Chapter 19

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Y/n and Rin walked up the door and knocked.
"It's okay if you don't know any English I'll translate for you okay?" Rin tells y/n as she smiles at him.
Rin didn't know that y/n knew how to speak English. Y/n lived in America for awhile before she moved to Iwatobi when she was little so she picked up English as her second language.
Y/n saw that a couple came out.
"Rin is that you! It's been awhile! You got bigger!" The man tells Rin as he hugs him.
"It's because I've been swimming everyday!" Rin chuckles. The lady then looks at y/n and smiles.
"Who's this?" The lady waves at y/n as she waves back. Rin then explains to the lady.

"This is y/n she's one of my best friends!" Rin then looked at y/n and smiled.
"Y/n this is Lori and Russel! Say hi!" Rin explains to y/n.
Y/n then shakes both of their hands and smile.

"It's nice to meet the both of you! I'm Y/N L/N! I'm Rin's best friend!" Y/n tells the both of them as they greet her back and welcome the both in. Rin looked at y/n shocked.
"Why didn't you tell me you knew how to speak English!" Rin asked y/n as he laughed.
"You never asked!" Y/n laughed as she sits down.
Lori then places food on the table.
"Rin told us about you! He would say that you were the prettiest girl he knew!" Lori laughed as she teased Rin.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh.

"Really now Rin? What can I say I'm just lucky." Y/n teased Rin as she laughed along with the others.
————————Timeskip when they leave——-
"Thank you so much for having me! It was nice meeting you guys!" Y/n said as she walked into the car with Rin.
Rin told the driver to go somewhere.
"Hey where are we going now? I need to find Natsuya." Y/n tells Rin.
"Don't worry I'm sure if we go here he'll probably be there." Rin tells y/n as he pats on her back.
"Where are we heading to?" Y/n asks curiously.
"To the pool in Sydney!" Y/n's eyes widened in excitement.
"That's amazing! Aren't you practicing there Rin?" Y/n asked Rin curiously
"Yeah actually! My coach should be there I'll introduce you and everything if you want." Rin smiles at y/n as they make a stop.
"We're here y/n let's go!" Rin tells y/n as he gets off. Y/n couldn't help but look up at the tall building. She felt excited as she walked into the doors. Y/n was shocked as she looked at the arena and of course the big pretty blue pools.
Y/n ran towards the pool to admire it more.

"Rin it's beautiful!!" Y/n yelled as her voice echoed in the arena.
"Is this how Haru and Ikuya feel when they have a race?" Y/n thought to herself as she walked around the pool. Rin chuckled at the amusement that y/n had.
"You could swim in it if you want! I haven't had a race in awhile are you down?" Rin asked y/n as he smirked at her. Y/n's eyes widened in excitement as she nodded.

"You're on Matsuoka!" Y/n yelled at Rin as she took her clothes off revealing her one piece from earlier. Rin eyes widened as he laughed remembering a certain blue eyed boy.
"Looks like you got nanase's habit!" Rin laughed as he pointed at the one piece. Y/n chuckled as she put her cap on.
"I was swimming with them yesterday that's why!" Y/n then walked up to the diving board and got ready with Rin. Rin put his phone on a speaker and played the audio.

"On your marks!"
"Get set!"

Y/n and Rin dived into the water as the noise went off. Y/n loved the feeling as the water became one with her. Rin was surprised that
y/n was fast in matter of fact y/n was passing Rin by a little. Rin smirked as he kicked off the wall matching y/n's speed. Y/n started to give it her all as she reached the end and ended up winning Rin by a second. Y/n swam up as she took her cap off.

"Suck it Rin!! I win!" Y/n yelled excitedly. Rin was shocked as a grin appeared on his face.
"You're good y/n! Join the all japan-Invitational!" Rin told y/n as he helped y/n out the pool. Y/n smiled at Rin as she scratched her neck nervously.
"Haru actually told me the same thing... Along with Mako-chan... I'll think about it and tell you okay?" Y/n chuckled as he nodded.

"That was amazing!!" Y/n and Rin turned their head to a blonde haired man. Y/n's eyes widened when a certain brown haired boy appeared behind him. Y/n felt all her excitement go away as sadness and anger started to fill her up.  Natsuya was surprised at the race that y/n just had. He felt guilty that she came here looking for him. Natsuya also couldn't help but feel jealous as he saw the both of them together. Y/n and Natsuya both held eye contact. Clearly there was tension in the air between the both of them.

Rin grabbed y/n's shoulder as he introduced
y/n to his coach.
"Y/n this is my coach Mikhail!" Y/n takes her eyes off Natsuya and looked at Mikhail.
"It's nice to meet you I'm Y/N L/N" y/n introduced herself as she shook his hand.
"You have a talent y/n! Let me be your coach eh?" Y/n's eyes widened in surprised along with the other two boys. Y/n then smiled at Mikhail softly as she shook her head no.
"I'm sorry I can't! I really appreciate the offer though I'm very honored!"
Y/n apologizes to Mikhail as he sighs.
"You really could've been something! I want to get to know you how about we grab lunch?" Mikhail asks y/n as she chuckled slightly.

"I guess that can't hurt! Let me just get ready and dry off okay? Is it okay if these two boy's come?" Y/n asked Mikhail as she pointed at the both of them. Mikhail nods as he walks towards the doors.
"I'll be waiting at the front!" Y/n nodded as she grabbed her backpack. Y/n pushed her way through Natsuya but before she could get far away Natsuya grabs her wrist.

"What are you doing here Y/n?"  Natsuya asks y/n as he looks at her seriously.
Y/n yanks her arm away as she looks as him.
"Are you really asking me that fucking stupid question? Ask yourself that question! I came here for your dumbass!"

Y/n yelled at Natsuya as she walkes off into the bathroom.
Natsuya stayed there watching her as she walked off. He knew that he messed up.
He felt guilty seeing her this mad.
Natsuya then turned around and grabbed Rin's collar.
"Back off from my girl Matsuoka." Natsuya said as he clenched his jaw in anger.
Rin then pushed Natsuya off and grabbed his goggles.

"She wouldn't be here with me if it weren't for you. Why did you leave y/n like that? You should've seen her crying as she ran around in the airport. She called me crying for help because her little boyfriend couldn't do his job."

Rin snapped his tongue at Natsuya as he stood there with his lips parted. Natsuya didn't know that y/n would react like that. He felt horrible at what Rin told him. Maybe he wasn't enough to be Y/n's boyfriend.

Y/n walked out in a new outfit she luckily put in her backpack.
"Let's go I don't want Mikhail to wait over this dumbass problem." Y/n clicked her tongue in annoyance as she walked out the doors with the boys following behind.

Damnnn whats going to happen between Natsuya and y/n? Hmmm find out! Thanks for reading this chapter guys! Love ya ❤️

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