Chapter 32

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The outfit above is the reference picture!! Enjoy the chapter!! :)





Y/n fluttered her E/C eyes open to meet light brown one's. Natsuya was on top of her looking down at her with a smile. The sunlight hit his face giving him a warm glow.

"I thought you died. Wake up sleepyhead we have to go eat!"

Natsuya told y/n as he kissed her softly. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back. Natsuya started to give her a passionate kiss as he rubbed her waist. Y/n pushed Natsuya back as she smirked at him.

"At this rate we won't get food. Let me get ready okay?"

Y/n told Natsuya as he blushed slightly. Y/n started chuckling as she went to get her things. As y/n sat up she realized that her bag was at the Matsuoka's. Y/n sighed as she looked at Natsuya.

"I left my bag at the Matsuoka's house what am I going to do now??"

Y/n whined as she threw herself on the bed. Natsuya stood up grabbed a shirt of his. He then went to the dryer and took y/n's biker shorts out. He handed them to y/n as she looked at him curiously.

"Good thing you left your shorts in the washer the other day! Wear my shirt for today it'll be a cute outfit! The shirt is small on me so it won't be that big on you."

Natsuya told y/n as she started to blush. Y/n loved the little things he would do for her. She stood up and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I love you."

Natsuya smiled at her words as he hugged her around the waist. He then picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

"P-put me down!! I'm going to fall idiot!"

Y/n yelled at Natsuya as she wiggled around. Natsuya put her down and started chuckling. He then looked at the mirror and started to blush. He tapped on y/n and pointed at the mirror. They had hickeys all over their body. Natsuya had some on his stomach and some on his neck. As for y/n well?...

"You idiot!! How am I going to hide these!!"

Y/n blushed furiously as she hit Natsuya softly on the chest. Y/n had multiple hickeys on her neck,chest,stomach, and legs. Natsuya laughed at her reaction. He then smirked and lifted y/n on the counter.

"Don't tell me you don't like them because that's not what you were telling me last night?"

Natsuya teased y/n as her eyes widened a bit. Y/n blushed even more as she jumped off and pushed Natsuya out the bathroom.

"Get out you idiot! I'll be out in a little!"

Y/n yelled as she had a small smile on her face. She was happy that things were okay between them. She grabbed his shirt and hugged it softly.

"You have me head over heels for you Natsuya."

Y/n thought to herself as she shook her head smiling. She started to get ready as she heard Natsuya playing music and humming slightly. She then remembered that Natsuya used to play the guitar. She walked out the door and looked at Natsuya who was already dressed laying down on the bed.

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