Chapter 33

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I'm still shaking from last chapter I can't waitttt 🥺


Y/n and Natsuya walked hand in hand as they looked at different things in the mall. The group came to buy some swim gear but Natsuya and y/n went a long time ago before they did so they were prepared.

"So Natsuya what should we look at?"

Y/n asked Natsuya as she tiptoed to give him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as he shrugged his shoulders. Y/n started to look around until a certain store caught her attention. Her eyes gleamed as she ran.


Y/n yelled as she ran towards the store. Natsuya ran after y/n as he tried catching up with her.

"Y-Y/n hold up!!"

Natsuya yelled as he caught up with her. Y/n grabbed Natsuya's sleeve and started to tug on it. She pointed at a candy that was high up. She looked away embarrassed when Natsuya realized on what she wanted. Natsuya smirked as he grabbed the candy from the top shelf.

"You want this y/n-chan?"

Natsuya added the Chan to tease y/n as he chuckled. Y/n nodded as she tried to grab the candy but as soon as she was going to grab it Natsuya pulled it away from her and put it high into the air.

"Try to get it shorty~"

Natsuy teased y/n as a tic mark popped up on her forehead. Natsuya was laughing at the reaction from y/n. She was getting irritated so she did the best thing she could do.

*Ahh!!! What was that for?!"

Natsuya cried in pain as he rubbed his leg. Y/n had kicked his leg so that she can get the candy. Y/n started to giggle as she held her candy in her arms and skipped off to pay for it.


The whole group jumped into the mini van that Makoto rented. They were going to go to the beach to practice. Y/n whined as she threw herself on Natsuya.

"Please Gou!! Not this again!!"

Y/n cried as a waterfall fell from her eyes. Natsuya patted her head as Nagisa started to laugh loudly.

"Y/n you loved it last time we went! What happened?"

Rei asked y/n as he closed his magazine. Y/n started to shake as her body got goosebumps. She hugged Natsuya as she started to get scared.

"L-Last time we went I was walking alone at night and I went into the light house and I heard a scary groan!"

Y/n yelled out as she started to get goosebumps. Makoto started to swerve the car as everybody started to gasp.

"Y-Y/n! Stop telling scary stories you know how I get!"

Makoto yelled softly as Haru patted his head to calm him down. Y/n nodded as Nagisa laughed loudly again. Natsuya started chuckling as he played with y/n's hair to calm her down. He pulled out his phone and tapped on Ikuya. Ikuya looked at Natsuya as he took his earbuds off.

"Let's take a picture? All three of us together!"

Natsuya asked Ikuya and y/n as they both nodded. Natsuya held it high up into the air and grinned. Y/n made the peace sign with Ikuya as they sticked their tongues out.
(The reference picture is above!)


The three looked at the picture as they smiled. It's been awhile since the three of them been on a trip. They were happy that they were together again.

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