Chapter 4

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Natsuya's POV
I looked around too see what dorm belong to Ikuya "223... there it is!" I walked towards the door and took a deep breath "C'mon Natsuya! y/n needs your right now put  your feelings to the side you can do this!." Natsuya felt his heart speed up. A door was the only thing from blocking the both of them from seeing each other. Natsuya then raised his hand and hesitated for a bit but then took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Fuck! fuck fuck what if she doesn't answer. No! What if she does! Crap"

Y/n heard the knocking at the door so she wiped her tears away and walk towards the door "Is this my sign?" She then opened the door. "No one's here?" She then turned and her eyes widened "Hey y/n missed me?" Natsuya said as he smiled and winked at her. Y/n stayed there frozen "MY SIGN OH MY GOD" Y/n was panicking from the inside and from the outside she was frozen "N-Natsuya?" She then felt herself crying. "Fuck it! I haven't seen him in a while" Y/n ran towards Natsuya and jumped on him luckily natsuya dropped his things in time and held her in the air. Y/n started to sob into his shoulder as her legs wrap themselves around his waist so that she'd stay onto him. Natsuya was blushing madly but he smiled. He missed y/n more than anything he didn't realize it until it hit right there at the moment. He hugged her back and rubbed her back in a comforting way "It's okay I'm here for you. I promise that I'll never leave again. I'm sorry y/n I'm so sorry." Y/n just stayed there and sobbed her feelings out her thoughts were all gone. She was finally happy that he was there. Y/n looked at Natsuya and bumped her head against his "Hey! What was that for?" Y/n then got off of him and yelled at him "That's what you get for leaving me!! For leaving me all alone by myself! God Natsuya you don't know how much I needed you this whole time." Natsuya smiled and walked up to her. He knew that she was happy but it was understandable why she yelled at him like that but it didn't bother him. He wrapped his arms around her and pushed her head against his chest so that she could hear his heart. "I'm sorry Y/n I truly am. I've never once stopped thinking about you." Y/n then looked up at him curiously"Why are you here?" "I came here for you. I heard what happened so I wanted to come and comfort you. Ikuya told me everything I'm sorry that happened to you" Y/n smiled "you still care about me?" It hurt Natsuya that she told him that but he understood why. "Of course I'll always care about you" y/n smiled and grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dorm "so that's what Ikuya meant by ordering me something" y/n giggled Natsuya felt his heart skip a beat hearing her laugh. It sounded like the gates opened with a thousands angels singing to him. "Well your order is here and I have things for you!" Natsuya said as he winked at her he grabbed her hand and went to the living room and sat down in the floor with her. "These are for you" Natsuya then laid everything out for Y/n. There was letters, souvenirs, snacks, and books from around the world. "Natsuya... you didn't have to." Y/n picked up the letters and ran her hand against it. "These feel old... did he write these for me when he was gone?" She asked herself  "I wrote those when I first left and every time I went somewhere new I would write a letter" Natsuya said just as if he read her mind. This moved y/n more than anything she felt tears slide down her cheeks as she held the letters "H-Hey don't cry it's okay if you don't like them just tell me!" Natsuya said in a jokingly way "Idiot Im crying because I hate them" Y/n said back jokingly "H-Hey that's messed up! I did these out of love!" Y/n's eyes widened from the words that he just said natsuya then realized what he said and started to blush "He doesn't actually love me he meant it in a friend way. Yeah he loves me as a friend"  Y/n thought "Can I open them?" Y/n asked "Not yet I made them for a specific reason so if you don't mind can you wait a little longer please?" Y/n looked up at Natsuya wondering on how much thought he's put in these letters. "Okay then I'll open them when you tell me" natsuya smiled at her he felt something in his body. You know that feeling when you're extremely happy that you feel like you're going to burst? Natsuya felt exactly like that. "Wanna go on a walk and visit Ikuya?" Y/n lit up at the name of his little brother and Natsuya noticed it "It seems like the both of you got really close these past years" he laughed y/n nodded and smiled softly "Yeah even though he's younger than me I look up to him as a big brother. He was always there for me especially recently I don't think I would've been able to go to my ex's house and break up with him" Natsuya looked at y/n and decided to ask how she feels. After all that is the reason he's here. He came to comfort her and to help her. "How are you feeling about all of that?"  He was hoping that she wasn't that sad about it and that the person she loves doesn't come up into the conversation Y/n started to think then she looked at him "If you want me to be honest I don't really care I wanted to break up with him in general the only thing that really affect me is the fact that he wasted my time. It made me feel that I wasn't enough."  "You're more than enough y/n but what would you have done with that time instead?" Natsuya asked but y/n didn't want to tell him yet. She didn't want him to know that she wanted to forget about him completely. Romantically and in a friendship way. "Can we talk about this later please? I still need more time since it's all fresh right now" y/n then looked at Natsuya "Yeah of course. If you want we can drink later?" Natsuya said trying to change the topic. Y/n noticed it too she smiled on how sweet he was to her. Even though they were apart for years their bond hasn't changed in any way but at the same time she wanted to yell at him and tell him how he's made her feel this whole time. Y/n got up from the ground and looked at the window only to see that it's raining "It's raining how are we going walk? I don't have a jacket"  natsuya then grabbed a sweatshirt from his bag and gave it to y/n "Here. You can keep it too I know you love how I smell" Natsuya said as he winked at y/n. Y/n only rolled her eyes but thanked natsuya for the sweatshirt.
"Let's go!"

Wow they finally saw each other!!! What's gonna happen when the drink eh ehehe but I promise there's going to be more about the past and how it affected the both of them! Thank you for ready byeeee ( ˘ ³˘)

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