Chapter 15

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This chapter will be sexual!!! If you don't like that please skip this chapter! Please let me know if you do/don't like sexual things so that I can see if you guys want me to make more or not!
Y/n and Natsuya walked around the mall hand in hand as they pointed and different clothing.
"Y'know you're very stylish for being a guy you know that? But it's cute!"
Y/n told Natsuya as she chuckled at his slight blush.
"I try. I mean a man with good looks like me needs to dress well." Natsuya said as he played around with Y/n.
"Shut up! You look like an otter!"
Y/n said as she started to laugh as she imagined Natsuya as an otter.
"They're cute! So thank you!" Natsuya said as he grinned at y/n. Y/n then remembered that she needed to buy some new undergarments. Y/n started to blush as she thought of a way to tell Natsuya.
"H-Hey Natsuya I need to buy some uh things." Y/n told Natsuya as she blushed slightly.
"Okay let's stop by a store but what type of things?" Natsuya asked curiously.
"Some undergarments..." y/n said as she started to blush furiously. Natsuya chuckled as he nodded.
"Don't be shy it's normal y/n. Besides I'm sure I'll see you without them on in the future." Natsuya said as he flirted with Y/n.
Y/n smacked Natsuya's arm as her whole face turned red.
"Idiot! Don't say things like that! Especially in public!" Y/n told Natsuya as he chuckled a bit.
"Let's just go!" Y/n said as she pulled him towards a store that sold bras and panties.
Natsuya walked around as y/n was trying to look for cute sets.
"Natsuya could you help me look for some things if you don't mind." Y/n asked Natsuya as she blushed a bit.
"Yeah of course. I'll go this way if you want." Natsuya asked y/n as she nodded. Eventually he found some cute matching bras and panties for y/n.
"Here y/n! I'll wait for you right here. Let me know if you need something okay?" Natsuya told y/n as he kissed her forehead. Y/n nodded as she walked into a fitting room.
Natsuya picked some cute sets surprisingly. There was a pink laced one, a black laced one, and a white laced one.
Y/n blushed as she tried each of them on.

*WARNING: sexual part begins here!*

Y/n looked at herself in the black laced one she loved how it made her bust look. Along with her breast. Y/n started to giggle as she thought about sending a picture to Natsuya to tease him just how he did to her earlier.
"A picture won't hurt." Y/n told herself as she snapped a picture in a sexy pose that revealed her cleavage.
*One image attached*
"Natsuya does this look good on me?~"
Y/n started to giggle as she tried her white matching set on.

*new message*
Natsuya <3 -
"It looks sexy on you y/n but like i said it'll look way better if they were on the floor~"
Y/n blushed as she read the text he sent her. Y/n started to feel her core heat up at the thought of Natsuya. Y/n then took another picture of her white panties which made her curves look nice and her bust look even better.

*one image attached*
"Oh really? I wouldn't have a problem with that Natsuya~ what about this one hm? Does this look nice? I know it'll look better if you were to take them off."
Y/n started to blush as she sent her bold message to Natsuya. She started to fan herself as she put her last matching set on. The laced pink bra along with the laced pink panties.

*new message*
Natsuya <3 -
"Fuck y/n... you know you're not really helping me right now. If you keep saying things like that I might have to go in there and make you shut up myself."

Y/n started to blush as she read the message Natsuya sent her. Y/n started to feel a pool in between her thighs as she rubbed her thighs together. Y/n couldn't help but like the feeling that Natsuya made her feel even through texts. Y/n posed where it showed everything that Natsuya liked.
*one image attached*
"Yeah? How about you make me shut up then and maybe I could help you with your little problem. But for now don't I look cute?"
Y/n smiled at herself as she sent the message and looked at herself in the mirror feeling bold after she sent the message. Y/n then turned around to put her clothes back on until she felt hands on her body. Y/n froze not knowing who it was.
"Now y/n you should know not to tease me like that." Natsuya told y/n as he turned her around and put his hand around her neck.
Y/n started to blush as she looked away.
"I didn't expect you to come in here. What if we get caught?"
Y/n asked Natsuya as she blushed slightly. Natsuya then grabbed one of her breast as he kissed her neck leaving marks everywhere so that everybody will know that she belongs to him.
"What happened to you being all bold y/n hm? Look what you did y/n." Natsuya said as he grabbed y/n's hand putting it on his hard buldge that was poking through his pants.
Y/n blushed as she touched it slightly. Natsuya groaned a bit as he pulled y/n into a heated kiss. His tongue fought for dominance with y/n's tongue but y/n eventually lost which let Natsuya roam. Y/n couldn't help but moan as Natsuya rubbed against her a bit. Y/n started to rub his shaft slightly causing Natsuya to moan into her mouth. Natsuya then pulled apart leaving a string of saliva in between the both of them. Natsuya then kissed down y/n's cleavage leaving marks everywhere. Eventually he stopped and picked y/n up and placed her legs on his shoulders. Natsuya started to leave marks on her thighs as he licked and sucked everywhere. Y/n couldn't help but moan as her hands ran through Natsuya's hair.
"Y/n you need to be quite unless you want someone to catch us. Not that I have a problem with it though." Natsuya chuckled as he told y/n. Natsuya started to lick her everywhere causing Y/n to squirm and moan louder. Natsuya then put y/n down.
"Next time you tease me don't expect me to stop just how I did right now." Natsuya smirked at y/n as he kissed her one more time and walked out of the fitting room. Y/n started to blush at the thought of what just happened.
"S-Stupid Natsuya.." y/n thought to herself as she looked at her marks all over her body in the mirror. she then got herself dressed and walked out of the fitting room.
"Are you ready to go home cutie?" Natsuya smiled at y/n softly as if nothing had happened. Y/n nodded as she blushed furiously and grabbed Natsuya's hand.
"Let's go then! We could watch a movie at home if you want? We can buy some blankets and snacks right now." Natsuya told y/n as he kissed her forehead sweetly. Y/n smiled as she nodded and went to go pay for her undergarments.

AHHHH that was my first time writing a bit of lime but I hope you guys enjoyed!! Please let me know if you did or not :) I love ya guys muahhhhhh xoxo ❤️

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