Chapter 53

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6 months had passed and it was finally time to find out the gender of their baby at the baby shower. Y/n was in a beautiful dress that made her belly look beautiful. Natsuya wrapped his arms around y/n as he rubbed her belly a bit.

"I still can't believe that I'm going to be a dad."

Natsuya told y/n as he smiled at her. Y/n smiled back as she pecked Natsuya's cheek and nodded.

"I can't believe it either. I can't wait to find out about the gender today!"

Y/n chuckled as she grabbed Natsuya's hand and waited for Nagisa to tell them it's okay to come out the room. The both of them hugged for awhile until they heard someone open the door.

"You guys can come out now!"

Nagisa yelled as y/n eyes lit up in excitement. She grabbed Natsuya's hand immediately and walked out the room to see beautiful pink and blue decoration. Y/n's eyes started to tear up as she looked at everyone.

"You guys did this for us..?!"

Y/n asked as she started to sob Natsuya immediately sweat dropped as he started to comfort y/n and whispered sweet things into her ear. Y/n eventually stopped crying as she started to laugh nervously.

"S-Sorry guys pregnancy mood swings..!"

Everybody chuckled as they led y/n towards the cake. It had a baby carriage in the middle and was decorated with pink and blue question marks. Gou then smirked at Y/n as she sat at one of the tables with y/n.

"It feels so good to know what gender the baby is."

Gou told y/n teasingly making y/n pout a bit. Y/n gave Gou a paper a long time ago that the doctor wrote. It was the gender of the baby and of course Gou had to make a big baby shower for y/n. Gou went to grab Natsuya and sat him down next to y/n.

"Alright!! Who's ready to play some baby shower games..??!!"

Everybody immediately started to cheer as Gou pulled Makoto and Nagisa to help her grab some things. She came back with multiple baby bottles and placed them all on a table.

"Grab a bottle guys! Whoever finishes the drink first wins!"

Y/n immediately started to laugh as everyone rushed to grab a bottle along with Haru. Natsuya smirked at y/n as he shook the bottle a bit in front of y/n.

"Let's make a deal y/n..! If I win I get to name the baby."

Y/n's eyes widened as she started to smirk and chuckle a bit. She grabbed a bottle and clanked her bottle with his.

"You got yourself a deal but don't be a sore loser when I win though..!"

Y/n told Natsuya as they both smirked at each other Gou immediately started to count down until she finally yelled go. Natsuya immediately started to suck the nipple (HABAHA) of the bottle as he tried his best to get most of the drink out. Y/n took her time to drink her drink. She knew if she pushed herself it'll take a longer time. As time passed by the both of them slammed the bottle on the table at the exact same time. They looked at each other and pointed a finger at each other.

"You cheated..!!"

"You cheated..!!"

The both of them yelled as they started to push each other lightly making sure not to hurt the baby. The both of them ended up laughing in the end as they shook their head.

"I guess we'll have to come up with a name together huh?"

Gou immediately cut their conversation as she held up a balloon. She held out a needle as she smiled at the both of them.

"Time for the gender..!!"

Y/n's eyes immediately lit up as Natsuya grinned and grabbed the needle. Y/n held the balloon anxiously wanting to already find out the gender.

"3..!! 2..!! 1.!!! Go!!!"

Natsuya sticked the needle into the balloon making it pop and release pink dust. Y/n's and Natsuya's eyes widened as they stared at each other. They immediately started to scream as they hugged each other happily.

"We're having a baby girl..!!"

Natsuya yelled as he picked up y/n carefully and spun her around. The both of them laughed in happiness as they hugged each other. Gou then ran in and handed them another balloon. They started at her curiously as they grabbed the balloon.

"Baby number 2!!"

Y/n and Natsuya's eyes widened as they stared at each other shocked. Everyone started to laugh as Gou made Natsuya grab the balloon.

"Yup!! You guys are having twins, congrats!!"

Natsuya smiled at y/n as he held the balloon for her. She smiled back as she popped the balloon and blue dust released from the balloon. The both of them immediately started to cheer as they hugged each other again and kissed each other.

"Looks like the both of us can name a baby! I'll name the girl and you'll name the boy how does that sound?"

Natsuya asked y/n as he kissed her lips softly she smiled as she nodded and hugged Natsuya. Gou came running in making the both of them nervous that there was a third baby. Luckily there wasn't another balloon. It's not like they didn't want another kid but they wanted to wait for another little one in the future. Gou placed multiple presents on the floor making the couple shocked.

"That's a lot of presents..!!"

The both of them yelled as they sat down. Ikuya walked up as started to smirk as he set multiple presents on the table.

"You could thank the uncle. I went all out for my little niece and nephew."

Ikuya told y/n as he smirked. Y/n started to cry as she hugged Ikuya making him surprised and hug y/n back comforting her a bit. Everyone started to laugh at the scene in front of them. Y/n and Natsuya opened multiple presents together revealing cute clothes and toys for both of the babies. Along with a twin carriage for the babies. Y/n and Natsuya were shocked that they were going to have twins but they were grateful that they would have a big family. By the end of the day everyone had left the party now leaving only the both of them... or 4 of them you could say.

"I'm so happy we're have a little princess and a little prince."

Y/n chuckled as she nodded she grabbed Natsuya's hand and placed it in her tummy. Both of the babies were kicking which made Natsuya's eye lit up. It was the first time he's actually felt it. Y/n chuckled as she hugged Natsuya.

"I love you."

"I love you too Angel. I promise I'll protect our family and we'll have a beautiful future together."

Thank you for reading guys!! Aghhhh they're having twins!!!! Give me some baby names please! Love ya! ❤️

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