Chapter 5

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Natsuya and Y/n were walking around the university Ikuya went to as they chatted about random things especially about funny memories "Hey it's not my fault I scared him! He kept trying to follow you home! and he'd leave notes in your locker!" Natsuya says as he laughs remembering the shock face of yours "It's not that funny! You could've gotten hurt dumbass!" Y/n says as she pouts. Y/n then looked up into the sky and smiled "Thanks for giving me a sign" "What's on your mind y/n?" Natsuya asked y/n. She looked at him and smiled "I'm just happy I got to see you again I really missed my best friend."  Natsuya's heart hurt for a moment. Best friend that's all he'll ever be to her and it hurt him because he wanted her as more. He wanted to be able to call her his. "Yeah" Natsuya said looking away. Y/n realized something was wrong but she didn't want to push too much into it so she decided to change the conversation. "Hey! That's where Ikuya swims can we check it out please?" Y/n said while pulling Natsuya to the pool. "What's the point in asking if you're going to drag me no matter what" Natsuya said as he chuckled and followed her. Y/n and Natsuya ended up seeing Ikuya swimming which caught Natsuya's attention. Ikuya's practice ended up finishing early so he walked to the both of them. "Hey! I'm glad to see the both of you" Ikuya says as he wrap his arm around y/n smiling. "We came over to see you! Are you doing anything right now?"  Y/n says "Actually yeah I was going to go to a friends house right now" y/n looked at Natsuya as nodded "I guess it's only the both of us but we'll see you at the dorm later then!" y/n says Ikuya only nodded as he started to grab his stuff. Natsuya and y/n walked off towards a bar. "Hey you sure you wanna drink? I've never seen you drink" Natsuya asked concerned. Y/n giggled as she nodded "yeah I'm okay with it! And I've drank here and there so you don't gotta worry about me!" Y/n said as she grabbed Natsuya's arm "Alright then we'll see" Natsuya says as he smirks. Y/n and Natsuya enjoyed their walk together. It was silent but a comfortable silence. Y/n was glad that it was never awkward between the both of them even after all these years her bond with Natsuya never changed. "God I missed you so much Natsuya." Y/n thought to herself as she smiled to herself. Y/n was too caught up on thinking that she ran into somebody
"Oomf!" Y/n bumped into a certain white hair person. She started to dust herself off "Hey! I'm really sorry about that!" y/n started to say "Y/n?..." y/n looked up only to see Kaneki. She felt her heart hurt when she saw him but what hurt her even more was the fact that he was with the girl that he cheated on her with. She noticed Kaneki let go of the girl's hand and started to walk up to y/n "Y/n wait!... I want to talk to you! I'm sorry about everything really!" Y/n only walked back to avoid Kaneki. She started to feel tears prick at her eyes as her heart raise from anxiety. She didn't want him to even lay a finger on her. "Leave me alone Kaneki there's nothing to talk about..." y/n said as she tried to avoid eye contact with him "Yes there is! I'm sorry about everything take me back please!" Kaneki says as he grabs y/n's hand. Y/n could've swore that she felt her skin burn from his touch. "Let go of me! How could you say you want me back when you're with that bitch right now!"  Y/n yelled as the tears spilled out of her eyes. Kaneki started to yank Y/n near him "Y/n please I regret it! Fuck her!" Kaneki said as he pointed to the girl. Y/n's wrist started to hurt from his grip "Let go of me! You're hurting me!" Y/n  yells as she started to cry harder. Kaneki started to grab y/n harder and started to pull her closer. "Hey didn't you hear her say let go?" Kaneki looked up only to see a much taller man then him. "Natsuya help me he's hurting me! He's my ex..." Natsuya felt his blood boil and the strings snap inside of him. He wanted to kill Kaneki for all the pain he's put y/n through. He turned to Y/n only to see her crying.  He walked up to Kaneki and punched him right in the face. Y/n's eyes widened in shock as Kaneki falls to the ground letting y/n go. "Who the fuck are you?!!" Kaneki yells at Natsuya as he crawls away from him. "So you're the fucker that hurt y/n?" Natsuya says as he grabs Kaneki's collar. Kaneki's eyes widened. "I'll show you what happens when you hurt y/n" Natsuya started to swing at Kaneki over and over again leaving his knuckles bruised from the impact of Kaneki's facial structures against his fist. Y/n ran towards Natsuya and tried pulling him off. She didn't want Natsuya killing him "Natsuya get off! You're going to kill him!" Natsuya kept swinging at Kaneki's face. Natsuya had blood over his hands. "Natsuya! Let go!" Y/n said as she pulled Natsuya's arm finally taking him off.  Natsuya grabbed  Kaneki's collar again and pulled him towards him  "Don't bother y/n anymore unless you want the same thing to happen again." Natsuya said with a serious tone as he pushes Kaneki back. Y/n looked at Natsuya surprised. She's never seen him this mad before and especially be this violent with anyone.  Y/n then looked at Kaneki and saw him with a busted lip with blood dripping down and a bloody broken nose to go with it.  "C'mon y/n let's go. He won't bother you anymore." Natsuya said softly as he smiled at y/n. Y/n was surprised on how fast Natsuya changed when he started to talk to her. He was sweet to her and he cared about her a lot. Y/n couldn't help but cry at the kindness from Natsuya. She never realized on how much Kaneki hurt her so having Natsuya by her side again and being sweet to her made her cry. Y/n needed someone to care for her. Y/n started to sob which left Natsuya speechless. He didn't want her to be sad anymore he wanted to make her happy. Natsuya went up to y/n and hugged her "Hey it's okay... I'm here for you y/n no one is going to hurt you anymore." Natsuya said trying to comfort Y/n. Y/n gripped at natsuya's sweatshirt and started to cry even harder. Natsuya smiles knowing that he was there for her and not in some other state. "I promise I won't leave anymore y/n. I'm going to finally stay." Natsuya knew he had to do something. He'll talk about it with Ikuya later but for now you're all that matter to him at that moment. "C'mon y/n let's take you home" Natsuya said as he picks up y/n "What about us drinking?" Y/n says sniffling while looking at Natsuya. He started to chuckle a bit "We can buy some drinks and go to your house if you want? It's better then going to a bar"  y/n nodded happily knowing that Natsuya was going to be with her today.  "Let's go home y/n."

Damn Natsuya was beating kaneki's asssss but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I feel like this chapter wasn't as good but I'm trying! Let me know if you have any recommendations! Love ya ❤️

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