Chapter 44

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Today was the big day for everyone. Y/n was excited as she grabbed all the things she needed for her competition. She leaned down to grab some water only to feel a smack on her butt.

"N-Natsuya...!! You idiot!"

Y/n yelled at Natsuya as he laughed and hugged her. He pecked y/n's forehead as he leaned against it with his own. Y/n smiled softly as she hugged Natsuya.

"Today's the day I'll beat your ass y/n."

Natsuya told y/n as he smirked at her. Y/n pushed Natsuya away softly as she rolled her eyes. She then felt a buzz in her back pocket as she grabbed her phone and picked up.


"We're outside!"

Makoto told y/n excitedly as she hung up and ran out the apartment immediately with Natsuya behind her. She saw everybody smile at them as they got into the car. Y/n couldn't help but grin as she felt more excited.

"Ahh! I'm so excited for today!"

Everybody smiled back at y/n and nodded as they started to car. Haru passed y/n and Natsuya a sandwich. Y/n thanked him as she bit into delicious sandwich Asahi's sister had made. Everybody started to talk as they drove the to the competitive pool.

"So are the guys ready to get your ass kicked?"

Natsuya asked Ikuya and y/n as he smirked. Ikuya rolled his eyes as y/n chuckled a bit. Ikuya turned around and flicked Natsuya in the head.

"How many times do I have to tell you that this is all in your dreams...!"

Ikuya told Natsuya making y/n laugh. Natsuya smiled as he rolled his eyes and pecked y/n's forehead. They eventually arrived at the pool as they parked in the parking lot. Everybody started to stretch as they climbed out the car. Y/n looked around only to see busses full of competitive swimmers. She felt her heart skip a beat as she realized how many people she would be competing against. She was excited that she'll be swimming again. Natsuya swung an arm around y/n and kissed her cheek.

"You okay angel? Are you nervous?"

Natsuya asked worriedly as he ran his hand through her hair. Y/n shook her head as she smiled at Natsuya. Y/n grabbed Natsuya's hand as she walked with the group.

"I'm excited to be swimming again. It's been so long since I've swam!"

Y/n told Natsuya as he smiled at her. Natsuya knew that y/n could kick anybody's ass here without even having to try. He was proud to have a girl as badass as y/n.

"You'll do amazing y/n! Don't worry!"


Y/n had changed into her one piece along with the other boys. Well except Haru he always had his one piece on! Y/n walked towards the diving board with the girls she'll be competing against. Y/n had to swim with the girls before the big race with Natsuya and Ikuya. She was excited as the started to stretch. Y/n looked up only to see Natsuya and Ikuya with their thumbs up and a big grin. Rei and Nagisa were doing a small dance for y/n causing her to chuckle a bit. Makoto, Haru, and Gou had banners for the team. This banner was different though it had y/n's name on it. Y/n then heard people yelling her name as she turned around only to see that Rin and his whole old school was there cheering for her. Y/n felt lucky that she amazing friends and her loving boyfriend supporting her. The thing that made her happy the most though was that her parents were finally at one of her competitions. They were yelling her name as they waved at y/n. She waved back and smiled a bit. Y/n stopped stretching as she put her cap on along with her goggles. She turned to a girl and smiled.

"I hope we have a good race! Good luck!"

Y/n told the girl sweetly only to be scoffed at. Y/n raised her eyebrow at the girl and her rude attitude. The girl smirked at y/n and put her goggles on.

"I don't need good luck from a loser like you. I'll beat your ass easily you scum."

Y/n smirked as she felt her body heat up. She felt the adrenaline rush through her body as she started to chuckle a bit. You should never mess with y/n especially when you try to one up her.

"Alright then don't be crying when I beat your ass, bitch."

The girls eyes widened at the name y/n had called her. Y/n 1 and the girl 0. Y/n smirked as she mentally gave her self a point. She got into ready position and waited for the person to click the beep.

"On your marks, get set, *Beep!*"

Y/n dived into the water at the perfect time. She felt the water accept her as she glided through to water. She saw that the girl who was talking crap was behind her. It made y/n smirk as she reached towards the other side of the wall. She kicked off the wall only to give her a huge boost compared to the other girls. All the boys had their eyes wide opened as they realized that y/n was far ahead from the other girls. Natsuya smirked as he cupped his hands together and shouted.

"Let's go y/n!! That's my girl!!"

The group smiled as they started to to the basic Iwatobi cheer. Rin and the whole team cheered for y/n as they watched her swim. Mikhail was watching from a distance with a proud smirk. Y/n eventually touched the wall and swam up to look at the board.

"𝚈/𝙽 𝙻/𝙽 𝟷𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎"

Y/n grinned as she saw that she came in first place. She heard her friends cheer as she got out the pool. Y/n leaned down and gave the girl her hand to help her get out the pool. The girl glared at y/n as she grabbed her hand and got out the pool. The girl flipped y/n off as she glared at her. Y/n smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Told you I'd beat your ass. Don't go acting like a bitch to everyone."

Y/n smirked as she walked away. Y/n 2 the girl 0. Y/n dried herself off a bit as she ran towards Natsuya. Natsuya picked y/n up and span in a circle.

"That's my girl!"

Y/n grinned as she wrapped herself around Natsuya. She felt happy being praised by Natsuya it made her feel butterflies. Natsuya put y/n down as the other guys congratulated her. They all heard a person announce that their race will be next. The big race that they've all been waiting for. Y/n looked at everybody and smiled.

"No matter what happens let's have fun with this race!"

Everybody smiled as they nodded. Natsuya hugged y/n as they walked down the stairs. He looked at y/n and smiled at her.

"I'm planning on keeping my promise y/n. You know I always keep my promises."

Natsuya told y/n as he pecked her lips softly. She smiled as she rolled her eyes. Y/n knew deep down inside that Natsuya never holds back when he makes a deal or a promise. She's going to have to work her ass off in this race.

"Still doesn't mean that I'm not going to try to beat you Natsuya."

"You're cute when you're competitive."

"S-Shut up...!!"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter is going to be the big race ahhh! This book is almost over omg 😭 thanks for reading guys love ya! ❤️

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