Chapter 35

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I thought a picture of Makoto would fit this chapter :) what a cutie 🥺❤️ enjoy the chapter!


As y/n and Natsuya got back to the group they realized something was wrong. Gou had a confused face as she grabbed the bag from y/n.

"What happened?"

Gou asked y/n as she sighed and rubbed her face slightly. Natsuya wrapped an arm her shoulder to comfort her.

"We ran into Rin. He was looking at me in a perverted way so Natsuya put him in place."

"He what?!!? I'll kill him my mom didn't raise him to be like that!"

Gou yelled as she took her phone out and texted her mom about the situation. The group looked at Natsuya as Ikuya and Haru put a thumbs up making him grin.

"There! My mom should talk to him y/n. I'm sorry for what he did."

Gou bowed as she apologized for Rin's actions. Y/n shook her hands vigorously as she chuckled nervously.

"It's not your fault Gou! Don't apologize let's just eat!"

Y/n yelled as the group agreed and began to help cook.


"Alright guys it's time for sleep because we're doing the same thing tomorrow!"


Y/n cheered sarcastically as Natsuya chuckled and picked her up. Y/n giggled as they went to their tent. Natsuya and y/n talked for hours as they sat in the tent giggling here and there. Natsuya leaned into y/n and looked into her eyes. She felt butterflies every time he looked at her. Natsuya rubbed her cheek softly as he smiled. She smiled back and leaned her forehead on his. Natsuya kissed y/n sweetly yet passionate. It was the perfect kiss.



Natsuya and y/n broke the kiss as they looked around. Y/n looked at Natsuya as they nodded as ran out the tent trying to figure out what's happening. They ran into Haru, Nagisa, and Ikuya looking around. Y/n looked into the ocean and saw that Rei was having problems swimming and that Makoto was almost drowning trying to save him. Her eyes widened as she tensed up. Y/n ran towards the ocean with Haru following behind her.



Y/n and Haru yelled as they dived into the water. Y/n swam against the wave to have some control. She tried grabbing Makoto's hand as the water drifted then away. She saw that Nagisa grabbed Rei and that Haru grabbed Makoto. Y/n started to feel exhausted as she tried her best to stay above the water. Y/n tried to float but the water was to wild. She looked at Makoto and saw that he was unconscious. The sight made her freeze as she thought about her grandpa. Y/n was scared that Makoto would leave the same way he did.


Y/n was engulfed from a wave that had crash onto her. Y/n was sinking into the water as it got quieter and quieter.


Y/n opened her eyes as Natsuya grabbed her hand and pulled her above the water. Y/n slowly started to lose conscious from all the water she swallowed.

"Y/n stay with me please!"

Natsuya cried out to her as tears fell down his face. He tried to swim towards the light house Ikuya had pointed out. As they got onto the land Natsuya immediately started to give CPR to y/n.

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