Chapter 40

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Y/n was talking to Ikuya as the class ended. Ikuya had a smug look as he smirked at y/n.

"Have you been training?"

Ikuya asked y/n we she smirked and nodded. She grabbed her bag and put her notebook in it.

"I haven't stopped training since we came back! Gou even gave me some tips!"

Y/n grinned as she showed Ikuya the tips Gou wrote for y/n. Ikuya shook his head as they walked down the stairs together.

"I'm still going to kick your ass just to let you know."

Ikuya told y/n making her chuckle a bit. Y/n was about to say something until they felt an arm swing across their shoulders.

"You're both funny if you think you guys are going to win against me. Did you forget that I've gotten medals all around the world!"

Natsuya smirked cockily as he kissed y/n on the cheek. She rolled her eyes as she started to chuckle. Ikuya only sighed as he patted Natsuya's head.

"Believe what you want to believe brother."

Ikuya told Natsuya making y/n smirk and bump fists with Ikuya. Natsuya pouted as he looked at y/n.

"I thought you were on my side!"

Y/n laughed as she kissed Natsuya on the lips softly. She let go of Natsuya and took her phone out. She started to dial Makoto until it went straight to voicemail.

"He's probably working..."

Y/n sighed as she put her phone away. Natsuya tilted his head curiously as he walked with the three of them.

"Why do you need to call Makoto?"

Natsuya asked y/n curiously making her smile at him. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she started to smile.

"I need to enroll in some classes for my career but Makoto is the only one that knows the deadline because I wasn't paying attention..."

Y/n chuckled nervously as she scratched her head a bit. Natsuya nodded as he patted her head. Y/n then started to think as she grabbed her chin with her hand.

"Natsuya when are you applying to a school?"

Natsuya choked on his spit at the sudden question. He started to scratch his head and looked away. Ikuya started to become interested as the both of them leaned towards Natsuya.

"I'm planning on enrolling here... with the both of you."

Natsuya whispered to both of them as he blushed slightly. Y/n's eyes widened as she started to grin. She felt her heart soar at the thought of Natsuya staying with her. She jumped on Natsuya and gave him a big hug.

"Really...?!! I'm so happy you're staying!!"

Y/n told Natsuya making him smile and hug back. Ikuya was happy as well as he patted Natsuya's back. Natsuya felt happy deep down finally belonging to a place. He was tired of finding his place around the world. His place was wherever y/n was at.

"I'm enrolling after the competition! But from now I need to start looking around for a place to rent."

Natsuya told the both of them as he scratched his head a bit. He couldn't live with Ikuya because Hiyori was already his roommate. Y/n hugged Natsuya out of nowhere and looked up at him.

"You could live with me! I have a spare room and everything! Besides it's like you're already living with me so might as well make it official!"

Y/n told Natsuya making his eyes widened a bit. Natsuya couldn't help but smile as he nodded.

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