opened the door only to be surprised on who it was.

"Hey honey!"

"Hey Natsuya..."

Y/n's mom and dad greeted as they looked at Natsuya. Y/n eyes widened as she looked at the both of them. Natsuya was taken back that they finally greeted him for once. Y/n moved to the side to let them in. They walked in as they smiled softly at the both of them.

"Not that I don't want you here but why are you here?"

Y/n asked as she put her hair into a bun.
(If your hair is short leave it how it is!)
Her parents started to look guilty as they looked at each other and nodded.

"The reason we're here is because we wanted to support you for once..."

Y/n's dad told her as he looked down at his hands. Y/n was taken back as she looked at Natsuya with the same reaction. Y/n's mom walked towards her and hugged y/n.

"We're sorry for the way we've acted these past years. It wasn't right to not support you in something you love."

She then let go of y/n and grabbed Natsuya's hands as she looked at him in the eye and looked back at y/n.

"It also isn't right that we didn't  support you to be with someone who you love..."

Natsuya was shocked at what y/n's mother had said. He couldn't believe the words that came out her mouth. Y/n started to tear up a bit as she nodded slightly. Y/n's dad then rubbed his neck a bit as he looked at Natsuya.

"This whole time I thought you were a bad influence for my girl... I'm stupid to barely realize that you push her to do great things. I hope you could forgive me. Along with you y/n I'm sorry for everything that I put you through. You're grandpa wouldn't have like it..."

Y/n and Natsuya looked at each other as they smiled and held hands. They both felt happy deep down inside that they finally got y/n's parents approval. Natsuya nodded his head as he smiled at her parents.

"Of course I forgive the both of you. I understand where the both of you came from. It hurt me deep down too when I found out that he passed away."

Y/n's father was taken back from the sudden confession Natsuya had made. He shook Natsuya's hand and pulled him in to pat his back.

"Thanks for being there for y/n..."

Y/n smiled as she hugged her dad and mom tightly. She was tearing up from happiness as she nodded her head a bit.

"Of course I forgive the both of you!"

Her parents let out a sigh of relief as they forgot about the past and started to get ready for the present. Y/n's parents then grabbed their coats and smiled softly.

"We should head to the hotel. We'll leave the both of you alone!"

Y/n's mom told the both of them as she started to walk towards the door. Natsuya shook his head as he ran to block the door.

"No stay please! Let's eat breakfast! I'll cook for everyone!"

Natsuya smiled at y/n's parents as they nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Y/n looked at Natsuya and smiled softly. She was grateful that he never hated her parents in fact he always wanted to go up and beyond to make her parents like him. Y/n pulled Natsuya to the side and hugged him.

"Thank you for being there for me since the beginning. I'm so happy we have their approval now."

Y/n told Natsuya as she wiped the tears that fell out of nowhere. Natsuya smiled and kissed y/n on the forehead.

"I'm happy too Angel. I'm always going to respect your parents."

They let go from the hug and walked towards the kitchen. Natsuya grabbed y/n's apron and tied it on around his waist. He then smirked at everybody and grabbed some eggs.

"How does omelette and French toast sound?"

Everybody nodded as they smiled back at Natsuya. Natsuya started to crack the eggs and pour them into the pan and started to cook breakfast.


"Y/n you never told us that Natsuya knew how to cook!"

Y/n's mom wiped her mouth with the napkin as she smiled at Natsuya. Y/n started to chuckle as she looked at Natsuya.

"I didn't know either! Looks like someone's cooking from now on."

Y/n told Natsuya as she chuckled a bit. Natsuya shook his head with a soft smile and nodded. Y/n's dad then looked at Natsuya as he put down his fork.

"Tell me about yourself Natsuya. What have you done these past years? Do you have a career that you're studying for?"

Y/n' dad asked Natsuya as he started to feel nervous from the sudden question. He then nodded as he smiled a bit.

"I'm currently enrolling in y/n's college to become a swimming coach!"

Y/n's eyes widened at what Natsuya had said. She smiled a bit as she shook her head. Becoming a swimming coach is definitely something Natsuya would do. Natsuya then continued the conversation.

"These past years I was doing free lance swimming across the world. I knew that I would win every competition so I used the money to travel and go compete!"

Natsuya told y/n's dad as he had a grin on his face. Y/n's dad raised an eyebrow as he leaned towards Natsuya becoming interested.

"Recently I went to Australia to get trained by a coach named Mikhail but he wouldn't choose me because he had something that had to do with muscles? He was actually interested in y/n though!"

Natsuya laughed as he pointed at y/n. Her dad started to laugh as he looked at y/n. She was blushing slightly as her mother giggled at y/n's reaction.

"Y-Yeah...! He was so interested in me that he wouldn't stop asking me if he could train me so I actually accepted the offer!"

Y/n told everybody as Natsuya eyes widened. He looked at y/n and pointed his finger at her.

"Really...!!? Why didn't you tell me?"

Natsuya asked y/n as she giggled a bit. Y/n then smirked as she flicked Natsuya's forehead. He winced from the little pain he felt.

"I'm not going to let you have the chance to beat me you idiot! Good luck at the competition because I'm going to beat your ass!"

Natsuya started to smirk as he nodded at her. He then remembered the deal he made with y/n. He looked over at y/n's dad and gulped nervously.

"U-Uh sir could I talk to you privately?"

Natsuya asked y/n's dad as he nodded and stood up. They both walked to a room leaving a confused y/n.

Yaaaayyy! Natsuya finally got your parent's permission!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not updating frequently but I'll try my best to update more. Thanks for reading love ya! Xoxo ❤️

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